Molleja in english


pronunciation: gɪzɜrd part of speech: noun
In gestures

molleja1 = skin tag ; skin outgrowth. 

Example: Skin tags or acrochorda are usually benign, and they do not cause any discomfort unless they are quite large and get irritated frequently by jewelry or clothing.Example: Although benign, some people want to get rid of such skin outgrowths mainly for cosmetic reasons.

molleja2 = gizzard. 

Example: Giblets are the edible offal of a fowl, typically including the heart, gizzard, liver, and other visceral organs.

Molleja synonyms

ventriculus in spanish: ventrículo, pronunciation: ventrɪkjuləs part of speech: noun gastric mill in spanish: molino gastrico, pronunciation: gæstrɪkmɪl part of speech: noun
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