Molecular in english


pronunciation: məlekjəlɜr part of speech: adjective
In gestures

molecular = molecular. 

Example: This originated at Stanford University (USA) in 1965, and is still in use as an aid to finding plausible new molecular structures.


» biología molecularmolecular biology .

Example: More recently, we have seen the development of such subjects as molecular biology, which involves the merging, or 'fusion', of disciplines such as physics and biology which had previously been thought of as totally distinct = Más recientemente, hemos visto el desarrollo de materias como la biología molecular, que consiste en la fusión de disciplinas como la física y la biología que previamente se concebían como totalmente diferentes.

» espectrometría molecularmolecular spectrometry .

Example: The aim of this project is the application of sophisticated spectrometers for atomic and molecular spectrometry.

» estado molecularmolecular state .

Example: Entities may be physical, eg matter, or physical phenomena; chemical, eg molecular states, minerals; biological, ie living beings; or artefacts, ie manufactured items.

» estructura molecularmolecular structure .

Example: It is well recognized that the relationship between sequence, molecular structure and biochemical function is a complicated one in biomolecules.

» fórmula molecularmolecular formula .

Example: Glucose also has the trivial names grape-sugar and diabetic sugar, the more formal name dextrose, and the simple molecular formula C6H1206.

» genética molecularmolecular genetics .

Example: The flood of scholarly publications, stemming from the information explosion that has taken place in the field of molecular genetics, has been extensively indexed in MEDLINE.

» masa molecularmolecular mass .

Example: Mass spectrometry not only provides a specific molecular mass value, but it may also establish the molecular formula of an unknown compound.

» neurociencia celular y molecularmolecular and cellular neuroscience .

Example: Molecular and cellular neuroscience falls between neurochemistry and psychobiology.

» peso molecularmolecular weight .

Example: Polymers are higher molecular weight molecules composed of several to many smaller molecules or monomers.
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