Molde in english


pronunciation: moʊld part of speech: noun
In gestures

molde = mould [mold, -USA] ; cast ; casting. 

Example: Indeed, I would guess that we measure the success of our Schools by how well they train their students to fit the existing mold.Example: His sculptures were made by making casts of the cavities left in snow onto which the artist and a collaborator had urinated.Example: For the last 27 years he had worked as a fettler, a moderately heavy job consisting of trimming and lifting heavy metal castings in a foundry.


» fabricante de moldesdie-sinker .

Example: In the earliest days of printing one or two printers may have cut their own punches, but even then most punch-cutters appear to have been specialist engravers such as die-sinkers or goldsmiths.

» hacer del mismo moldecast in + the same mould as .

Example: The British Library Information Service is cast in the same mould as the Library of Congress Referral Service.

» hacer una plancha a partir de un moldecast + plate + from mould .

Example: Finally a second set of plates was cast from the original, full-page, moulds.

» hacer un moldecast in + mould .

Example: A separate type was then automatically cast in the mould, its width being determined by the position of the matrix in the grid.

» letra de moldeblock capital [Generalmente usado en plural]block letter [Generalmente usado en plural] .

Example: As computer technology improves, the appearance of the printed page, so often marred at present by the use of undifferentiated block capitals, will undoubtedly improve.

Example: Please fill out this form in block letters and send it back to us as soon as possible in order to benefit from pre-registration fees.

» molde de dos hojastwo-sheet mould [En la fabricación de papel, molde dividido por la mitad sobre el que se depositaba la pasta de papel para su secado y de este modo obtener dos hojas de papel] .

Example: Two-sheet moulds, which appear to have been a Dutch invention of the late seventeenth century, were constructed so that the two sheets were made either end to end or side by side.

» molde de escayolaplaster cast .

Example: Some of the exhibition's objects are plaster casts of such perishables as dying daffodil heads and hoof prints.

» molde de yesoplaster mould [plaster-mould] [En imprenta, molde usado para hacer planchas de impresión] .

Example: The overwhelming advantages of flong moulds were that they were both quicker to make and quicker to cast from than plaster moulds.

» molde para hacer gofreswaffle iron .

Example: Whisk ingredients together, pour into oiled waffle iron, and cook on medium heat until steam starts coming out of the sides.

» molde para pastelescake pan .

Example: Established in 1996, the company specialises in the manufacture of non-stick cookware, air beds, food mincers, coffee cups, cake pans, chicken roaster pans, etc.

» molde tipográficotype image [Juego de caracteres o tipos] .

Example: An edition is all those copies of an item produced from substantially the same type image, whether by direct contact or by photographic method.

» pan de moldesliced bread .

Example: Rohwedder, a jeweler by profession, was sure that sliced bread would be a success that would change the baking industry for the better.

» romper el moldebreak + the mould .

Example: Companies that are breaking the mould are moving beyond corporate social responsibility to social innovation.

» romper el molde tradicionalbreak out of + the traditional mould .

Example: This paper offers advice to help librarians break out of the traditional mould and plan effective programmes for young adults.

» romper moldesbreak + the mould .

Example: Companies that are breaking the mould are moving beyond corporate social responsibility to social innovation.

» sacar del mismo moldecast in + the same mould as .

Example: The British Library Information Service is cast in the same mould as the Library of Congress Referral Service.

» salirse del moldethink out(side) + (of) the box .

Example: Metrosexuals are an emerging breed of men who think outside the box of male stereotypes.

Molde synonyms

cast in spanish: emitir, pronunciation: kæst part of speech: verb, noun form in spanish: formar, pronunciation: fɔrm part of speech: noun, verb model in spanish: modelo, pronunciation: mɑdəl part of speech: noun forge in spanish: fragua, pronunciation: fɔrdʒ part of speech: verb, noun shape in spanish: forma, pronunciation: ʃeɪp part of speech: noun stamp in spanish: sello, pronunciation: stæmp part of speech: noun, verb mould in spanish: molde, pronunciation: moʊld part of speech: noun, verb molding in spanish: moldura, pronunciation: moʊldɪŋ part of speech: noun modeling in spanish: modelado, pronunciation: mɑdəlɪŋ part of speech: noun moulding in spanish: moldura, pronunciation: moʊldɪŋ part of speech: noun mildew in spanish: moho, pronunciation: mɪldu part of speech: noun clay sculpture in spanish: escultura de arcilla, pronunciation: kleɪskʌlptʃɜr part of speech: noun
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