Molar in english


pronunciation: moʊlɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

molar1 = molar ; back tooth ; cheek tooth ; molar tooth. 

Example: Dental caries and periodontal disease in children occur mainly in molars.Example: It's very important to spend extra time brushing the teeth near the salivary glands (the inside of the lower front teeth and the outside of the upper back teeth).Example: Cheek tooth extraction in horses is a procedure that has traditionally been associated with a high incidence of complications.Example: Dental problems with molar teeth generally take the form of an impacted tooth.


» diente molarmolar tooth .

Example: Dental problems with molar teeth generally take the form of an impacted tooth.

» primer molarsix-year molarprimary molar .

Example: Almost every school boy feels he has outgrown his infancy when his six-year molars erupt and that he is nearing manhood when his 12-year molars appear.

Example: Researchers have reported that from 1.3 to 14 percent of the population have experienced ankylosis of a primary molar.

» primer molar permanentefirst molar .

Example: So much so that my canines (or eye-teeth, they're the pointy ones) ended up growing over my incisors/first molars rather than between them.

» segundo molar12-year molar .

Example: Almost every school boy feels he has outgrown his infancy when his six-year molars erupt and that he is nearing manhood when his 12-year molars appear.

» tercer molarthird molar .

Example: In many cases people in their late teens will have had an orthopantomograph taken to establish the presence of third molar or wisdom teeth.

molar2 = be into. 

Example: As one librarian summarized, 'people are not into the stuffed looking, dingy, dust smelling type of libraries anymore ... they expect atmospheres more like coffeehouses or nice bookstores'.

molar3 = dig. 

Example: It's very hard work, but she digs it -- I guess if she didn't dig it, she couldn't do it.

Molar synonyms

grinder in spanish: amoladora, pronunciation: graɪndɜr part of speech: noun molal in spanish: molal, pronunciation: moʊləl part of speech: adjective
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