Mogollón in english


pronunciation: moʊgɑln part of speech: none
In gestures



» a mogollón(es)aplenty [a-plenty]galoreenough to sink a (battle)shipcoming out of + Posesivo + ears .

Example: The article 'CD-ROM licenses: pitfalls aplenty!' advises how to deal with the licenses which subscribers are required to sign on purchase of CD-ROM products for use in libraries = El artículo "Las licencias de CD-ROM: ¡dificultades a montón!" aconseja cómo negociar las licencias que los suscriptores tienen que firmar al comprar productos CD-ROM para uso en la biblioteca.

Example: There have been promises galore made to delegation after delegation of the film industry, but all the promises have been just promises, hollow and empty.

Example: The evening kicked off with drinks at the bar and enough food to sink a ship, so stomachs were lined for what lay ahead.

Example: But the American man and woman on the street -- the ones with two kids, a mortgage and bills coming out of their ears -- stand powerless as their jobs vanish.

» en mogollónin (their) droves .

Example: Industry sales eventually peaked in 1993, and the artificial bubble burst as disillusioned speculators left the comic book market in droves, never to return.

» meterse en todo el mogollónbe in the thick of it .

Example: I'm in the thick of it, as they say, and honestly have no idea how long this struggle will continue or how and when it will be resolved.

» mogollonesoodles .

Example: For me it's not just about her technical skill, of which Megan has oodles, but about her ability to connect with her clients.

» mogollones deoodles of .

Example: This way I do not litter my desk with oodles of photocopies and I can search for key words or phrases electronically within any scanned document.

» mogollones (de)oodles and oodles (of) .

Example: Almost immediately after the purchase, the media began to speculate about the 'oodles and oodles of money' that the company was already losing.

» un mogollón dezilliongazillionumpteen .

Example: The article is entitled 'Internet power searching: finding pearls in a zillion grains of sand'.

Example: Qatar should use its gazillions of petrodollars to finance peacemaking, not confrontation.

Example: The article is entitled 'Youth Opportunities and Umpteen Reasons for Not Leaving School'.
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