Modo in english


pronunciation: moʊd part of speech: noun
In gestures

modo = approach [approaches, -pl.] ; avenue ; guise ; means ; mode ; way ; manner ; fashion. 

Example: During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.Example: In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.Example: In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.Example: The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.Example: Various modes of operation are possible for such a journal, and the precise operation will depend upon the type of information being conveyed.Example: They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.Example: City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be.Example: It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.


» acabar de modo positivoend on + a positive noteleave on + a positive note .

Example: Finally, I would like to end on a positive note, and say that I am happy with pretty much all of the other changes you have implemented.

Example: Life is unpredictable and you cannot see the future so don't miss the chance to leave on a positive note.

» actuar de otro mododo + otherwise .

Example: The computer operates by indexing under every word with which it is provided unless expressly instructed to do otherwise.

» actuar de un modo despiadadoplay + hardball .

Example: Until progressives are willing to play hardball, we all better get used to being in the minority for the next few decades.

» actuar de un modo diferentestrike out on + a different path .

Example: By comparing it with its Parisian counterpart, shows how the British Library has struck out on a different path, using different design concepts, to achieve similar ends.

» actuar de un modo enérgicoturn on + the heat .

Example: The Government is turning on the heat in the fight against catching and selling fish fry.

» actuar de un modo implacableplay + hardball .

Example: Until progressives are willing to play hardball, we all better get used to being in the minority for the next few decades.

» actuar de un modo independientego it alone .

Example: This could come about not by each library going it alone, but by a national effort directed by a national library system.

» actuar de un modo intransigenteplay + hardball .

Example: Until progressives are willing to play hardball, we all better get used to being in the minority for the next few decades.

» adverbio de modoadverb of mode .

Example: This article examines the semantics of adverbs of mode such as 'probably' or 'certainly', 'apparently', and 'undoubtedly'.

» al actuar de este modoby so doingin so doingby doing so .

Example: By so doing the public library might well take upon itself a distinctive role in the community's pattern of communication.

Example: The next step is individual planning, which each library must do, and in so doing, it must provide the services that represent the goals of that library.

Example: By doing so, librarians find hot spots on the Web that contain information germane to a user's query.

» al modo dea la .

Example: To explain, I could only invoke rather mystical language like 'bibliographic purity' (somewhat a la Panizzi) to explain why she was not finding Aleichem under ALEICHEM, but rather under Rabinowitz.

» a mi modo de verin my books .

Example: In my books they did the right thing by bringing the problem up as early as they could, the failing was FIA's inability to act on this early enough to do something constructive about it.

» a modo deby way ofin the vein ofas a kind of .

Example: An annotation is a note added to the title and/or other bibliographic information concerning a document, by way of comment or explanation.

Example: During the nearly hour long interview the interviewing board and the candidate had roamed freely over an enormous range of topics, much of it in the vein of small-talk.

Example: In a way, it is acting as a kind of bridge between the two, permitting traffic both ways where once there was a divide.

» a modo de aclaraciónin parenthesison a sidenoteas an aside .

Example: Let us hope too, in parenthesis, that one error it is no longer necessary to extirpate is that a reference book is one that is not available for loan.

Example: On a sidenote, this book almost didn't happen when the author showed her editor her proposal.

Example: As an aside, if the analysis presented so far is correct, it has some interesting consequences.

» a modo de advertenciacautionaryprecautionary .

Example: This is a humourous and cautionary fictionalised account of a disastrous author visit to a public library to do a reading for children.

Example: The following guidelines are precautionary, but they'll prevent problems from happening down the line.

» a modo de comentarioas an aside .

Example: As an aside, if the analysis presented so far is correct, it has some interesting consequences.

» a modo de ejemploby way of illustration .

Example: The author discusses the use of puppets to complement storytelling sessions in libraries using a well-known fairy tale by way of illustration.

» a modo de explicaciónparenthetically .

Example: And may I say parenthetically that two publishers out of the enormous number that are so often touted as belonging to the CIP program are now printing their own homemade and superior cataloging in publication data.

» a modo de ilustraciónby way of illustration .

Example: The author discusses the use of puppets to complement storytelling sessions in libraries using a well-known fairy tale by way of illustration.

» a modo de incisoin passingby the way of (a) digressionen passant  .

Example: She also indicated in passing that in future authors would not automatically pass over the copyright of research results in papers to publishers.

Example: That, I may say by way of a digression, has never been my main objection to socialism.

Example: En passant some observations will be made about recent trends in the UK higher education system and how these have impacted on scholarship.

» a modo de paréntesisparenthetical .

Example: In a parenthetical remark he made, in terms of classification, he said -- and this is not an exact quote -- both the Library of Congress and Berkeley are considering closing their stacks.

» a modo de prólogoprefatory .

Example: Having made this prefatory warning, it has also to be said that many teachers successfully contrive to make reviewing an enjoyable and useful ingredient in their book and reading programs.

» a modo de resumenwrap-up .

Example: The workshop itself will serve as the wrap-up event for a project that has spent the last two years seeking to improve access to environmental information in the Balkan region.

» analizar de un modo imparcialtake + a cool look at .

Example: In recent years some of the more outspoken librarians have been taking a very cool look at their colleagues.

» andar de un modo pausadostroll + at a leisurely pace .

Example: When he reached the curb, he fell behind and began to stroll at a leisurely pace.

» aparecer de modo inesperadocome out of + the (clear) blue (sky)appear out of + the (clear) blue (sky) .

Example: This proposal appeared to come out of the clear blue sky, and has raised eyebrows in Taiwan and overseas.

Example: It could be legit, but money does not typically appear out of the clear blue sky.

» a + Posesivo + modoin + Posesivo + own wayin + Posesivo + own manner .

Example: Yet, in its own way, the press was taking the lead in putting pressure on the Community to adopt a more practical outlook, and by so doing kept the subject alive in the minds of the public.

Example: And for a while they were happy in their own manner; they had the confidence money affords.

» artículo a modo de réplicarebuttal article [Artículo que se escribe como réplica a los argumentos críticos expresados en otro] .

Example: I cannot evision a situation in which NIH would seek to suppress a rebuttal article.

» así como ... de igual modo ...just as ... so ... .

Example: But just as pidgin English is inadequate for the expression of fine shades of meaning, so a limited index vocabulary may not be able to do justice to the subjects encountered in documents or required by readers.

» avecinarse de un modo amenazadorloom + large on the horizon .

Example: Fiscal constraints looming large on the horizon for most libraries.

» buscar el modo deexplore + ways to/in whichexplore + ways and means of .

Example: Ways are explored in which public library children's librarians can help sighted children increase their understanding of persons with visual impairment.

Example: The author challenges librarians to explore ways and means of extending library facilities to the disadvantaged -- physically handicapped, blind, and deaf and dumb.

» como un modo deas a way of/to .

Example: Libraries depend on binding as a means of reducing the time and costs involved in replacing books, and as a way of preserving irreplaceable material.

» conducir de un modo inconsiderado para los demáshog + the road [Generalmente ocupando la carretera de tal modo que nadie puede adelantar] .

Example: Sometimes we cyclists are at fault for hogging the road, so we have to be really mindful about staying no more than two abreast.

» conocer de algún modoknow + on some grounds .

Example: Each test involves obtaining a cluster of about five documents known on some grounds to be related in subject matter, and retrieving their descriptors from at least two data bases.

» crecer de modo exuberantegrow + rampant .

Example: In gardens or landscapes poorly cared for, ivy grows rampant.

» de algún modoin any way [in anyway]somehowafter a fashionin some formsome wayin some way(s)in a wayin a fashion .

Example: Well, community information is just about that, helping those who are in anyway disadavantaged find the means to solve their daily problems and to find a better life.

Example: If there is one, the borrower must be notified, and the copy somehow put aside for that borrower for a limited amount of time.

Example: Koenig had a flat-platen machine working after a fashion in 1811, and a prototype cylinder machine in 1812 = Koenig ya en 1811 tenía una máquina de presión plana que más o menos funcionaba y un prototipo de máquina rotativa en 1812.

Example: They ask for humorous plays, for plays with certain historical settings or for plays which incorporate music and singing in some form.

Example: Somehow, some way, officials were getting early evacuees out of harm's way as Hurricane Gustav bore down on the central Louisiana coast.

Example: Since the fields are of different lengths in different records it is necessary that the beginning and end of fields be flagged in some way.

Example: And, in a way, they are right, because size matters.

Example: The Internet has changed the economic ground rules of scholarly publishing in a fashion comparable to the deregulation of the airline industry in the USA.

» de algún modo + Adjetivootherwise + Adjetivo .

Example: Ambiguous words, and terms whose meaning is otherwise unclear, should be avoided.

» de algún modo u otroof some sort .

Example: Not all paper was watermarked but most medium-quality paper, and nearly all the fine, had watermarks of some sort.

» de algún modo + Verbosort of + Verbokind of + Verbo .

Example: I was sort of appalled at Mr. Welsh's comments on the future of bibliographic services that the Library of Congress is willing to provide.

Example: In fact, she kind of fell apart that night at the part.

» decir Algo de un modo coléricoflame out .

Example: 'Didn't you learn anywhere along the line that a subordinate has an obligation to keep a supervisor informed about what's going on?' she flamed out indignantly.

» decir de un modo enfadadospit out .

Example: He stared coldly at her for a moment, then spat out: 'Bah! You're in charge'.

» decirlo de otro modoput it + in a different way .

Example: Other reports put it in a different way, saying that one out of every ten male children born today in China will never find a woman to marry.

» de cualquier modohowevereither wayanyhowin anyway .

Example: However, one important feature to note about such systems is that many of them do not in fact organise knowledge or retrieve information.

Example: This mission may exist in the mind of one or more persons or actually be written on paper; either way, this subjective sense of 'why' is universally in place.

Example: This is a small service for the bold and resolute would find a way of escape anyhow: the faint-hearted and hesitant are those who need to be enticed into a wider world, and they are very numerous.

Example: This is quite simply a session not to be missed if you are involved in education in anyway.

» de cualquier modo quehowsoever .

Example: Howsoever intelligent we may be, or wealthy, or experienced, we all make mistakes.

» de diferente mododifferently .

Example: Some concepts are described differently in different versions of one language.

» de ese modoin doing soin thisthereby .

Example: The task of a modern information system is to describe such unformatted data automatically and in doing so, to support the user in storing and especially in retrieving natural language documents.

Example: In this it helps the user to recognise the structure of the scheme and to identify general subjects and their associated subdivisions.

Example: To help eliminate false drops, and thereby improve precision, certain devices can be employed at the indexing stage.

» de este modoby so doingby this meansin so doingin this fashionin this mannertherebythis waythusthis way roundin this wayby doing soin these waysthis is howin doing sothusly .

Example: By so doing the public library might well take upon itself a distinctive role in the community's pattern of communication.

Example: By this means they both facilitate the searching for, and retrieval of, a document.

Example: The next step is individual planning, which each library must do, and in so doing, it must provide the services that represent the goals of that library.

Example: In fact, all he is doing by forming the exercise in this fashion is to teach a misuse, not to say a misunderstanding, of language.

Example: When paying fines in this manner, it is not possible to specify the order of payment of the fines.

Example: To help eliminate false drops, and thereby improve precision, certain devices can be employed at the indexing stage.

Example: This way the type of fund is immediately obvious from the list of funds.

Example: Truuskee Sanders, NBLC organiser for the Children's Panel, feels that the press attach too great importance to the books thus selected.

Example: On balance, it is more useful to have things this way round.

Example: In this way, the need for a strong central organization is reduced, though it still exists = De este modo, se reduce la necesidad de una organización central fuerte, aunque ésta aún siga existiendo.

Example: By doing so, librarians find hot spots on the Web that contain information germane to a user's query.

Example: Only in these ways can a bibliographic compiling agency hope to create a reasonably complete current bibliography.

Example: This is how the world ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper.

Example: The task of a modern information system is to describe such unformatted data automatically and in doing so, to support the user in storing and especially in retrieving natural language documents.

Example: In hell, the avaricious are divided into the hoarders and the wasters, and we find them thusly divided here in purgatory though sharing in the same purification .

» definir de un modo predeterminado e inamoviblehardwire [hard wire] [En informática, configuración que cualquier componente que una vez definido por el fabricante es muy difícil de cambiar] .

Example: Problems are caused because PC BIOS chips are hardwired to return to 4 Jan 80 when the year rolls over to zero.

» de igual modoalikeequallyin like fashionin like veinequivalently .

Example: We need, I believe, to dedicate ourselves, schools and professional institutions alike, to become more concerned with a research ethic that will permit us to address the critical issues of our profession.

Example: Porous Bavarian limestone was used as this absorbs grease and water equally.

Example: Since Michigan's pioneering move, two other schools have re-baptized themselves in like fashion.

Example: Other old crones added their ribaldries in like vein, amusing everyone but the young couple.

Example: In the development of hospital information systems it is difficult to describe data and activities simultaneously and equivalently.

» de igual modo quejust asalong the lines ofon the lines (of) .

Example: Just as Ivan finds that by taking pleasure in an extra piece of food he makes survival possible and beats Stalin and his jailors at heir own game.

Example: The author considers the possibility of a shift from libraries to personal information service along the lines of the shift that has occured from public to private transport.

Example: The way forward for public libraries might be for them to be run more on the lines of bookshops.

» de igual modo ... que ...just as well ... as ... .

Example: A scene itself can be just as well be looked over line by line by the photocell in this way as can a photograph of the scene.

» de igual modo quejust asalong the lines ofon the lines (of) .

Example: Just as Ivan finds that by taking pleasure in an extra piece of food he makes survival possible and beats Stalin and his jailors at heir own game.

Example: The author considers the possibility of a shift from libraries to personal information service along the lines of the shift that has occured from public to private transport.

Example: The way forward for public libraries might be for them to be run more on the lines of bookshops.

» del mejor modo posibleto the best of + Posesivo + abilityin the best possible way .

Example: It is the responsibility of the requesting library to verify, and where necessary complete the bibliographic details of the item requested to the best of its ability.

Example: If we could get running on all cylinders and really using all our talent in the best possible way that would be a great gain for the economy.

» del mismo modoexactlyin the same veinby the same token .

Example: With a limited number of exceptions the title proper is transcribed exactly as to order, wording and spelling.

Example: In the same vein, the relevant Government department should normally be in the best position to analyze the domestic effect of any Community document.

Example: By the same token, knowing the basics of microcomputer technology will help the librarian to appreciate why the computer does what it does with bibliographic records.

» del mismo modo queasin the form thatin the same way thatjust asin the same manner (as)along the linesafter the fashion ofsimilar toin common withjust like .

Example: This scheme aims for a more helpful order than the major schemes, by following the groupings of subjects as they are taught in schools.

Example: The edition statement is given if stated in the document, in the form that is given in the document.

Example: In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.

Example: Just as Ivan finds that by taking pleasure in an extra piece of food he makes survival possible and beats Stalin and his jailors at heir own game.

Example: Oversized nonbook materials are then treated in the same manner as oversized books, specialized materials in the same manner as reference books.

Example: In other words, general classification schemes are discipline-oriented if they are constructed along the lines indicated so far.

Example: Invented around 1850 by two Americans, the platen jobber worked after the fashion of a bivalve shell = Inventada alrededor de 1850 por dos norteamericanos, la máquina de presión plana funcionaba del mismo modo que un bivalvo.

Example: Similar to economic impact analysis, cost-benefit analysis provides a quantitative presentation of the returns to a community's library investment.

Example: In common with many other databases, MEDLARS (MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System) was primarily an offshoot from a printed indexing service.

Example: Just like wine connoisseurs there are beer connoisseurs too, and they're just as passionate!.

» del mismo modo (que)in the same way (as) .

Example: For instance, the SLA List recommends the choice of specific headings in the same way as Sears'.

» del mismo modo queasin the form thatin the same way thatjust asin the same manner (as)along the linesafter the fashion ofsimilar toin common withjust like .

Example: This scheme aims for a more helpful order than the major schemes, by following the groupings of subjects as they are taught in schools.

Example: The edition statement is given if stated in the document, in the form that is given in the document.

Example: In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.

Example: Just as Ivan finds that by taking pleasure in an extra piece of food he makes survival possible and beats Stalin and his jailors at heir own game.

Example: Oversized nonbook materials are then treated in the same manner as oversized books, specialized materials in the same manner as reference books.

Example: In other words, general classification schemes are discipline-oriented if they are constructed along the lines indicated so far.

Example: Invented around 1850 by two Americans, the platen jobber worked after the fashion of a bivalve shell = Inventada alrededor de 1850 por dos norteamericanos, la máquina de presión plana funcionaba del mismo modo que un bivalvo.

Example: Similar to economic impact analysis, cost-benefit analysis provides a quantitative presentation of the returns to a community's library investment.

Example: In common with many other databases, MEDLARS (MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System) was primarily an offshoot from a printed indexing service.

Example: Just like wine connoisseurs there are beer connoisseurs too, and they're just as passionate!.

» del modo más fácilthe easy way .

Example: The article is entitled 'The Windows Internet tour guide: cruising the Internet the easy way'.

» del modo más profundoin the most profound way(s) .

Example: I left the casual comforts of Los Angeles and embarked on an adventure that would alter the course of my life in the most profound ways.

» del otro modothe other way (a)round .

Example: In France and Germany it was usual to lay 4 formes on the press the other way round.

» de modo acumulativocumulatively .

Example: See how to create a formula that adds cumulatively and a formula that calculates the percent cumulative total.

» de modo + Adjetivoon a + Adjetivo + basis .

Example: To be effective this requires that users have access to terminals on a regular basis.

» de modo agravianteoffensively .

Example: He had affronted every man who had tried to make up to him, although not quite offensively enough to require bloodshed.

» de modo agresivoaggressively .

Example: An alphabetical arrangement was out of the question in so aggressively international an enterprise, and they turned their minds to systematic arrangement.

» de modo alarmantealarminglytroublingly .

Example: His pulse rate increased alarmingly.

Example: While drop out statistics are notoriously unreliable, few dispute that the high school drop out rate for Hispanics is troublingly high.

» de modo alternativoalternatively .

Example: These 2 axes are not antagonistic, but can be alternatively or complementarily exploited.

» de modo altivosuperciliouslyhaughtilycondescendinglypatronisingly [patronizingly, -USA] .

Example: Tiff smiled a little superciliously intimating that he had a plan all figured out already.

Example: The whole place pulsates with drama: an aristocratic extravagance with giant statues glowering haughtily from its domed roof.

Example: Watching these white male lawyers talk down so condescendingly to is painful.

Example: It was a while before it dawned on me that I was myself a migrant, displaying all the characteristics I so patronisingly observed in others.

» de modo apreciableto an appreciable extent .

Example: A problem which surfaced to an appreciable extent with the advent of the all-media catalog is the subject analysis of nonbook materials.

» de modo burlónmockinglyjokingly .

Example: Then he grinned and said mockingly, 'Hell of a place to spend the rest of your life, ain't it?'.

Example: Authorities say a central Florida man was arrested after jokingly trying to buy drugs at a Burger King drive-thru.

» de modo caóticochaoticallypell-mell .

Example: The brain appears to process information more chaotically than has long been assumed.

Example: After the torrential rains, streets had become canals, furniture was piled pell-mell outside homes, bridges were swept away, and highways were blocked by tree trunks and overturned trucks.

» de modo caprichosocapriciously .

Example: She seeks to recontextualize those events that history has estranged, destroyed or capriciously left by the wayside.

» de modo catastróficocatastrophically .

Example: Astronomers theorize that a black hole forms when a massive object shrinks catastrophically under its own gravity, leaving only a gravitational field so strong that nothing escapes it.

» de modo censurablereprehensibly .

Example: Other wrongdoers in public office have reprehensibly blamed the legal system or tampered with incriminating evidence.

» de modo clarotransparently .

Example: This is transparently part of the ideology of the title-unit-entry catalog where the book as such is the focus of the catalog.

» de modo comercialon a commercial basis .

Example: Computer bureaux are organisations which sell computer time and other computing and associated facilities, on a commercial basis.

» de modo competitivocompetitively .

Example: This framework is designed to provide a basis both for identifying differences between firms and for thinking through the implications and likely outcomes of intervention both operationally and competitively.

» de modo complementariocomplimentarily .

Example: These 2 axes are not antagonistic, but can be alternatively or complementarily exploited.

» de modo concienzudoconscientiously .

Example: Those who conscientiously attempt to keep abreast of current thought might well shy away from an examination calculated to show how much of the previous month's efforts could be produced on call.

» de modo conjunto conin partnership with .

Example: The staff work in partnership with parents to meet the needs of the children, both individually and as a group.

» de modo consensuadoconsensually .

Example: First, beliefs are established and maintained to the extent that they are consensually validated in interpersonal relationships.

» de modo considerableto a considerable extent .

Example: If the report is to a considerable extent in the words of the reporter then entry will be made under the heading for the reporter.

» de modo contundenteuncompromisingly .

Example: For the first time the stress was uncompromisingly vertical, while the italic was intended to be a mechanically sloped roman, quite unconnected with calligraphy.

» de modo convincentecogentlyunconvincingly .

Example: It is the ideology which was urged against Panizzi and was cogently disproved by him before the Royal Commission but whose seductive simplicity has always found friends to keep it alive.

Example: She argues - cleverly but unconvincingly - that environmental concerns can develop only out of economic comfort, & that curbing economic growth is not compatible with preserving the environment.

» de modo creativocreatively .

Example: Sensitisation (training to provide the emotional preparation for the new technology) and education (to help staff think creatively about the possibilities and implications of new technologies in their institution) are important components of the course.

» de modo decisivodecisively .

Example: It should be possible to beat the mind decisively in regard to permanence and clarity of the items resurrected from storage.

» de modo desastrosodisastrously .

Example: I love movies like that -- where slowly, gradually, bit by bit, all the characters realize that the villain was really disastrously mendacious and criminal.

» de modo desconcertantebewilderingly .

Example: These factors, when combined with the computer's ability to select only those items meeting a bewilderingly complex set of conditions, provide an access capability unimagined with the book or card catalogs of Mr Cutter.

» de modo deshonestoby dishonourable means .

Example: It was all the same to me whether I acquired it by honourable or dishonourable means as long as I lined my pockets.

» de modo desordenadopell-mell .

Example: After the torrential rains, streets had become canals, furniture was piled pell-mell outside homes, bridges were swept away, and highways were blocked by tree trunks and overturned trucks.

» de modo divertidofunnily .

Example: You should be a comedian, you look funny, you sound funny, you act funny, and your body even functions funnily.

» de modo divinodivinely .

Example: God divinely influenced the human authors of the Scriptures in such a way that what they wrote was the very Word of God.

» de modo egoístaselfishly .

Example: But we are not then acting quite so much out of blindness or inarticulateness; we are selfishly or fearfully or wilfully trying to short-circuit what we know underneath to be more nearly the true state of things.

» de modo ejemplarin (an) exemplary fashion .

Example: The Egyptian military has conducted itself in an exemplary fashion during the protests in Egypt.

» de modo elásticoelastically .

Example: It is clear from the these findings that non-metallic gaskets do not behave elastically.

» de modo ensordecedordeafeningly .

Example: Children like the two above waiting by a rubble skip, where the narrow streets for so long resounded deafeningly to the sound of war, are only just beginning to experience quiet.

» de modo erráticoerratically .

Example: This survey found that circulation increases erratically with size of population served and that circulation increases fairly consistently with collection size.

» de modo escépticoskeptically [También escrito sceptically]sceptically [También escrito skeptically] .

Example: Most people look at me skeptically when I tell them that drawing is a learnable skill, not some special gift you either got or didn't get when you were born.

Example: When I tell my Singaporean friends what a brilliant city they have, they tend to look back at me sceptically.

» de modo especulativospeculatively .

Example: The patterns I am seeking can all be classed, theoretically and speculatively, as expressions of utopic practice.

» de modo espontáneospontaneously .

Example: It is widely agreed that informal communication systems emerge spontaneously in organisations.

» de modo esporádicosporadically .

Example: Edition binding in leather was commonly used until the 1860s and sporadically thereafter.

» de modo estructuradoin a structured fashion .

Example: The economics journal system has not grown and developed in a structured fashion, which has resulted in overspill into report literature = El sistema de las revistas de economía no ha crecido y evolucionado de un modo estructurado, lo que ha dado como resultado una migración a las publicaciones de informes.

» de modo exquisitoexquisitely .

Example: The director goes where even the previous two movies feared to tread -- to an exquisitely off-beam imaginary world of arrested adolescence.

» de modo extrañoweirdly .

Example: Dan has been acting weirdly lately --. I think he's having yet another existential crisis.

» de modo fácilwith the tip of a hat .

Example: These people have absolutely no scruples, commiting genocide with the tip of a hat.

» de modo flagranteflagrantly .

Example: It's no coincidence that the most flagrantly dehumanizing rhetoric being belched out these days spews from the mouths of those who would likely identify themselves as humanitarians.

» de modo frustrantefrustratingly .

Example: Unfortunately, after such a long time of waiting, some women find themselves frustratingly unable to get pregnant right away.

» de modo fundamentalcritically .

Example: These men critically and lastingly influenced the growth of the library.

» de modo generalizadowith a broad brush .

Example: What's happened in America is people of color have been labeled with a broad brush, that they're more likely to be the bad guys.

» de modo graciosofunnily .

Example: You should be a comedian, you look funny, you sound funny, you act funny, and your body even functions funnily.

» de modo gratuitoon a complimentary basis .

Example: Mountain bikes are available on a complimentary basis for guests who wish to explore the scenic north coast of the island.

» de modo heurísticoheuristically .

Example: Feedback from on-line interactive searching plays an important role allowing the searcher to heuristically interrogate the system = La retroalimentación obtenida de las búsquedas interactivas en línea desempeña una función importante ya que permite al usuario consultar el sistema de un modo heurístico.

» de modo honestoby honourable means .

Example: It was all the same to me whether I acquired it by honourable or dishonourable means as long as I lined my pockets.

» de modo humorísticoin a humorous vein .

Example: Low was possibly the most celebrated political cartoonist of the 20th century, best remembered for the way he mercilessly ridiculed Hitler and Mussolini in a humorous vein.

» de modo imaginativoimaginatively .

Example: To describe discursively all that an imaginatively successful scene in fiction or drama or poem says, means and is would be futile.

» de modo imperdonableunforgivablyunpardonably .

Example: A paramedic who broke his baby son's arm in an 'unforgivably brutal and shocking' attack was jailed for three years today.

Example: They succeeded in convincing her that she would be utterly and unpardonably foolish if she were to turn their offer down.

» de modo improfanableinviolably .

Example: The individual right to keep and bear arms is inviolably guaranteed under the US constitution.

» de modo inalámbricowirelessly .

Example: The tiniest endoscope yet takes 30 two-megapixel images per second and offloads them wirelessly.

» de modo inconfundibleunmistakably .

Example: ISDS is an authority file, comprising 500,000 records which are unmistakably unique.

» de modo inconsolableinconsolably .

Example: If your baby is crying inconsolably for long periods of time and it gets worse from week to week, it is reasonable to ask whether something must be wrong.

» de modo incréduloskeptically [También escrito sceptically]sceptically [También escrito skeptically] .

Example: Most people look at me skeptically when I tell them that drawing is a learnable skill, not some special gift you either got or didn't get when you were born.

Example: When I tell my Singaporean friends what a brilliant city they have, they tend to look back at me sceptically.

» de modo indistintointerchangeably .

Example: We agree with Price that using the words 'citation' and 'reference' interchangeably is a deplorable waste of a good technical term.

» de modo individualon a case-by-case basis .

Example: However, it is our intention to incorporate some changes in new agreements and deal with other matters on a case-by-case basis.

» de modo inequívocounambiguously .

Example: When the reader is seeking a precisely defined item, which s/he can unambiguously name, s/he is provided with a location identifier by which to obtain the item.

» de modo inesperadolike a bolt out of the bluelike a bolt from the blue .

Example: The election results came like a bolt out of the blue, threatening his loss of power.

Example: A white bird in the distance was seen to dart down like a bolt from the blue and seize a flying fish in the air.

» de modo inexplicablemysteriously .

Example: It's scary enough when birds mysteriously die in flight and fall from the sky.

» de modo informalinformally .

Example: The term 'grey literature' refers to documents issued informally in limited amounts which are not available through normal publishing channels, a definition which includes many scientific and technical research reports.

» de modo ininterrumpidoin an unbroken line .

Example: The office of Governor General is the oldest institution in Canada's public life, going back in an unbroken line to Samuel de Champlain.

» de modo inquietantetroublingly .

Example: While drop out statistics are notoriously unreliable, few dispute that the high school drop out rate for Hispanics is troublingly high.

» de modo insinuantesuggestively .

Example: The women dance, stamping their feet, clapping and chanting while some of them gyrate their hips suggestively in the centre of the circle.

» de modo insólitoweirdly .

Example: Dan has been acting weirdly lately --. I think he's having yet another existential crisis.

» de modo intuitivointuitively .

Example: Although the legal profession intuitively knows the falsity of this assumption, researchers are still confident in implementing systems that use only the text of laws as their main source of knowledge.

» de modo inviolableinviolably .

Example: The individual right to keep and bear arms is inviolably guaranteed under the US constitution.

» de modo irracionalirrationally .

Example: Mass madness is group hysteria where a large group has an uncontrollable outburst of emotions or fear, usually irrationally.

» de modo irregularerratically .

Example: This survey found that circulation increases erratically with size of population served and that circulation increases fairly consistently with collection size.

» de modo irritanteannoyingly .

Example: Rehyping old stuff as if it were new is not only annoyingly deceptive but doesn't sell any books to suspicious customers.

» de modo melodiosomelodiously .

Example: Though his melodiously accented speech pattern has led many to assume that he is British, the actor was actually born in New Mexico.

» de modo misteriosomysteriously .

Example: It's scary enough when birds mysteriously die in flight and fall from the sky.

» de modo ofensivooffensively .

Example: He had affronted every man who had tried to make up to him, although not quite offensively enough to require bloodshed.

» de modo ordenadoin an orderly fashion .

Example: In an orderly fashion and much to my disbelief, the officers calmly disembarked the plane.

» de modo perdonableforgivablyremissiblypardonably .

Example: Nice concept, shaky execution -- that about sums up the mixed blessings of his intelligent but forgivably flawed debut as a director.

Example: While they rightly emphasized divine sovereignty, they remissibly ignored human responsibility.

Example: In retrospect, the risk of war in October 1962 seems to me to have been exaggerated -- pardonably at the time and less pardonably in historical recapitulation.

» de modo pesimistagloomily .

Example: He began by gloomily reflecting that 'the only version of national pride encouraged by American popular culture is a smipleminded militaristic chauvinism'.

» de modo pintorescopicturesquely .

Example: Rumanian is picturesquely described either as a barbarized Latin or as a Latinized barbarian tongue.

» de modo poco convenienteinconveniently .

Example: One approach is simply to make sufficiently large images, but unfortunately these images can become inconveniently (or impractically) large.

» de modo poco imaginativounimaginatively .

Example: He is competent in a quiet, effective way, and the library seems to be well, if unimaginatively, run.

» de modo poco prácticoimpractically .

Example: One approach is simply to make sufficiently large images, but unfortunately these images can become inconveniently (or impractically) large.

» de modo positivoin a positive mannerin a positive light .

Example: An effective marketing campaign will shape your customers image of your company in a positive manner.

Example: The author regards the gift in a positive light, describing the uses to which the books have been put in one particular school in Wales.

» de modo preocupantetroublingly .

Example: While drop out statistics are notoriously unreliable, few dispute that the high school drop out rate for Hispanics is troublingly high.

» de modo preventivo = <

Modo synonyms

way in spanish: camino, pronunciation: weɪ part of speech: noun style in spanish: estilo, pronunciation: staɪl part of speech: noun fashion in spanish: Moda, pronunciation: fæʃən part of speech: noun mood in spanish: estado animico, pronunciation: mud part of speech: noun modality in spanish: modalidad, pronunciation: mədæləti part of speech: noun manner in spanish: manera, pronunciation: mænɜr part of speech: noun musical mode in spanish: modo musical, pronunciation: mjuzɪkəlmoʊd part of speech: noun
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