Modificar in english


pronunciation: mɑdəfaɪ part of speech: verb
In gestures

modificar = adjust ; alter ; change ; edit ; modify ; doctor ; redraw [re-draw] ; repackage [re-package] ; fine tune [fine-tune] ; repack ; redact. 

Example: The brightness can be adjusted by turning the two knobs at the lower right of the screen.Example: Even the same collection some years on will have altered, and the device, in order to remain effective, must evolve in keeping with the development of the collection.Example: A scheme should permit changes in terminology as subjects change their names.Example: During the construction of a thesaurus, the computer can be enlisted to sort, merge, edit and compare terms.Example: This revised chapter modified the code in keeping with the recently agreed ISBD(M), and proposed a slightly different description for monographs.Example: The purpose of the present paper is to determine the effect of doctoring AACR2 in this manner.Example: the Internet has fundamentally redrawn the way in which people can organize themselves.Example: The objective of the second phase is to synthesise, repackage and disseminate findings for various audiences.Example: These statistics have been used to fine tune the system and improve response time = These statistics have been used to fine tune the system and improve response time.Example: The problem posed by the increasing number of documents may be solved by repacking them photographically into smaller categories.Example: Also, the movie has been redacted by the producer -- it ends with a horrifying montage of real photos of dead and wounded Iraqis.


» modificar el precioreprice  .

Example: Local authorities are studying methods of repricing utility services.

» modificar las notas al alzacurve + grades [En un contexto educativo, práctica de subir las notas de toda la clase haciendo que la nota mejor se convierta en la nota máxima posible de la asignatura] .

Example: Not all professors are willing to curve grades for a class, but over the course of your studies you're bound to encounter one or two classes where you will have a curved grade.

» modificar un registroamend + a record [Introducir modificaciones en un registro] .

Example: It is possible, in many network systems, to enter a centralized database online, to call up a record, to amend that record to suit the individual library's requirement and then to add the amended record to the library's master file.

» modificar y adaptarrepackage [re-package]  ; repack  .

Example: The objective of the second phase is to synthesise, repackage and disseminate findings for various audiences.

Example: The problem posed by the increasing number of documents may be solved by repacking them photographically into smaller categories.

» sin modificarunmodifiedunalteredunedited .

Example: The terms in the source will already be in a standard form ready for lifting wholesale and unmodified into a thesaurus.

Example: The unaltered message remains in your list of messages unless you request that the changed message be saved.

Example: This bank of data represented a valuable source of unedited views about users' perceptions, thoughts and attitudes about libraries and electronic resources.

Modificar synonyms

qualify in spanish: calificar, pronunciation: kwɑləfaɪ part of speech: verb
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