Modesto in english


pronunciation: mɑdəst part of speech: adjective
In gestures

modesto = modest ; self-effacing ; unpretentious ; unassuming ; self-deprecating ; demure ; understated ; unambitious. 

Example: No attempt is made to provide any detailed familiarity with the entire range of operators; that would be too ambitious an aim for this modest account.Example: Self-effacing nervousness causes the epiglottis to tighten, strangling the words in the throat and stiffening the diaphragm so that it is like pulled-out elastic unable to propel anything.Example: There is a need for unpretentious, informative manuals which help readers to play bowls, arrange flowers, decorate the house, and the like.Example: The term 'librarian' may confer the impression of being a quiet, respectable and unassuming person and consequently be useful on insurance forms, passports and rental agreements.Example: He reinforces the self-deprecating and cliched concept that in order to be a writer, 'one must cultivate incompetence at almost every other form of profitable work'.Example: I am really liking buttoned-up, very prim, demure-to-the-point-of-invisibility dresses lately.Example: Whatever its look is, understated or overboard, a crystal chandelier doesn't blend in with all kinds of rooms.Example: The proposed building is an uninspired, unambitious design, out of keeping with the surrounding developments in the city.


» de tamaño modestomodestly-sized .

Example: By using arches, vaults, and domes, the Romans could enclose large areas with modestly-sized stones cut carefully to shape.

» en + Posesivo + modesta opiniónin + Posesivo + humble opinion .

Example: We were 'in his humble opinion' improperly attired to dine in such an illustrious establishment.

» IMHO (In Mi Humilde/Modesta/Honesta Opinión)IMHO (In My Humble/Honest Opinion) [En Internet, siglas que se utilizan en los mensajes electrónicos para indicar que el escritor sólo expresa su opinión y que puede haber quien no opine lo mismo] .

Example: IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) is a shorthand appended to a comment written in an online forum to indicate that the writer is aware that they are expressing a debatable view.

» juicio modestounderstatement .

Example: Perhaps it is an understatement to say that it is easy to reach consensus on the basic elements to be included in the evaluation form.

» ser modestohide + Posesivo + light under a bushel .

Example: Throughout his career, as indeed his life, he has shunned the public eye and as Phillip Adams said 'he has been inclined to hide his light under a bushel'.

Modesto synonyms

discreet in spanish: discreto, pronunciation: dɪskrit part of speech: adjective humble in spanish: humilde, pronunciation: hʌmbəl part of speech: adjective low in spanish: bajo, pronunciation: loʊ part of speech: adjective plain in spanish: llanura, pronunciation: pleɪn part of speech: adjective, noun simple in spanish: sencillo, pronunciation: sɪmpəl part of speech: adjective coy in spanish: tímido, pronunciation: kɔɪ part of speech: adjective decent in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: disənt part of speech: adjective demure in spanish: recatado, pronunciation: dɪmjʊr part of speech: adjective minor in spanish: menor, pronunciation: maɪnɜr part of speech: adjective, noun meek in spanish: manso, pronunciation: mik part of speech: adjective small in spanish: pequeña, pronunciation: smɔl part of speech: adjective moderate in spanish: moderar, pronunciation: mɑdɜrət part of speech: adjective inferior in spanish: inferior, pronunciation: ɪnfɪriɜr part of speech: adjective limited in spanish: limitado, pronunciation: lɪmətəd part of speech: adjective mild in spanish: templado, pronunciation: maɪld part of speech: adjective lowly in spanish: humilde, pronunciation: loʊli part of speech: adjective unassuming in spanish: modesto, pronunciation: ənəsumɪŋ part of speech: adjective restrained in spanish: refrenado, pronunciation: ristreɪnd part of speech: adjective unpretentious in spanish: no pretencioso, pronunciation: ənpritenʃəs part of speech: adjective retiring in spanish: saliente, pronunciation: rɪtaɪrɪŋ part of speech: adjective shamefaced in spanish: avergonzado, pronunciation: ʃeɪmfeɪst part of speech: adjective small-scale in spanish: en pequeña escala, pronunciation: smɔlskeɪl part of speech: adjective unostentatious in spanish: sin ostentación, pronunciation: ənɔstənteɪʃəs part of speech: adjective overmodest in spanish: excesivo, pronunciation: oʊvɜrmoʊdəst part of speech: adjective
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