Modestia in english


pronunciation: mɑdəsti part of speech: noun
In gestures

modestia = modesty ; humbleness. 

Example: In recent years, numerous analytic philosophers have tried to describe what modesty is and why modesty is a virtue = In recent years, numerous analytic philosophers have tried to describe what modesty is and why modesty is a virtue.Example: Unworthiness can mask itself as humbleness.


» falsa modestiafalse modesty .

Example: False modesty is only one of a series of feigned behaviours.

» falta de modestiaimmodesty .

Example: Garfield shows no basis for his immodesty and self-opinionated progress through life.

Modestia synonyms

reserve in spanish: reserva, pronunciation: rɪzɜrv part of speech: noun
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