Moderno in english


pronunciation: mɑdɜrn part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

moderno = contemporary ; modern ; modern day ; progressive ; developed ; updated [up-dated] ; hip ; funky ; hipped ; trendy ; edgy . 

Example: The fruits of Mr. Kilgour's labors and creations have substantially altered the texture of contemporary America library service = The fruits of Mr. Kilgour's labors and creations have substantially altered the texture of contemporary America library service.Example: Kilgour is considered by may to be the father of modern networking.Example: In practice modern day catalogue codes are concerned primarily with description and author headings.Example: These young professionals are committed to making Junctionville a dynamic and progressive place to live.Example: Developed libraries can quote a whole series of discrete services built up over the recent past, which somehow need to be integrated.Example: Libraries can obtain updated cataloguing through special customised services, but at prohibitively high cost.Example: Digerati is the digital version of literati and refers to a vague cloud of people seen to be knowledgeable, hip, or otherwise in-the-know in regards to the digital revolution.Example: The scarf can be knit with pockets at the end to keep their hands toasty or trimmed with bobbles for a funky look.Example: The dancers were using blue feather fans and they made moves that looked spectactular and the choreography was very hipped and daring.Example: The author investigates the things which young adults consider to be important, and discusses this in relation to what may be considered tasteful, and what merely trendy in young adults' books.Example: The defining quality of people who are truly 'edgy' is that they are risk-takers, people who defy the norm and are capable of breaking any mold they're boxed into.


» arte modernomodern art .

Example: Much modern art has nondistinctive titles like Mood Number Four, Picture Number Eight, Untitled, which makes title entry really ludicrous.

» dotado de tecnología modernamodern-equipped .

Example: Online data bases has gained momentum in high-tech organisations because of the proliferation of cheap modern-equipped personal computer workstations.

» era moderna, lamodern era, the .

Example: The postcard collection consists of 292 postcards from the turn of the century to the modern era.

» fuera de onda con los tiempos modernosout of keeping with the timesout of tune with the times .

Example: The EU ban on arms sales to China is political discrimination against China and out of keeping with the times.

Example: Political parties who want lower tax no longer seem out of tune with the times.

» mundo modernomodernised worldmodern world .

Example: Modernity & vendetta are contradictory social phenomena, & yet globalization brings to light the existence of blood feud in a modernized world.

Example: The necessity for the public library to keep pace with developments in the modern world is emphasised.

» música modernabeat music .

Example: Librarians defend the loan of beat music to young people, but stress the need for availability of all genres.

» muy modernotrendy [trendier -comp., trendiest -sup.]  .

Example: The author investigates the things which young adults consider to be important, and discusses this in relation to what may be considered tasteful, and what merely trendy in young adults' books.

» sociedad modernamodern society .

Example: Children in modern society are faced with a ceaseless stream of new ideas, and responsibility for their upbringing has generally moved from parents to childminders and teachers.

» tiempos modernosmodern times .

Example: In modern times people live under the tyranny of mechanically measured time -- the dictatorship of the clock.

» vida moderna, lamodern life .

Example: Modern life 'enthrones reason over impulse'.

» vorágine de la vida moderna, larat race, the .

Example: The rat race grips the majority of Americans - it's an endless cycle of work, debt, and consumption with very little time for doing what we love to do = La mayoría de los americanos estamos atrapados en la vorágine de la vida moderna, en el círculo interminable del trabajo, la deuda y el consumo y con muy poco tiempo para hacer lo que realmente nos entusiasma .

Moderno synonyms

contemporary in spanish: contemporáneo, pronunciation: kəntempɜreri part of speech: adjective, noun new in spanish: nuevo, pronunciation: nu part of speech: adjective last in spanish: último, pronunciation: læst part of speech: adjective late in spanish: tarde, pronunciation: leɪt part of speech: adjective, adverb innovative in spanish: innovador, pronunciation: ɪnəveɪtɪv part of speech: adjective progressive in spanish: progresivo, pronunciation: prəgresɪv part of speech: adjective neo in spanish: neo, pronunciation: nioʊ part of speech: adjective advanced in spanish: avanzado, pronunciation: ədvænst part of speech: adjective mod in spanish: mod, pronunciation: mɔd part of speech: noun recent in spanish: reciente, pronunciation: risənt part of speech: adjective up-to-date in spanish: A hoy, pronunciation: ʌptoʊdeɪt part of speech: adjective fashionable in spanish: de moda, pronunciation: fæʃənəbəl part of speech: adjective stylish in spanish: elegante, pronunciation: staɪlɪʃ part of speech: adjective latest in spanish: último, pronunciation: leɪtəst part of speech: adjective state-of-the-art in spanish: lo último, pronunciation: steɪtəvðɪɑrt part of speech: adjective newest in spanish: el más nuevo, pronunciation: nuəst part of speech: adjective forward-looking in spanish: Mirando hacia adelante, pronunciation: fɔrwɜrdlʊkɪŋ part of speech: adjective moderne in spanish: moderno, pronunciation: moʊdern part of speech: adjective bodoni in spanish: bodoni, pronunciation: boʊdoʊni part of speech: noun ultramodern in spanish: ultramoderno, pronunciation: əltrəmɑdɜrn part of speech: adjective modern font in spanish: fuente moderna, pronunciation: mɑdɜrnfɑnt part of speech: noun modernistic in spanish: modernista, pronunciation: mɑdɜrnɪstɪk part of speech: adjective modernized in spanish: modernizado, pronunciation: mɑdɜrnaɪzd part of speech: adjective bodoni font in spanish: fuente bodoni, pronunciation: boʊdoʊnifɑnt part of speech: noun nonclassical in spanish: no clasico, pronunciation: nɑnklæsɪkəl part of speech: adjective
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