Modernización in english


pronunciation: mɑdɜrnəzeɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

modernización = upgrading ; modernisation [modernization, -USA] ; revamp ; revamping ; upgradation. 

Example: There is no perfect library computer system and upgrading is a necessary continuous process.Example: Despite cuts many research libraries are engaged in modernisation of services.Example: The new version of search software amounts to a complete revamp rather than just an incremental upgrade.Example: This is part of the company's revamping of its Web service aiming to bring users many benefits.Example: According to him, tea as a category has lacked innovation and upgradation in recent years and hence has a very fuddy-duddy image = According to him, tea as a category has lacked innovation and upgradation in recent years and hence has a very fuddy-duddy image.

Modernización synonyms

modernisation in spanish: modernización, pronunciation: mɑdɜrnɪseɪʃən part of speech: noun modernizing in spanish: modernizar, pronunciation: mɑdɜrnaɪzɪŋ part of speech: verb
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