Modernismo in english


pronunciation: mɑdɜrnɪzəm part of speech: noun
In gestures

modernismo = modernism. 

Example: The author argues that in its willingness to televise masses the Church is falling into a dangerous trap of modernism.


» postmodernismopostmodernism [post-modernism] .

Example: The six sets are labelled: dogma, naturalism, cultural relativity, constructivism, postmodernism, and communitarianism.

Modernismo synonyms

modernity in spanish: modernidad, pronunciation: mɑdɜrnəti part of speech: noun contemporaneity in spanish: tiempo contemporáneo, pronunciation: kəntempɜræniti part of speech: noun modernness in spanish: modernidad, pronunciation: mɑdɜrnəs part of speech: noun contemporaneousness in spanish: contemporaneidad, pronunciation: kəntempɜreɪnius part of speech: noun
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