Moderación in english


pronunciation: mɑdɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

moderación = reasonableness ; temperance ; restraint ; forbearance ; moderation. 

Example: During the parliamentary debates he pointed out the advantages to the public that would accrue from such havens of quiet and reasonableness as the library.Example: Cutter instructs that 'of two subjects exactly opposite choose one and refer from the other, e.g. 'Temperance and Intemperance', 'Intemperance' See 'Temperance and Intemperance''.Example: Librarians and borrowers are urged to use the system with restraint.Example: This constituted the FCC's Forbearance Doctrine the aim of which was to encourage competition within the industry.Example: While the tax-supported 'free' public library is subject to a full spectrum of political and social pressures, it can provide balance and moderation.


» con moderaciónsparinglyin moderation .

Example: Traditionally analytical entries have been used, though sparingly, for this purpose; and very useful such analyticals might prove to the user of the catalogue.

Example: Alcohol in moderation is effective in reducing stress and may increase overall affective expression, happiness, euphoria, conviviality, & carefree feelings.

» consumir con moderaciónconsume + Nombre + in moderation .

Example: The sourness of sorrel is due to oxalic acid, which can be toxic in large quantities, so the plant should be consumed in moderation.

» falta de moderaciónintemperance .

Example: And so, the public library was conceived as a deterrent to irresponsibility, intemperance, and rampant democracy.

» todo con moderacióneverything in moderation .

Example: Can we really say everything in moderation is an acceptable motto when it comes to our health?.

Moderación synonyms

relief in spanish: alivio, pronunciation: rɪlif part of speech: noun temperance in spanish: templanza, pronunciation: tempɜrəns part of speech: noun easing in spanish: facilitando, pronunciation: izɪŋ part of speech: noun moderateness in spanish: moderación, pronunciation: mɑdɜrətnəs part of speech: noun
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