Modelo in english


pronunciation: mɑdəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

modelar = model. 

Example: Other users are likely to model their thesauri on the ROOT thesaurus and to extract terms from it for more applications-oriented lists.


» arcilla de modelarplay doughmodelling doughmodelling clay .

Example: The respondents rated television viewing as a less attractive activity than playing outside or playing with play dough, but few preferred story reading.

Example: Also included are directions for structuring playground activities and making various types of modelling dough.

Example: These abilities are taught through the use of modeling clay, toy cars, tracing, and games such as Simon Says.

modelo = mock-up ; model ; pattern ; specimen ; template ; paragon ; setter ; standard setter ; style sheet ; beacon ; exemplary ; benchmark ; benchmark ; paradigm. 

Example: A mock-up is a representation of a device or process that may be modified for training or analysis to emphasize a particular part or function; it usually has movable parts that can be manipulated.Example: However, in Pratt's complex model, the receiver may be set apart in time and space from the sender = However, in Pratt's complex model, the receiver may be set apart in time and space from the sender.Example: In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.Example: An object is a tree-dimensional artefact (or replica of an artefact) or a specimen of a naturally occurring entity.Example: The <F5> Original Input function provides an empty MARC record template for the creation of an original record.Example: Endowed with the gift of being able to both listen and question, this paragon always is ready to meet the public without losing balance or a sense of humor.Example: Accordingly, the role of librarian as pointer and setter must be tagged as obsolete = Accordingly, the role of librarian as pointer and setter must be tagged as obsolete.Example: Some producers of media materials are emerging as familiar and reliable names -- market leaders and standard setters -- with products as well known as those of the major book publishers = Some producers of media materials are emerging as familiar and reliable names -- market leaders and standard setters -- with products as well known as those of the major book publishers.Example: A style sheet is essentially a template that can be used to create a consistent appearance across documents.Example: The British Library has recently been described as a 'beacon of excellence'.Example: PRECIS provides an exemplary illustration of the association and common ground between alphabetical indexing and classification.Example: Existing wireline networks, with their ubiquity, seamless operations, and ease of use, have provided clear benchmarks for satisfying customers' basic personal communications needs.Example: Benchmarks are the times taken to carry out a set of standard operations and they are comparable to the government fuel consumption figures for cars.Example: In semiotics these are defined as the concepts of paradigm (choices of elements) and syntagm (options in constructing a whole) = In semiotics these are defined as the concepts of paradigm (choices of elements) and syntagm (options in constructing a whole).


» adoptar un modeloembrace + a model .

Example: The author presents a view of portal sites as a radically different model from those currently embraced by traditional information companies.

» agencia de modelosmodelling agency .

Example: Clumsy, clever, bullied Harriet is discovered by a modeling agency, and jumps at the chance to go from geek to chic.

» carta modelomodel letter .

Example: These model letters are not only for business correspondence, but also cover different topics such as invitations, sympathy, and congratulations to friends.

» ciudadano modelomodel citizenexemplary citizen .

Example: The main character in the film is a model citizen who sees his wife and daughter are brutally murdered during a raid on his house.

Example: He was an exemplary citizen before the accident but afterwards became a completely different person -- impatient, rude and prone to outbursts of anger and rage.

» confeccionar utilizando un modelomodel .

Example: Other users are likely to model their thesauri on the ROOT thesaurus and to extract terms from it for more applications-oriented lists.

» conjunto de modelosmodel base [Conjunto de modelos usados como base] .

Example: We use three models in order to illustrate a number of decisions that are necessary when designing a DSS model base.

» creación de modelosmodelling [modeling, -USA] .

Example: Several differing scientific approaches to mathematical modelling of information processes and systems are described.

» desfile de modelosdesigner ramp showfashion showcatwalk show .

Example: IFVL has over 900 titles in the collection, which include a variety of categories including historic fashion/culture footage from the 50s, designer 'ramp' shows, and interviews with the industry's leaders.

Example: The author discusses the image of the US projected by the American Pavilion through its fashion shows, home furnishings and kitchen appliances exhibits and food.

Example: This is an ironical allusion to 1950s and 1960s catwalk shows.

» ejemplos modelolessons learned [lessons learnt] .

Example: Many of the lessons learned from these systems should carry over to other fields of scholarly publication.

» el registro modelorecord-of-record .

Example: The record-of-record was still the three by five card created more economically, but, nonetheless, filed in an offline, manual catalog.

» ficha modeloform .

Example: If this is not available, a record can be created on a form online.

» método basado en modelosmodelling approach [modeling approach, -USA] .

Example: The author aims to formalise this modelling approach and its semantics, to understand the theoretical and practical issues that it raises, and addresses some of them.

» modelo a escalascale model .

Example: Wind tunnel tests of scale-model humpback whale flippers have revealed that the pachyderm's flipper is a more efficient wing design than is currently used by the aeronautics industry on aeroplanes.

» modelo a imitarrole modellingrole model .

Example: When adults are nonreaders, the role modeling for the enjoyment of reading as an intellectual and recreational activity is missing.

Example: In either case, library managers should recognise their own part in being role models for reference staffs.

» modelo a seguirrole model .

Example: In either case, library managers should recognise their own part in being role models for reference staffs.

» modelo comercialbusiness model .

Example: But now record labels have been decimated by the digital shift, and are rethinking their entire business model to survive.

» modelo de análisis de costescost model .

Example: The study also aimed to draw up a cost model for comparing the costs of the preferred methods of preservation for each category of digital resource.

» modelo de citacióncitation behaviour [En bibliometría, todo lo referido a la forma y principalmente el contenido de las citas hechas por los autores] .

Example: Data derived from studies of Philippine scientists and Korean mathematicians do suggest that place of publication may exert some influence on citation behaviour.

» modelo de distribución probabilísticaprobability distribution model .

Example: This article proposes a probability distribution model for information retrieval.

» modelo de funcionamientobusiness model .

Example: But now record labels have been decimated by the digital shift, and are rethinking their entire business model to survive.

» modelo de lógica difusafuzzy model .

Example: The results show that the fuzzy model is sometimes a better predictor than the probabilistic model.

» modelo de organizaciónorganisational scheme .

Example: For the new reference librarian, there are distinct advantages and disadvantages to be found in the various organizational schemes depicted in the following three charts.

» modelo de predicciónprediction model .

Example: A prediction model for bibliographic search for monographs using multiple regression technique was built.

» modelo de recuperación de información por coincidencia óptimabest match model [En la búsqueda de información, técnica consistente en ojear los materiales impresos situados en un área (física o del conocimiento) donde con anterioridad se ha encontrado material de interés] .

Example: INSTRUCT is a text retrieval program which makes extensive use of the best match model of document retrieval, rather than the Boolean model which underlies the great majority of current text retrieval systems.

» modelo de referenciareference model .

Example: The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model provides a framework in which a series of communications protocols can be developed for computer-to-computer networking.

» modelo de testtest design .

Example: Too many unanswered questions remain to allow a reasonable test design.

» modelo de toplesstopless model .

Example: The Prime Minister went bright red when confronted over the long massages he was said to be receiving from a former topless model.

» modelo de trabajoworking model [Prototipo de un proyecto que realmente funciona]business model .

Example: It is hoped that this working model can then be be used to explore the use of expert systems to simplify the information retrieval process in other subject areas.

Example: But now record labels have been decimated by the digital shift, and are rethinking their entire business model to survive.

» modelo económicoeconomic model .

Example: Brazil has finally embraced modern capitalism and broken decisively with a sclerotic old economic model.

» modelo ejemplarexemplarexemplary modelexemplary model .

Example: Nationalists tended to depict women as embodying the eternal virtues of self-sacrifice and loyalty and to elevate them as national exemplars.

Example: These novels may serve as exemplary models for the application of information skills to problem solving.

Example: These novels may serve as exemplary models for the application of information skills to problem solving.

» modelo empresarialbusiness model .

Example: But now record labels have been decimated by the digital shift, and are rethinking their entire business model to survive.

» modelo en su claseshowpiecepiece of resistance .

Example: Every garden also needs a showpiece flower, easy to grow but fabulous and exotic in the vase.

Example: On the other hand, the greatest eye-catcher and the piece of resistance of this incredible home is the wood and iron grand staircase.

» modelo en su géneroshowpiecepiece of resistance .

Example: Every garden also needs a showpiece flower, easy to grow but fabulous and exotic in the vase.

Example: On the other hand, the greatest eye-catcher and the piece of resistance of this incredible home is the wood and iron grand staircase.

» modelo estocásticostochastic model .

Example: They give a overview of stochastic models of evolution that have found applications in genetics, ecology and linguistics .

» modelo informáticocomputer model .

Example: Over the years, a number of computer models have been developed by Sugar for use in sugar factory design.

» modelo matemáticomathematical model .

Example: Mathematical models are presented that describe the diffusion of gaseous pollutants from the air in a storeroom into protective containers and the reaction with the documents lying in them.

» modelo organizativoorganisational model .

Example: Several different types of organisational model appear when examining the structures of library associations.

» modelo por ordenadorcomputer model .

Example: Over the years, a number of computer models have been developed by Sugar for use in sugar factory design.

» modelo probabilísticoprobabilistic model [En estadística, probabilidad de que un suceso ocurra] .

Example: The results show that the fuzzy model is sometimes a better predictor than the probabilistic model.

» modelosmodelling approach [modeling approach, -USA] .

Example: The author aims to formalise this modelling approach and its semantics, to understand the theoretical and practical issues that it raises, and addresses some of them.

» modelos a seguirbest practiceslessons learned [lessons learnt] .

Example: Benchmarking is a technique companies use to compare themselves against other companies and identify best practices.

Example: Many of the lessons learned from these systems should carry over to other fields of scholarly publication.

» modelo teórico para la toma de decisionesdecision-theoretic model .

Example: This article proposes extensions of the decision-theoretic model using probability measures of fuzzy events.

» número de modelomodel number .

Example: The model numbers are printed on a sticker on the underside of the barstool's seat.

» pase de modelosdesigner ramp show .

Example: IFVL has over 900 titles in the collection, which include a variety of categories including historic fashion/culture footage from the 50s, designer 'ramp' shows, and interviews with the industry's leaders.

» reconocimiento de modelospattern recognition .

Example: This is an analysis of the reactivity of single bonds in aliphatic molecules by statistical and pattern recognition methods.

» seguir como modelopattern .

Example: Even supposedly local books are generally patterned along Western lines and are unsuitable for any of the courses offered in library schools.

» seguir un modeloembrace + a modelconform to + an image .

Example: The author presents a view of portal sites as a radically different model from those currently embraced by traditional information companies.

Example: The author investigates the extent to which metropolitan library directors conform to this image.

» servir de modeloserve as + a model .

Example: This programme may serve as a model for other university library systems interested in expanding library services and access to library resources to students in thier residence halls.

» simulación mediante modelossimulation modelling .

Example: Simulation modelling can be used to assess the potential value and feasibility of alternative designs.

» tomar como modelopattern .

Example: Even supposedly local books are generally patterned along Western lines and are unsuitable for any of the courses offered in library schools.

» usar como modelouse + as a model .

Example: In other words, they want us to start from scratch and come up with a plan for a full-service center, which might then be used as a model for the other regional centers.

Modelo synonyms

test in spanish: prueba, pronunciation: test part of speech: noun pattern in spanish: modelo, pronunciation: pætɜrn part of speech: noun trial in spanish: juicio, pronunciation: traɪəl part of speech: noun mold in spanish: molde, pronunciation: moʊld part of speech: noun pilot in spanish: piloto, pronunciation: paɪlət part of speech: noun sit in spanish: sentar, pronunciation: sɪt part of speech: verb exemplary in spanish: ejemplar, pronunciation: ɪgzemplɜri part of speech: adjective pose in spanish: actitud, pronunciation: poʊz part of speech: verb example in spanish: ejemplo, pronunciation: ɪgzæmpəl part of speech: noun mould in spanish: molde, pronunciation: moʊld part of speech: noun, verb framework in spanish: marco de referencia, pronunciation: freɪmwɜrk part of speech: noun posture in spanish: postura, pronunciation: pɑstʃɜr part of speech: noun exemplar in spanish: ejemplar, pronunciation: ɪgzemplɑr part of speech: noun simulate in spanish: simular, pronunciation: sɪmjələt part of speech: verb simulation in spanish: simulación, pronunciation: sɪmjəleɪʃən part of speech: noun mannequin in spanish: maniquí, pronunciation: mænəkɪn part of speech: noun modeling in spanish: modelado, pronunciation: mɑdəlɪŋ part of speech: noun poser in spanish: pregunta difícil, pronunciation: poʊzɜr part of speech: noun modelling in spanish: modelado, pronunciation: mədelɪŋ part of speech: noun experimental in spanish: experimental, pronunciation: ɪksperɪmentəl part of speech: adjective manikin in spanish: maniquí, pronunciation: mænɪkɪn part of speech: noun reenact in spanish: recrear, pronunciation: riɪnækt part of speech: verb mannikin in spanish: maniquí, pronunciation: mænɪkɪn part of speech: noun role model in spanish: modelo a seguir, pronunciation: roʊlmɑdəl part of speech: noun manakin in spanish: manakin, pronunciation: mənækɪn part of speech: noun mock up in spanish: Bosquejo, pronunciation: mɑkʌp part of speech: verb good example in spanish: buen ejemplo, pronunciation: gʊdɪgzæmpəl part of speech: noun fashion model in spanish: modelo, pronunciation: fæʃənmɑdəl part of speech: noun theoretical account in spanish: relato teórico, pronunciation: θiɜretɪkələkaʊnt part of speech: noun
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