Moda in english


pronunciation: fæʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

moda = fashion ; vogue ; craze ; rage. 

Example: An appreciation of the fashions in terminology in a given subject field will contribute to successful searching.Example: In the mid-sixties, flowing hair and beards and hirsuteness in general became a vogue for the dissident young who wanted to 'let it all hang out'.Example: The interest is not really in the craze itself but in the intense, socially binding effect it has on the individuals in the group.Example: The article 'The new age rage and schoolbook protest' explores the myths, legends and misunderstandings surrounding attempts to remove textbooks and library materials from US public schools.


» a la modatrendy [trendier -comp., trendiest -sup.]  ; in a fashionable waystylish  ; stylishly .

Example: The author investigates the things which young adults consider to be important, and discusses this in relation to what may be considered tasteful, and what merely trendy in young adults' books.

Example: Here are a few ideas on how to wear pumps in a fashionable way.

Example: A number of innovative initiatives have resulted in stylish new public libraries.

Example: This fall as the weather gets cooler be sure to make the most of fall fashion, read our guide on how to adjust stylishly to the weather.

» barba de tres días de modadesigner stubble .

Example: Some people say that the era of greed and materialism, shoulder pads and designer stubbles is now over.

» barba incipiente de modadesigner stubble .

Example: Some people say that the era of greed and materialism, shoulder pads and designer stubbles is now over.

» boutique de modafashion boutique .

Example: I have a friend who is young and outgoing, her name is -- she could be the poster girl for any high-end fashion boutique.

» de modafashionable  ; modishtrendy [trendier -comp., trendiest -sup.]  ; inbuzzin fashionin voguevoguish  .

Example: This is probably one of the most comfortable and fashionable outfits I have ever worn.

Example: In modish quarters, it may even be de rigueur to appreciate the popular.

Example: The author investigates the things which young adults consider to be important, and discusses this in relation to what may be considered tasteful, and what merely trendy in young adults' books.

Example: Librarians have recently become aware of marketing as an 'in' strategy in public library circles.

Example: A new buzz phrase may affect businesses: the term 'individually identifiable information' has drawn federal attention.

Example: Let us consider the wasp waist, beloved of the Victorians and in fashion up to the early years of this century.

Example: The third proposal, still in vogue, is to enter all serials uniformly under their titles.

Example: Wearing a wedding gown from a charity shop is very voguish right now.

» desfile de modasfashion showcatwalk show .

Example: The author discusses the image of the US projected by the American Pavilion through its fashion shows, home furnishings and kitchen appliances exhibits and food.

Example: This is an ironical allusion to 1950s and 1960s catwalk shows.

» de última modanew-fangled [newfangled] [Usado en sentido humorístico o derogatorio]fandangled .

Example: A certain amount of writing paper continued to be made in laid moulds even in the early nineteenth century (some people would not believe that the new-fangled wove paper could be as good).

Example: Built way before there were modern fandangled conveniences like electricity, this winery was designed to take advantage of the technology of the time, gravity, and when available, a bit of steam power.

» diseñador de modafashion designer .

Example: A number of sources of inspiration and information, in addition to books on costume history, are invaluable to the fashion designer and the historian of fashion.

» diseño de modafashion designfashion designing .

Example: In the design field periodicals hold a particularly important place and in certain areas such as industrial and fashion design, they are arguably the principal source of information.

Example: And now the singer wants to turn her hand to fashion designing -- no doubt another trend that she will turn to gold.

» estar a la modalook + stylish .

Example: Winter fashion is all about looking stylish while staying warm.

» estar de modabe inbe fashionable to .

Example: Like them or not, plaits are still in.

Example: It was fashionable, too, to have books in one's home = También estaba de moda tener libros en casa.

» grabado de modafashion plate .

Example: Historical evidence includes portrait paintings, fashion plates and magazines, photographs, literary sources, pattern books, and trade catalogues.

» industria de la moda, lafashion industry, the .

Example: The writer discusses the fashion industry's obsession with skinny models.

» ir a la modalook + stylish .

Example: Winter fashion is all about looking stylish while staying warm.

» la próxima modathe next hot thing .

Example: These could be the next hot thing but they are still very pricy, almost too pricy for most golfers.

» la última modacutting edgethe latest thing .

Example: The article 'Cutting edge' describes current developments in microcomputer hardware which are likely to become commonplace adjuncts to library microcomputers in the next decade.

Example: The Titanic was the latest thing in the art of shipbuilding; absolutely no money was spared in her construction.

» moda bibliotecarialibrary chic [Nuevo estilo de vestir y arreglarse como una bibliotecaria chapada a la antigua ] .

Example: Library chic is a fashion style that uses elements of, or is inspired by, the styles stereotypically attributed to librarians.

» moda de inviernowinter fashion .

Example: Winter fashion is all about looking stylish while staying warm.

» moda del momentoflavour of the monthsizzle .

Example: This may only be the 'flavour of the month', but it has some hopeful properties.

Example: Other writers disagree: 'We must not give up almost 250 years of Anglo-American cataloging service for technological sizzle'.

» moda de otoñofall fashionautumn fashion .

Example: This fall as the weather gets cooler be sure to make the most of fall fashion, read our guide on how to adjust stylishly to the weather.

Example: Most of the autumn fashion here focuses on shoes: high-heeled boots are a must in September.

» moda de primaveraspring fashion .

Example: I can't talk about spring fashion without mentioning floral prints -- it seems like there were even more floral dresses on the runway than usual this spring.

» moda de veranosummer fashion .

Example: The 90's are long gone but the style trends are far from dead, take a look at these suggests and start living in the past this summer fashion.

» moda femenina, lawomen's fashion .

Example: In women's fashion the world has blurred the line between attractive and sluttish = En la moda femenina, el mundo ha confundido los límites entre ir vestida con atractivo e ir vestida de zorrilla.

» moda pasajerafadpassing fashionflash in the panpassing fad .

Example: At a recent weekend school on the subject, one librarian began his talk by asking the question whether community information was simply the latest fad of the library profession, like team librarianship, integrated stock or outreach.

Example: Data warehousing has now become a deep seated trend rather than a passing fashion.

Example: The article is entitled 'WAP: a new phase in the technological revolution or a flash in the pan?'.

Example: But the fact that nearly all of them refer to it, even if scathingly, suggests that it was more than just a passing fad.

» mundo de la moda, elfashion world, theworld of fashion, the .

Example: Unlike most of the fashion world, the styles of formal attire take their names from men's wear rather than female attire.

Example: The book 'If Looks Could Kill' is a juicy, tell-all, insider's look at the true world of fashion.

» no estar de modabe unfashionable to .

Example: Unfortunately, it is unfashionable to admit even a scintilla of error in present-day America.

» palabra de modabuzzword [buzz word]byword .

Example: 'Winsock' is the buzzword that dominates discussion about tcp/ip.

Example: These days, automation is the byword.

» pasado de modapasséout of vogueout of fashionout of stylemumsy [mumsier -comp., mumsiest -sup.]unfashionable  .

Example: By conscious or unconscious fixation on this single, already passé, facet of data processing technology we risk totally ignoring the other functions of a catalog.

Example: In general, however, the author's approach to his comparative method -- that comparativism is out of vogue -- is rather parochial.

Example: Abstract art has lately been considered out of fashion in the art centers of New York.

Example: Ten years ago ambition abounded; now risk-taking is out of style and vanguardism has been dampened by a pervasive enthusiasm for the past.

Example: I think she seemed a bit mumsy to us because we were young boys and she was a bit older.

Example: She says she's had to remove herself from the chaos of the fashion industry -- and be a little bit unfashionable -- to find her peace.

» pasar de modadrop out of + voguego out of + fashiongo out of + favourgo out of + datebecome + obsoletego out of + voguefall out of + voguego out of + stylepass awayobsolescedrop out of + circulationfall out of + fashionfall into + disusefall out of + favourbecome + redundantlose + Posesivo + vogue .

Example: As a word drops out of vogue, the concept that it represents will, with time, gradually be described by a new term.

Example: Sawn-in cords, giving flat spines, were common in the mid seventeenth century, but then went out of fashion until they were reintroduced in about 1760.

Example: The author follows the history through to the point, in the latter part of the nineteenth century, when mirror-image monograms went out of favour and were replaced by straightforward monograms.

Example: Information in the humanities does not readily go out of date.

Example: Academic libraries may become obsolete as the commercial market takes over control of information.

Example: The name 'Canaan', never very popular, went out of vogue with the collapse of the Egyptian empire.

Example: He points out that these metaphors fell out of vogue in the early 1980s.

Example: While Gothic never went out of style in Britain, the Baroque came to be associated with the classical debased by the Industrial Revolution.

Example: These tools are useable for analytical studies of how technologies emerge, mature and pass away.

Example: The entire hardware of Western industrialism has been obsolesced and 'etherealized' by the new surround of electronic information services.

Example: Many songs that were once well-known but dropped out of circulation during the mid-20th century have become well known again in recent years.

Example: Rotundas were widely used for all but the most formal texts in the fifteenth century, but fell out of fashion during the sixteenth century, surviving longest in Spain.

Example: However, from the sixties, competition for the railway worker's leisure time from public libraries, service clubs and the humble television meant that many branch libraries fell into disuse.

Example: At first he was a close political advisor to Charles II, although he later fell out of favour and was forced into exile.

Example: I don't think that post boxes will become redundant.

Example: Literature can never, it is true, become extinct, but it can lose its vogue, it can become the almost exclusive possession of scholars, it can cease to be.

» pendiente de ir a la última modafashion-conscious .

Example: Most fashion-conscious shoppers will beaware of the palaver caused last month by the swastika design embroidered on a Zara handbag.

» pendiente de seguir la última modafashion-conscious .

Example: Most fashion-conscious shoppers will beaware of the palaver caused last month by the swastika design embroidered on a Zara handbag.

» ponerse de modacome into + voguecome into + fashion .

Example: It has thus contributed to the cause of 'universal bibliographic control' long before this phrase came into vogue.

Example: When christening robes first came into fashion, they were invariably high-waisted and richly decorated with lace or embroidery.

» que siempre va a la última modafashion-conscious .

Example: Most fashion-conscious shoppers will beaware of the palaver caused last month by the swastika design embroidered on a Zara handbag.

» que sigue la última modafashion-conscious .

Example: Most fashion-conscious shoppers will beaware of the palaver caused last month by the swastika design embroidered on a Zara handbag.

» relativo a la modamodal [Medida estadística] .

Example: The libraries received a mean of 5.6 e-mail reference questions per week; the modal or most frequent response was 3 questions per week.

» revista de modasfashion magazine .

Example: Sources include trade magazines, newspapers, advertising material, and fashion magazines.

» seguidor de la última modafaddish  ; faddy [faddier -comp., faddies -sup.]  .

Example: Whilst, presumably, a set of standards for the conduct of reference work, the document is in fact a hodgepodge shaped by faddish misconceptions.

Example: These emotions will have a knock-on effect on the child and may, in the case of the faddy eater, cause the situation to deteriorate.

» seguir la modacatch + the fever .

Example: Everyone is riding the hype of 'An Inconvenient Truth,' and even Congress has caught the fever... but it doesn't feel rigth yet.

» tienda de moda(s)fashion retailer .

Example: There are about 3 independent fashion retailers I shop in and always pop in when their sales are on.

» vestido a la última modafashion statement .

Example: This fall season is all about making a bold fashion statement with trendy bright colors.

» volver a ponerse de modamake + a comeback .

Example: For quite some time wall-to-wall carpeting was considered an outdated form of flooring but it has recently made a comeback.

Moda synonyms

way in spanish: camino, pronunciation: weɪ part of speech: noun style in spanish: estilo, pronunciation: staɪl part of speech: noun mode in spanish: modo, pronunciation: moʊd part of speech: noun forge in spanish: fragua, pronunciation: fɔrdʒ part of speech: verb, noun manner in spanish: manera, pronunciation: mænɜr part of speech: noun
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