Moco in english


pronunciation: mjukəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

moco = snot. 

Example: Basically, snot is a mixture of mucous and the particles that the cilia (hair-like projections in the nose) filter out.


» hacerse pelotillas con los mocospick + Posesivo + nose .

Example: If your child is still sucking his thumb, picking his nose until it bleeds or having trouble sleeping consult a children's therapist, it could be a sign of anxiety.

» moco de pavosnood .

Example: The long, red, fleshy area that grows from the forehead over the bill is a 'snood' while the fleshy growth under the turkey's throat is called a 'wattle'.

» no ser moco de pavobe no mean feat .

Example: Fees aside, earning a place at any of the UK's top drama schools is no mean feat.

» sacarse los mocospick + Posesivo + nose .

Example: If your child is still sucking his thumb, picking his nose until it bleeds or having trouble sleeping consult a children's therapist, it could be a sign of anxiety.

» sonarse los mocosblow + Posesivo + nose .

Example: Focusing on such behaviors as blowing one's nose, spitting, & table manners, the author shows that innovations, eg, the fork & the handkerchief, marked a fundamental shift in the 'threshold features of embarrassment & shame'.

» sorberse los mocossniffle .

Example: As the days get shorter and summer winds down, allergy sufferers begin another period of sniffling and sneezing with the start of ragweed season.

» sorbido de mocossniffle .

Example: Life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating.

Moco synonyms

mucous secretion in spanish: secreción mucosa, pronunciation: mjukəssəkriʃən part of speech: noun
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