Moción in english


pronunciation: moʊʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

moción = resolution ; motion ; movement. 

Example: I was one of the cosigners of a resolution which tried to have the ISBD repealed.Example: Policies are official statements of authority, having been developed, passed by formal motion, and recorded by the board of trustees.Example: She is a dynamic dancer and expresses her movements with ultimate power.


» aprobar por mociónpass + Nombre + by motion .

Example: Policies are official statements of authority, having been developed, passed by formal motion, and recorded by the board of trustees.

» aprobar una mociónpass + a resolutionadopt + a resolutionapprove + resolutionpass + a motion .

Example: In a resolution passed by IFLA in 1983 librarians were urged to express their professional solidarity with their colleagues.

Example: A resolution adopted by the European Parliament in January 1981 emphasizes, amongst other things, that the most important task is to inform the citizens of the Community of the work of the Parliament and of its Members.

Example: The European Community's ministers of culture approved in 1985 a resolution concerning cooperation between libraries in the area of automatic data processing.

Example: The motion was narrowly defeated by the SLA and passed by the ALA.

» moción de censuracensure motionvote of no confidencevote of censure .

Example: In moving the censure motion Carl Earl complained of Council's complacency in the face of the LA's problems = Al promover la moción de censura Carl Earl se quejaba de la pasividad del Consejo ante los problemas de la LA.

Example: The recent vote of no confidence against the leader of the United Kingdom's Conservative Party has created a 'knives-out' atmosphere in the press.

Example: He is facing a vote of censure by his peers in the House of Representatives -- a disciplinary action against him for ethics violations.

» persona que apoya una moción o propuestaseconder  .

Example: The seconder of the motion appended that she would like the librarian to have her report ready for the March meeting, if possible.

» proponer una mociónpropose + a motion .

Example: The motion proposed was that libraries and librarians should return to their traditional roles and values.

» rechazar una mocióndefeat + a motion .

Example: The motion was narrowly defeated by the SLA and passed by the ALA.

Moción synonyms

move in spanish: movimiento, pronunciation: muv part of speech: verb, noun question in spanish: pregunta, pronunciation: kwestʃən part of speech: noun movement in spanish: movimiento, pronunciation: muvmənt part of speech: noun gesture in spanish: gesto, pronunciation: dʒestʃɜr part of speech: noun gesticulate in spanish: gesticular, pronunciation: dʒəstɪkjəleɪt part of speech: verb gesticulation in spanish: gesticulación, pronunciation: dʒestɪkjəleɪʃən part of speech: noun apparent motion in spanish: movimiento aparente, pronunciation: əperəntmoʊʃən part of speech: noun apparent movement in spanish: movimiento aparente, pronunciation: əperəntmuvmənt part of speech: noun
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