Mochuelo in english


pronunciation: aʊl part of speech: noun
In gestures

mochuelo = owl. 

Example: Of them all, The Cosy owl by James Banks is perhaps the most instructive and moving novel.


» cargar con el mochueloleave + Nombre + holding the bagpass + the bucket [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro]take + the rappass + the buck [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro]take + the fall for + Nombretake + the heatpick up + the piecescarry + the can .

Example: He did time after doing a job with buddies who left him holding the bag.

Example: With ownership also comes responsibility -- when you find bugs, you fix them, instead of passing the bucket to someone else.

Example: He might be as guilty as sin, but he will sometimes get away with murder; or even let somebody else take the rap for him.

Example: The article 'Is everyone passing the buck?' concludes that the best way forward is to establish a legal deposit framework for electronic materials.

Example: Sometimes this procedure is used to find a scapegoat or underling to take the fall for high muck-a-mucks.

Example: It seems a bit unfair, though, for Clausen to take all of the heat while her underlings escape unscathed.

Example: The standards of education in the UK are woefully low leaving employers to often pick up the pieces.

Example: It would be a gross injustice if the intelligence agencies were now to carry the can for a war built on such slender foundations.

» cargarle el mochuelo a Alguienpass + the bucket [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro] .

Example: With ownership also comes responsibility -- when you find bugs, you fix them, instead of passing the bucket to someone else.

» pasar el mochuelopass + the bucket [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro]leave + Nombre + holding the bagpass + the buck [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro] .

Example: With ownership also comes responsibility -- when you find bugs, you fix them, instead of passing the bucket to someone else.

Example: He did time after doing a job with buddies who left him holding the bag.

Example: The article 'Is everyone passing the buck?' concludes that the best way forward is to establish a legal deposit framework for electronic materials.

Mochuelo synonyms

bird of minerva in spanish: pájaro de minerva, pronunciation: bɜrdʌvmənɜrvə part of speech: noun bird of night in spanish: pájaro de la noche, pronunciation: bɜrdʌvnaɪt part of speech: noun
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