Mocedad in english


pronunciation: juθ part of speech: noun
In gestures

mocedad = maidenhood. 

Example: Early marriage and a brief maidenhood makes use of the full female reproductive span and thus is preferred by cultures in which large families are valued.

Mocedad synonyms

young in spanish: joven, pronunciation: jʌŋ part of speech: adjective younker in spanish: younker, pronunciation: jʌŋkɜr part of speech: noun juvenility in spanish: juventud, pronunciation: dʒuvənɪlɪti part of speech: noun youthfulness in spanish: juventud, pronunciation: juθfəlnəs part of speech: noun early days in spanish: Primeros días, pronunciation: ɜrlideɪz part of speech: noun young person in spanish: persona joven, pronunciation: jʌŋpɜrsən part of speech: noun
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