Mitológico in english


pronunciation: mɪθəlɑdʒɪkəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

mitológico = mythological. 

Example: In later years, the famous book mythological significance of muddy footprints introduced me to the ancient Hippopotamian culture.


» personaje mitológicomythological character .

Example: Certain categories of heading are not included; these include persons, family names, corporate bodies, structures such as castles, ships, religious bodies, mythological characters, etc.

Mitológico synonyms

fabulous in spanish: fabuloso, pronunciation: fæbjələs part of speech: adjective unreal in spanish: irreal, pronunciation: ənril part of speech: adjective mythical in spanish: mítico, pronunciation: mɪθəkəl part of speech: adjective mythic in spanish: mítica, pronunciation: mɪθɪk part of speech: adjective mythologic in spanish: mitológico, pronunciation: mɪθəlɑdʒɪk part of speech: adjective
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