Mitad in english


pronunciation: hæf part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

mitad = half ; middle ; midpoint ; moiety. 

Example: The first half of the command looks for words hit by 'FIB?' immediately followed by a word hit by 'OPTIC?'.Example: The purpose of the insert key is to allow the insertion of one or more characters in the middle of a field without disturbing the information already displayed.Example: The euphoric years of affluence and expansion in the decades immediately following the midpoint of the century have given way to traumatic years of austerity and contraction.Example: Based on the above considerations, medicinal ingredients containing the same active moiety are classified into identical or non-identical.


» a mitad dehalf-way throughhalfway down .

Example: This article describes the content of the project and the results which have been obtained until now, almost half-way through the project.

Example: Sometimes the cork breaks off halfway down the neck of the bottle.

» a mitad de caminohalfway [half-way/half way]mid-course .

Example: This is an acceptable half-way stage to automation for older material.

Example: To this end, a project schedule is important for detecting delays and making mid-course adjustments to avoid them.

» a mitad de camino entre... y...midway between ... and ...half way between ... and ...astride ... and ... .

Example: The indicative abstract can thus be seen as occupying a place midway between the usual form of entries in an indexing service on the one hand and a fully developed abstracting service on the other.

Example: Sometime in the later eighteenth century an ingenious version of stereotyping called dabbing was developed, whereby a pattern of wood or metal was dabbed into the surface of a quantity of type-metal that was half way between its solid and its molten state; the dabbed metal was then used as a matrix for striking a copy of the original in similarly half-molten metal.

Example: It occupies 15 square miles on the shore of Lake Tiemblo, and because of its location astride major rail and highway facilities it is a center of industry and shopping.

» a mitad de cursomid-course .

Example: To this end, a project schedule is important for detecting delays and making mid-course adjustments to avoid them.

» a mitad de febreromid-February .

Example: Females do become pregnant in January so a close season beginning in mid-February might be more appropriate.

» a mitad de la medicaciónmid-pack .

Example: I was wondering what are common side effects after stopping the pill mid-pack.

» a mitad del vuelomid-flight .

Example: The person sitting next to me was obviously a nervous flier and she had kittens when the locker above her flew open mid-flight!.

» a mitad de paquetemid-pack .

Example: I was wondering what are common side effects after stopping the pill mid-pack.

» a mitad de precioat half price .

Example: Buy one at full price and get one at half price.

» a mitad de recorridomid-course .

Example: To this end, a project schedule is important for detecting delays and making mid-course adjustments to avoid them.

» cambiar de parecer a mitad de caminochange + horses in midstream .

Example: 'I'm not much to trust any politician,' he shrugs, but 'I just don't believe in changing horses in midstream= Dijo encogiéndose de hombros: "No soy mucho de confiar en ningún político, pero simplemente no creo en los cambios de opinión a mitad de camino".

» cambiar de política a mitad de caminochange + horses in midstream .

Example: 'I'm not much to trust any politician,' he shrugs, but 'I just don't believe in changing horses in midstream= Dijo encogiéndose de hombros: "No soy mucho de confiar en ningún político, pero simplemente no creo en los cambios de opinión a mitad de camino".

» cortar por la mitadcut + Nombre + in half .

Example: The article 'Wages, hours, bookfunds take a dive' examines how some authorities are proposing cuts in wages to preserve services; others reducing bookfunds by as much as a quarter, or cutting their opening hours in half.

» de mitad de añomid-year [midyear] .

Example: This paper gives a general overview of the microfilm industry world-wide, drawing on the comments of members of a discussion panel at the Mid-year meeting of the National Micrographics Association.

» de mitad de la tablamid-pack [En su origen, hace referencia a un 'pelotón' de corredores, ciclistas, etc] .

Example: Seattle Airport was a mid-pack finisher in a new survey released this week .

» de mitad del pelotónmid-pack [En su origen, hace referencia a un 'pelotón' de corredores, ciclistas, etc] .

Example: Seattle Airport was a mid-pack finisher in a new survey released this week .

» de mitad de siglomid-century .

Example: There were also various mid-century decorated letters with forked or clubbed serifs which generally tended towards fat-face, but which might be intermediate in form.

» desde mitad de + Expresión Temporal + en adelantefrom the mid + Expresión Temporal + onwards .

Example: The growth of the Internet in China from the mid 1990s onwards has been accompanied by the assumption that a large proportion of Chinese Internet users are interested in politically subversive action.

» dividir Algo por la mitaddivide + Nombre + in(to) equal partsdivide + Nombre + down the middlesplit + Nombre + down the middle .

Example: If members in a country do not reach an agreement on the division of the votes between them, the chief executive officer shall divide the votes in equal parts between them = Si los miembros de un país no llegan a un acuerdo sobre la división de los votos entre ellas, el director ejecutivo dividirá los votos en partes iguales.

Example: If your horse has a thick or double mane, you may need to divide it down the middle and braid it on both sides.

Example: Polls indicate that the public is split down the middle on whether to remain in the EU or not.

» doblar Algo por la mitadfold + Nombre + in half .

Example: To make it easier to spread the ruffles out evenly, before gathering find the center of the ruffle by folding the piece in half end to end.

» elecciones de mitad de mandatomid-term elections .

Example: Some surprising conclusions emerge from looking more closely at the message sent by voters in the US mid-term elections.

» en menos de la mitad de(l) tiempoin less than half the time .

Example: The weather improved on our way back to camp and so we made it back in less than half the time.

» en mitad dein the grip ofin the middle ofamidstin the midst ofin the throes ofright inamidin the clutches ofhalfway downhalf-way through .

Example: Delhi continues to be in the grip of a cold wave.

Example: Anyone who knows Jakarta at all will know that the Hotel Indonesia is smack in the middle of the city.

Example: The second edition of AACR was published in 1978, amidst some dispute as to whether it was either necessary or desirable.

Example: In the midst of an industrialized and bureaucratized society made up of multitudes of people we live separate lives = En medio de una sociedad industrializada y burocratizada compuesta de una gran cantidad de gente, vivimos vidas distintas.

Example: The scope and methodology of enumeration is, however, in the throes of revolution.

Example: However, a more advantageous site was offered, right in the shopping precinct, linking a covered mall of shops with a multi-functional community complex.

Example: The director continued speaking amid the embers of their mirth.

Example: French health officials warned Wednesday that the country is officially in the clutches of a flu epidemic.

Example: Sometimes the cork breaks off halfway down the neck of the bottle.

Example: This article describes the content of the project and the results which have been obtained until now, almost half-way through the project.

» en mitad de la nadain the middle of nowhere .

Example: The chance to stay in the middle of a rainforest in the middle of nowhere and nobody else around us was too good an opportunity to miss.

» en mitad de la naturalezain the heart of the country .

Example: They were sent to the house of an old Professor who lived in the heart of the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station and two miles from the nearest post office.

» en mitad de la nochein the dead of nightin the middle of the night .

Example: The article is entitled 'Blackbirds singing in the dead of night?: Advancing the craft of teaching qualitative research' = El artículo se titulo "¿Mirlos cantando en mitad de la noche? Promoción del oficio de enseñar la investigación cualitativa".

Example: The man awoke moaning with pain in the middle of the night, and was having trouble breathing.

» en mitad de la operaciónin mid-operation .

Example: At a greater level of sophistication, the operating system will be able to swap programs in and out of memory in mid-operation in order to let another have a go.

» en mitad del calor del veranoin the heat of (the) summer .

Example: In the heat of summer, people can get sunstroke, especially when doing hard labour.

» en mitad del campoin the heart of the country .

Example: They were sent to the house of an old Professor who lived in the heart of the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station and two miles from the nearest post office.

» en mitad del díain the middle of the day .

Example: It was as if a scowling Zeus, the weather god, were hurling lightning and flinging hail at hapless concertgoers in the middle day of the music festival.

» en mitad del frío del inviernoin the cold of (the) winter .

Example: In many cases, trees do partially freeze in the cold of winter and burst like plumbing pipes in an unheated home.

» en mitad del inviernoin the dead of winterin the middle of the winter .

Example: David keeps at his pushcart, scratching out a living even in the dead of winter -- meanwhile, Rose secretly visits Sammy to watch out for him.

Example: I was born in the middle of the winter when nature was asleep.

» en mitad del veranoin midsummerin the middle of the summer .

Example: The continuation of that project will depend on the results of a report in midsummer.

Example: Water temperatures range from the 50's in the spring and fall to the low 70s in the middle of the summer.

» en mitad del vuelomid-flight .

Example: The person sitting next to me was obviously a nervous flier and she had kittens when the locker above her flew open mid-flight!.

» en mitad de ninguna partein the middle of nowherein the back of beyondout in the sticks .

Example: The chance to stay in the middle of a rainforest in the middle of nowhere and nobody else around us was too good an opportunity to miss.

Example: They didn't go there because life was good, but because there, in the back of beyond, you could pan for gold without the threat of being robbed.

Example: Listen to people who live out in the sticks and heed their advice and recommendations -- don't rely on instinct or rumour.

» en mitad de ningún sitioin the middle of nowherein the back of beyondout in the sticks .

Example: The chance to stay in the middle of a rainforest in the middle of nowhere and nobody else around us was too good an opportunity to miss.

Example: They didn't go there because life was good, but because there, in the back of beyond, you could pan for gold without the threat of being robbed.

Example: Listen to people who live out in the sticks and heed their advice and recommendations -- don't rely on instinct or rumour.

» en mitad de una conversaciónin the middle of a conversation .

Example: Is it wrong that I feel annoyed when guests at my house start texting in the middle of a conversation?.

» estar a mitad debe half-way through .

Example: He announced earlier this year that he was half-way through writing his debut novel.

» haber ganado la mitad de la batallabe half the battle .

Example: Knowing the problem is half the battle.

» haber ganado sólo la mitad de la batallabe only half the battle .

Example: This clearing of the terminological undergrowth is only half the battle.

» la mitad (1/2)one-half (1/2) .

Example: The output of paperbacks accounted for one-third of the total US book production by 1962; nearly one-half of the fiction produced and a quarter of the available titles.

» la mitad del tiempohalf (of) the time .

Example: She lacks energy and her eyes lack soul which makes her look blank and confused half of the time.

» la mitad más (que)half as many/much again (as) [Expresión británica equivalente a la americna half again as many/much (as)]half again as many/much (as) [Expresión americana equivalente a la británica half as many/much again (as)] .

Example: According to a survey out today, the average teenager now receives an allowance heading towards £1,000 a year, with some pocketing half as much again.

Example: The United States is exporting half again as much wine as it did last year, thanks largely to drinkers in Canada, Britain and Germans.

» la segunda mitad de + Fechathe latter part of + Fecha .

Example: This town library was in the latter part of the 17th century permitted to sink 'into careless guardianship and ultimate neglect' = A finales del siglo XVII no se hizo nada por evitar que esta biblioteca municipal se sumiese "en la negligencia y en el abandono total".

» llegar a la mitad del caminoreach + the halfway point .

Example: Summer may have reached the halfway point, but there's still time to sign up for your first cycling race.

» llegar a la mitad del recorridoreach + the halfway point .

Example: Summer may have reached the halfway point, but there's still time to sign up for your first cycling race.

» mitad de + Fechamid + Fecha .

Example: Until the mid nineteenth century the concept of authorship was confined to personal authors.

» mitad del barcomidship .

Example: To illustrate how the mechanism works in a realistic domain, the author implements design systems for the deck structure and midship section of bulk cargo ships = Para ilustrar cómo funciona el mecanismo en un entorno real, el autor pone en práctica sistemas de diseño para la estructura de cubierta y la sección de mitad del barco de los navíos de carga.

» mitad del camino, lahalfway point, the .

Example: The halfway point of a typical calendar year is July 2, which is the 183rd day of a 365-day year.

» mitad del escenariocentre stage .

Example: Stopping at the lectern to say thanks, he then walked to center stage, took off his tie and coat, and dropped them to the floor.

» mitad del recorrido, lahalfway point, the .

Example: The halfway point of a typical calendar year is July 2, which is the 183rd day of a 365-day year.

» mitad del verano, laheight of summer, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: Here January and Febrary mark the height of summer.

» mitad de preciohalf price .

Example: Below is the list of tickets offered today for half-price, special offers, and full-price.

» mitad inferiorlower half .

Example: We'll enter a sample 008 field and at the same time display on the lower half screen excerpts from the Appendix of the Bibliofile User Guide.

» mitad, la1/2 (half) .

Example: In the past 3 or 4 years, over 1/2 of the US libraries have seen their directors change and what was once described as extraordinary turnover seems to have settled into the norm.

» no ser ni la mitad debe not half a/as/so/the .

Example: She's not half the woman she used to be!.

» pagar la hora a la mitad más de lo normalget + time-and-a-half .

Example: 'We've all been working a couple of extra hours a day and we'll get time-and-a-half', she added in a casual tone.

» pararse a mitad destop in + midstream during .

Example: And let me stress yet again that I do not mean we should be constantly stopping in midstream during a reading to ask questions and provoke discussion.

» partir por la mitadhalvebreak in + half .

Example: The author concludes that this technique almost halves the storage required with no loss of information.

Example: But when runner beans are fresh, they do snap when you break them in half!.

» pasar por la mitad decut through .

Example: The author discusses the controversy over the construction of a bypass which cuts through a national park in Devon.

» por la mitad (de)down the middle (of) .

Example: This is the incredible moment a priest who did not 'have a care in the world' walked down the middle of a motorway after crashing his car.

» primera mitad, lafirst half, the .

Example: Having been kept scoreless during the first half, Wales came out after the break and began scoring.

» rajar por la mitadslit + Nombre + open (right) down the middlecut + Nombre + open (right) down the middle .

Example: I tend to slit it open down the middle so it's almost in half and stuff with cheese, then fold back together and wrap in bacon before roasting in the oven.

Example: Take a whole chicken, cut it open down the middle of the breast, flatten it out, and rub it with a little oil and spices.

» recorrer la mitad del caminoreach + the halfway point .

Example: Summer may have reached the halfway point, but there's still time to sign up for your first cycling race.

» reducir a la mitadhalvecut + Nombre + in halfreduce by + halfhalve + Posesivo + numbers .

Example: The author concludes that this technique almost halves the storage required with no loss of information.

Example: The article 'Wages, hours, bookfunds take a dive' examines how some authorities are proposing cuts in wages to preserve services; others reducing bookfunds by as much as a quarter, or cutting their opening hours in half.

Example: Their aims is to reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger.

Example: The hunting of primates for food and profit has halved their numbers in African rainforests.

» reducir + Posesivo + número a la mitadhalve + Posesivo + numbers .

Example: The hunting of primates for food and profit has halved their numbers in African rainforests.

» segunda mitad, lasecond half, the .

Example: They looked good in the second half till PRK caught them snoozing and walked right into the goal.

» ser sólo la mitad de la ecuaciónbe only half (of) the equation .

Example: Excellence in the classroom is only half of the equation in preparing to be an effective professional: students must learn in the workplace as well.

» ser sólo la mitad (del problema)be only the half of it .

Example: But that's only the half of it -- the really challenging bit is yet to come.

» tener ganada la mitad de la batallabe half the battle .

Example: Knowing the problem is half the battle.

» tener ganada sólo la mitad de la batallabe only half the battle .

Example: This clearing of the terminological undergrowth is only half the battle.

» tener la mitad de años quebe half + Posesivo + age .

Example: What the hell is she doing, he's half her age!.

» tener la mitad de + Posesivo + edadbe half + Posesivo + age .

Example: What the hell is she doing, he's half her age!.

» vacaciones de mitad de cuatrimestrehalf term vacation [Vacaciones que en el sistema anglosajón de enseñanza existen cada número determinado de semanas de clase] .

Example: Half term vacation fell in part of a week, so that it does not show in the records, as there was borrowing activity in the same week.

» vale la mitadhalf the price .

Example: It is half the price of Intel's new Pentium processor and five times as fast for some operations.

Mitad synonyms

one-half in spanish: una mitad, pronunciation: wʌnhæf part of speech: noun
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