Misterio in english


pronunciation: mɪstɜri part of speech: noun
In gestures

misterio1 = mystery ; puzzle ; riddle ; mystique ; uncanniness ; eeriness. 

Example: In some cases the real question that needs to be answered may indeed turn out to be, as Winston Churchill once said of Russia, 'a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma'.Example: We talk heatedly about books that lie beyond our present concerns because these allow us to speculate and often present us with puzzles we want to explore.Example: In some cases the real question that needs to be answered may indeed turn out to be, as Winston Churchill once said of Russia, 'a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma'.Example: Quite apart from a completely new vocabulary, the whole mystique of computers is still a source of bewilderment.Example: The author shares with her readers her awareness of the dilemmas raised by the uncanniness of her subjects.Example: The eeriness of the novel is increased by the everyday look of its characters.


» aclarar un misteriounravel + a mysterysolve + a mysterycrack + a mystery .

Example: The author attempts to unravel the mystery of how Microsoft came to fall foul of the Department of Justice.

Example: This article offers librarians clues for helping users who descend from English and Welsh ancestry solve genealogical mysteries.

Example: Scientists are still trying to crack this and other cicada mysteries.

» desvelar un misteriounveil + a mystery .

Example: Tesearchers have unveiled the mystery behind one of the deadliest toxins that causes liver cancer.

» envolver en misterioshroud in + mysteryenshroud in + mystery .

Example: She is keeping New York abuzz by shrouding the launch of 'Talk,' her new magazine, in mystery.

Example: Enshrouded in mystery and legend, with roots older than Egypt, this secret fraternity has continued to exist down through the centuries.

» esclarecer un misteriounravel + a mysteryfigure out + a mysterysolve + a mysterycrack + a mystery .

Example: The author attempts to unravel the mystery of how Microsoft came to fall foul of the Department of Justice.

Example: In addition to convincing the assembly to vote against war, they must figure out the mystery of the burned bodies without implicating themselves.

Example: This article offers librarians clues for helping users who descend from English and Welsh ancestry solve genealogical mysteries.

Example: Scientists are still trying to crack this and other cicada mysteries.

» escritor de novelas de misteriomystery writer .

Example: The article 'Elmore Leonard's legman' describes the work of Gregg Sutter, the full time researcher of the US mystery writer Elmore Leonard.

» halo de misteriomystique .

Example: Quite apart from a completely new vocabulary, the whole mystique of computers is still a source of bewilderment.

» misterio fascinanteintriguing mystery .

Example: In detectivelike fashion, Jaffe lays the groundwork and ultimately unveils the solution to this sad but intriguing mystery.

» no es un misterionot (exactly) rocket science .

Example: Successful economic development is not exactly rocket science.

» novela de misteriomystery romancemystery storymystery bookmystery novel .

Example: In all, the specialist world of romantic fiction is by no means homogeneous and there is even specialism in contemporary romance, historical romance, hospital romance and mystery romance.

Example: Mystery and detective stories, love and romance fiction, adventure and western stories, recent novels widely publicized but of little literary distinction, popularizations of current affairs characterized by sensationalism and easy dogmatism rather than by dispassionate and qualified analysis -- these and similar books are widely circulated by the public library.

Example: The author surveys current mystery books, a category that seems to have weathered the bumpy ride which most publishers have recently been suffering.

Example: The author reports on the success of regional mystery novels in the USA in recent years.

» resolver un misteriosolve + a mysteryunravel + a mysterycrack + a mysterysolve + a puzzle .

Example: This article offers librarians clues for helping users who descend from English and Welsh ancestry solve genealogical mysteries.

Example: The author attempts to unravel the mystery of how Microsoft came to fall foul of the Department of Justice.

Example: Scientists are still trying to crack this and other cicada mysteries.

Example: The question then is, what are my options and how do I put the pieces together to solve the puzzle?.

» revelar un misteriounveil + a mystery .

Example: Tesearchers have unveiled the mystery behind one of the deadliest toxins that causes liver cancer.

» rodear de misterioshroud in + mysteryveil in + mysteryenshroud in + mystery .

Example: She is keeping New York abuzz by shrouding the launch of 'Talk,' her new magazine, in mystery.

Example: Countless people have tried to find the entrance to this fabled underground palace, but its secrets remain veiled in mystery.

Example: Enshrouded in mystery and legend, with roots older than Egypt, this secret fraternity has continued to exist down through the centuries.

» solventar un misteriosolve + a puzzle .

Example: The question then is, what are my options and how do I put the pieces together to solve the puzzle?.

» un halo de misterioa shroud of mystery .

Example: Another world is not possible; this is all we have, and we must understand it and take down this 'shroud of mystery' to understand and change.

» un velo de misterioa shroud of mystery .

Example: Another world is not possible; this is all we have, and we must understand it and take down this 'shroud of mystery' to understand and change.

misterio2 = mystery play. 

Example: Mystery plays are among the earliest formally developed plays in medieval Europe.

Misterio synonyms

enigma in spanish: enigma, pronunciation: ɪnɪgmə part of speech: noun secret in spanish: secreto, pronunciation: sikrət part of speech: noun, adjective whodunit in spanish: novela policíaca, pronunciation: hudʌnɪt part of speech: noun closed book in spanish: libro cerrado, pronunciation: kloʊzdbʊk part of speech: noun mystery story in spanish: historia de misterio, pronunciation: mɪstɜristɔri part of speech: noun
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