Mismo in english


pronunciation: seɪm part of speech: adjective
In gestures

mismo = identical ; same ; equal. 

Example: The DISPLAY command is identical to the TYPE command except when using a format which includes only a few lines per record.Example: The command function 'SAVE' is used to save a search formulation for later use on the same or another data base on the same system.Example: Collection development should ideally involve de-acquisitions as an on-going program of equal importance.


» absorto en sí mismoself-absorbedself-involved .

Example: Despite responsibilities as heads of the state and a major household respectively, both are self-absorbed, self-indulging creatures.

Example: The tantric tradition says that spirituality in the fullest sense cannot be an isolated, solitary, purely self-involved enterprise.

» actuar de la misma formafollow + suit .

Example: Israel pioneering use of 'bottled' solar energy now has many following suit.

» admitido por Uno mismoself-professed .

Example: A self-professed 'bookaholic' and journalist submits that, be it ever so humble, there is no place like the library.

» ahora mismoright nowjust now .

Example: At these words he gulped loudly, spilling his coffee recklessly, and then said 'Right now!'.

Example: I was struck by some of the techniques that you have presented just now on the screen.

» a la misma altura quein the same league asat the same level as .

Example: The legal publishing market in Central and Eastern Europe is now considered by many to be in the same league as that of Western Europe.

Example: Violent crime overall, however, is still at the same level as in 1974, despite having decreased steadily since 1991.

» allí mismoon the spotthere and thenon the scene .

Example: Libraries should be the first point of contact for people in need and should be capable, like the General Practitioner in medicine, of dealing with 75% of cases on the spot.

Example: Usually, of course, the relevant materials are produced there and then for the enquirer to look at on the spot.

Example: Nearly everyone has a smartphone with a camera these days, so when something big goes down in the world you can expect more on-the-scene footage than a news crew could ever hope to gather on their own.

» al mismo nivel deflush with/to .

Example: The text must be single-spaced and must be flush with the left margin.

» al mismo nivel queon (a) par within the same league asat the same level asat (a) par with .

Example: A National Library Commission, on a par with the National University Commission, should be set up without delay as a coordinating body.

Example: The legal publishing market in Central and Eastern Europe is now considered by many to be in the same league as that of Western Europe.

Example: Violent crime overall, however, is still at the same level as in 1974, despite having decreased steadily since 1991.

Example: The Canadian dollar closed at par with its U.S. counterpart on Wednesday for the first time in almost six months.

» al mismo tiempoat onceat the same timeconcurrentlyin the processsimultaneouslyat one and the same timecontemporaneouslyat the same instantin parallelconcomitantlyat the one timeall the while .

Example: Because not all files need to be reorganized at once, but only those which are very full, the time required for this procedure is reduced to a minimum.

Example: Author entry gives direct access to particular documents whilst at the same time collocating documents with the same author.

Example: An indexer who is familiar with a given indexing language may be capable of accomplishing the three stages concurrently.

Example: This may help in subject organisation, but one of the main advantages of an alphabetical sequence, its self-evident order, is sacrificed in the process.

Example: No one catalogue can satisfy all the requirements of all users simultaneously.

Example: If he is to fulfil the high tasks of his calling he must be at one and the same time a scholar and a businessman.

Example: Vernon Tate did a publicity job similar to Peter Record's for the improvement of American thesis bibliography more or less contemporaneously with him.

Example: He then dropped the metal suddenly into the mouth of the mould, and at the same instant gave it a jerk or toss to force the metal into the recesses of the matrix (the precise form of the jerk varying with the different letters).

Example: The afternoon sessions will run in parallel.

Example: Concomitantly, the cost effectiveness and efficiency of computer processing has led to a proliferation of on-line data bases.

Example: For example, an obvious question is do most people only have one book on the go at the one time?.

Example: The males are the ones who bob and bow and hop around, warbling all the while.

» al mismo tiempo quein parallel to/withwhileat the same time ascumin conjunction with .

Example: In parallel with the work of the classification theorists, general systems theory was evolved to consider similar problems.

Example: While the label is being scanned, the display station checks the number.

Example: In medieval bindings the headbands were sewn in at the same time as the cords, but by the sixteenth century they were generally sewn on after the edges had been cut.

Example: Libraries as vital institutions of public culture are currently facing a crisis cum challenge.

Example: Rules for any given class must be used in conjunction with the schedules for that class.

» al mismo tiempo que + Indicativowhilst + Gerundio .

Example: Concepts should, in general, be described as simply as possible, whilst retaining sought and well known terminology.

» a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidadturnabout is fair play .

Example: The article 'Turnabout is fair play' discusses a clause of US copyright law that lets scholars excerpt for purposes of criticism, scholarship and education, as long as the excerpts meet certain criteria.

» amor a uno mismoself-love .

Example: She felt she was the lowliest of creatures and a great sinner, and fought the self-love that dampened her ardour.

» andar al mismo pasofall into + step .

Example: I called her to heel and she fell into step nicely, but after a few paces she veered left to go sniff something.

» andar al mismo ritmofall into + step .

Example: I called her to heel and she fell into step nicely, but after a few paces she veered left to go sniff something.

» ante + Posesivo + (mismos) ojosin front of + Posesivo + (very) eyesbefore + Posesivo + (very) eyesin front of + Posesivo + (very) eyesunder + Posesivo + (very) eyesbefore + Posesivo + (own two/own) eyes [Las posibilidades son before + Posesivo + eyes, before + Posesivo + own eyes o before + Posesivo + own two eyes] .

Example: She was not only caught up in the Paris attacks, but she also saw a man shot right in front of her eyes.

Example: There was a short silence but, at the time, it seemed like an eternity as her entire career flashed before her eyes.

Example: She was not only caught up in the Paris attacks, but she also saw a man shot right in front of her eyes.

Example: Life was simple until she bega to question events in her past and what lies ahead of her, and then things start to unravel at an alarming speed under her very eyes.

Example: She is so caught up in her relationship with Flynn that she can't see what is going on before her own two eyes.

» apuntar a la misma conclusiónpoint to + the same conclusion .

Example: all indications point to the same general conclusion, that an appreciable amount of all books sold are bought as gifts for other people.

» aquí mismoright here .

Example: He got whipped by policemen right here in Montgomery.

» a ti mismoyourselfthyself [Poco utilizado hoy día] .

Example: You discover yourself in literature and therefore learn to understand more about yourself.

Example: The article 'Librarian, teach thyself' suggests that it is time to professionalize school librarianship by focusing on librarianship and not teaching.

» a usted mismothyself [Poco utilizado hoy día] .

Example: The article 'Librarian, teach thyself' suggests that it is time to professionalize school librarianship by focusing on librarianship and not teaching.

» bajo el mismo techounder the same roofunder one roof .

Example: There is no easy way to deal with being under the same roof after the divorce has been filed.

Example: A new building is planned which will rehouse most of the British Library's present functions under one roof.

» bajo un mismo techounder one roofunder the same roof .

Example: A new building is planned which will rehouse most of the British Library's present functions under one roof.

Example: There is no easy way to deal with being under the same roof after the divorce has been filed.

» brillar por Uno mismoshine on + Posesivo + own .

Example: But with all the reflected glory from Austen's books, the movie never truly shines on its own.

» caer en la misma faltafall into + the same fault .

Example: On the odd occasion I have given a brother a word of admonition, only to find myself fall into the same fault shortly afterwards.

» cobrar dos veces por el mismo conceptodouble-dipping .

Example: Double-dipping erodes the fabric of the pension system and the conceptual basis on which it was founded.

» cometer el mismo errormake + the same mistake .

Example: Cleveland is making the same mistake that Charlotte made with me.

» cometer el mismo error de nuevomake + the same mistake again .

Example: I have been in this situation before and I have made the same mistake again.

» cometer el mismo error dos vecesmake + the same mistake twice .

Example: And the conventional wisdom is don't make the same mistake twice, learn from your mistakes.

» cometer el mismo error otra vezmake + the same mistake again .

Example: I have been in this situation before and I have made the same mistake again.

» cometer la misma faltafall into + the same fault .

Example: On the odd occasion I have given a brother a word of admonition, only to find myself fall into the same fault shortly afterwards.

» concepto de uno mismoself-image .

Example: It is at least arguable that the discreditable popular image is to some extent a reflection of his own self-image, and that the sad irony of the librarian is that people have come to accept him at his own valuation.

» conciencia de Uno mismoself-awarenessself-consciousness .

Example: The book makes harrowing reading, charting the relentless disintegration of Schumann's mental and physical faculties, with equally heart-rendering intervals of lucidity and self-awareness.

Example: In other cases, straightforward alphabetical arrangement scatters topics within the same facet which could be arranged more helpfully; eg in Psychology we find BF575 Special forms of emotion eg .A5 Anger .A9 Awe .B3 Bashfulness .F2 Fear .H3 Hate .L8 Love. S4 self-consciousness.

» con confianza en uno mismoself-confident .

Example: The author attempts to help library staff to become more self-confident and independent in unravelling their own microcomputer problems.

» con el mismotherewith .

Example: Its goal is the advancement of architecture and the promotion of knowledge of the arts and sciences connected therewith.

» con el mismo + Nombre + como el que ...as + Adverbio + as ... .

Example: He should be able to turn over to his mechanism, just as confidently as he turns over the propelling of his car to the intricate mechanism under the hood.

» con el mismo planteamiento queon the same lines as .

Example: A social science information system was also constructed on the same lines as ISSTI.

» confianza en uno mismoself-belief .

Example: Winston Churchill had incredible self belief in his abilities and in his destiny.

» conócete a ti mismoknow + thyself .

Example: The author advances some underlying principles that should guide Web design, e. g. knowing the tools, using appropriate means to an appropriate end, and 'knowing thyself'.

» consciente de uno mismoself-conscious .

Example: Information science must become both theoretically self-conscious and self-consciously based on a social ideology.

» corresponder de la misma manerareciprocate .

Example: Rosemary boldly confessed her feelings for Dick, and he began to reciprocate them.

» cortado con la misma tijeraa chip off the old block .

Example: The article has the title 'Tomorrow's information worker -- new man or chip off the old block'.

» cortado por el mismo patróna chip off the old block .

Example: The article has the title 'Tomorrow's information worker -- new man or chip off the old block'.

» cuestionario rellenado por uno mismoself-administered questionnaire .

Example: The information seeking practices of a sample of academic, industrial and government scientists were surveyed by self-administered questionnaires.

» cuidado de uno mismoself-caringself-care .

Example: Participants displayed self-caring; the majority participated in daily physical exercise, & 33+% had their annual medical checkup that year.

Example: Public libraries identify and disseminate consumer health and self-care information appropriate to their needs.

» cuidar de Uno mismolook out for + Reflexivolook after + Reflexivolook after + number onelook out for + number one .

Example: In other words, our culture is a culture of narcissism, a culture of looking out for oneself, seeking after what is going to benefit me and my family.

Example: Other types of conditions might affect a person's ability to cook, get dressed or look after oneself.

Example: The article is entitled 'Looking after number one'.

Example: Never allow anything to have a higher priority than looking out for number one -- you are all you have.

» da lo mismo una cosa que otrasix of one (and) half a dozen of the other .

Example: It may be six of one and half a dozen of the other genetically, but socially these are not interchangeable relationships.

» dar lo mismosix of one (and) half a dozen of the otherbe all the same to + Pronombre .

Example: It may be six of one and half a dozen of the other genetically, but socially these are not interchangeable relationships.

Example: It was all the same to me whether I acquired it by honourable or dishonourable means as long as I lined my pockets.

» dar lo mismo ocho que ochentacould not care lessbe all the same to + Pronombre .

Example: It can certainly be status-conferring to let it be known in social conversation that one has read the latest Fay Weldon book, but if the group one is in never reads Fay Weldon anyway and could not care less what she has written then the victory is a somewhat hollow one.

Example: It was all the same to me whether I acquired it by honourable or dishonourable means as long as I lined my pockets.

» decir las mismas cosasspeak from + the same textspeak from + the same book .

Example: Anyone paying attention to politics soon notices that when Democrats attack, they speak from the same text, and when they march to the polls, they march in lockstep.

Example: Both Sharon and Bush speak from the same book when it comes to fighting what they both call the 'evil' of terrorism.

» decir lo mismospeak from + the same textspeak from + the same book .

Example: Anyone paying attention to politics soon notices that when Democrats attack, they speak from the same text, and when they march to the polls, they march in lockstep.

Example: Both Sharon and Bush speak from the same book when it comes to fighting what they both call the 'evil' of terrorism.

» definido por uno mismoself-defined .

Example: Instead of generalized assistance in learning to read, people want specific strategies to deal with specific self-defined problems.

» definir por uno mismoself-define .

Example: For example, in addition to Spanish- and English-language materials, a library could self-define, 'Vietnamese, or Croatian'.

» de la misma categoría quein a class with .

Example: The author laments the demise of the paper card catalogue as a 'paroxysm of shortsightedness and antiintellectualism' on the part of over zealous librarians, wreaking destruction in a class with the burning of the library at Alexandria.

» de la misma forma (que)in the same way (as)in the same manner (as) .

Example: For instance, the SLA List recommends the choice of specific headings in the same way as Sears'.

Example: Oversized nonbook materials are then treated in the same manner as oversized books, specialized materials in the same manner as reference books.

» de la misma forma quein much the same way (as) .

Example: This article describes a decision support system which uses anatomical localization in much the same way as human neurologists.

» de la misma maneraby the same token .

Example: By the same token, knowing the basics of microcomputer technology will help the librarian to appreciate why the computer does what it does with bibliographic records.

» de la misma manera (que)in the same way (as)in the same manner (as) .

Example: For instance, the SLA List recommends the choice of specific headings in the same way as Sears'.

Example: Oversized nonbook materials are then treated in the same manner as oversized books, specialized materials in the same manner as reference books.

» delante de + Posesivo + (mismos) ojosin front of + Posesivo + (very) eyesbefore + Posesivo + (very) eyesunder + Posesivo + (very) eyesbefore + Posesivo + (own two/own) eyes [Las posibilidades son before + Posesivo + eyes, before + Posesivo + own eyes o before + Posesivo + own two eyes] .

Example: She was not only caught up in the Paris attacks, but she also saw a man shot right in front of her eyes.

Example: There was a short silence but, at the time, it seemed like an eternity as her entire career flashed before her eyes.

Example: Life was simple until she bega to question events in her past and what lies ahead of her, and then things start to unravel at an alarming speed under her very eyes.

Example: She is so caught up in her relationship with Flynn that she can't see what is going on before her own two eyes.

» del mismo calibre quein a class with .

Example: The author laments the demise of the paper card catalogue as a 'paroxysm of shortsightedness and antiintellectualism' on the part of over zealous librarians, wreaking destruction in a class with the burning of the library at Alexandria.

» del mismo modoexactlyin the same veinby the same token .

Example: With a limited number of exceptions the title proper is transcribed exactly as to order, wording and spelling.

Example: In the same vein, the relevant Government department should normally be in the best position to analyze the domestic effect of any Community document.

Example: By the same token, knowing the basics of microcomputer technology will help the librarian to appreciate why the computer does what it does with bibliographic records.

» del mismo modo queasin the form thatin the same way thatjust asin the same manner (as)along the linesafter the fashion ofsimilar toin common withjust like .

Example: This scheme aims for a more helpful order than the major schemes, by following the groupings of subjects as they are taught in schools.

Example: The edition statement is given if stated in the document, in the form that is given in the document.

Example: In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.

Example: Just as Ivan finds that by taking pleasure in an extra piece of food he makes survival possible and beats Stalin and his jailors at heir own game.

Example: Oversized nonbook materials are then treated in the same manner as oversized books, specialized materials in the same manner as reference books.

Example: In other words, general classification schemes are discipline-oriented if they are constructed along the lines indicated so far.

Example: Invented around 1850 by two Americans, the platen jobber worked after the fashion of a bivalve shell = Inventada alrededor de 1850 por dos norteamericanos, la máquina de presión plana funcionaba del mismo modo que un bivalvo.

Example: Similar to economic impact analysis, cost-benefit analysis provides a quantitative presentation of the returns to a community's library investment.

Example: In common with many other databases, MEDLARS (MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System) was primarily an offshoot from a printed indexing service.

Example: Just like wine connoisseurs there are beer connoisseurs too, and they're just as passionate!.

» del mismo modo (que)in the same way (as) .

Example: For instance, the SLA List recommends the choice of specific headings in the same way as Sears'.

» del mismo modo queasin the form thatin the same way thatjust asin the same manner (as)along the linesafter the fashion ofsimilar toin common withjust like .

Example: This scheme aims for a more helpful order than the major schemes, by following the groupings of subjects as they are taught in schools.

Example: The edition statement is given if stated in the document, in the form that is given in the document.

Example: In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.

Example: Just as Ivan finds that by taking pleasure in an extra piece of food he makes survival possible and beats Stalin and his jailors at heir own game.

Example: Oversized nonbook materials are then treated in the same manner as oversized books, specialized materials in the same manner as reference books.

Example: In other words, general classification schemes are discipline-oriented if they are constructed along the lines indicated so far.

Example: Invented around 1850 by two Americans, the platen jobber worked after the fashion of a bivalve shell = Inventada alrededor de 1850 por dos norteamericanos, la máquina de presión plana funcionaba del mismo modo que un bivalvo.

Example: Similar to economic impact analysis, cost-benefit analysis provides a quantitative presentation of the returns to a community's library investment.

Example: In common with many other databases, MEDLARS (MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System) was primarily an offshoot from a printed indexing service.

Example: Just like wine connoisseurs there are beer connoisseurs too, and they're just as passionate!.

» del mismo + Nombreequally + Adjetivo .

Example: Equally important is the fact that a title only reflects the main theme of a document; subsidiary themes are not represented.

» del mismo sexosame-sex .

Example: Some states allow civil marriages in circumstances which are not allowed by many religions, such as same-sex marriages or civil unions.

» del mismo tipo que las oficinasoffice-type .

Example: Most CACs occupied office-type accommodation in town halls, libraries and consumer protection departments.

» de + Posesivo + misma edadPosesivo + same age .

Example: She repeated fifth grade so that she would be in class with children her same age, so she aced it.

» desarrollado por uno mismoself-developed .

Example: No course on management would be complete if it did not attempt to instill an appreciation for a self-developed philosophy of management based on behavioral theories.

» desde esta misma perspectivaalong the same lines .

Example: This has provided several new schedules for the revised edition, and substantial progress has been made in working out others along the same lines.

» de una misma manerain a similar fashion .

Example: These references operate in a similar fashion whether they are used to link authors' names or subject headings.

» dirigido hacia uno mismoself-oriented .

Example: The author investigates the relationship between 3 dimensions of perfectionism: self-oriented, other-oriented, and socially prescribed.

» dirigido por uno mismoself-directed .

Example: Libraries can play an important role in self-directed learning and in improving adult reading skills = Las bibliotecas pueden desempeñar un importante papel en el aprendizaje autodidacta y en la mejora de las habilidades lectoras de los adultos.

» dirigirse en la misma direcciónhead in + the same direction .

Example: One of the amazing things about us is that, although we have different ways of thinking as individuals, we're all headed in the same direction.

» dos caras de la misma monedatwo sides of the same coin .

Example: Immodesty and the lack of respect for women are two sides of the same coin.

» dos pueden jugar el mismo juegotwo can play at the same game .

Example: I have always behaved fairly and honourably, but if my opponent insists on descending to dirty and caddish tricks he will find that two can play at that game.

» duda en uno mismoself-doubt .

Example: The information fatigue syndrome causes paralysis of the analytical capacity, constant searches for more information, increased anxiety and sleeplessness and self-doubt in decision making.

» elegido por uno mismoself-chosenself-electedself-selected .

Example: Inevitably, a large proportion of these self-chosen books will be slight in stature.

Example: A charming, self-elected leader winds up commanding an outfit of misfits.

Example: The aim of this study was to compare the energetic cost of walking at a self-selected exercise pace for a 30 minute period in older and younger women.

» ella mismaherself .

Example: MARIAN EVANS, who wrote as GEORGE ELIOT, was at times fond of identifying herself as MRS. GEORGE HENRY LEWES, and eventually actually became MRS. JOHN WALTER CROSS.

» él mismohimself .

Example: The only difference is the cataloger doesn't have to sit down and challenge himself, select one entry over the other, and say that this person is more responsible than another person for the work.

» el mismo lugar de siemprethe same place as ever .

Example: I guess I talk too much about leaving and that is why I am still standing on the same place as ever.

» el mismo + NombreNombre + himself/herself/themselvesNombre + himself/herself/themselvesthe very + Nombre + himself/herself/themselves .

Example: However, Peter himself is forced to appear on the deck to stop the ship's captain from taking matters into his own hands.

Example: However, Peter himself is forced to appear on the deck to stop the ship's captain from taking matters into his own hands.

Example: I have experienced not only iffy quality on the food at this pub, but absolutely awful service from the staff and the very owners themselves.

» el mismo + Nombre + de siemprethe same + Nombre + as always .

Example: Linda came in and sat in the same place as always, called for a beer, took out from her wallet a pack of cigarettes and started to smoke.

» el mismo + Nombre (+ que)every bit as much + Nombre (+ as) .

Example: These enquirers have a clearer idea of what they want but they have every bit as much difficulty in framing their enquiry.

» el mismo númeroas many .

Example: For example, the Director of the United Kingdom electronic libraries programme, notes over eighteen such new services in one library system, and my own library could quote probably as many.

» el mismo que viste y calzathe very same .

Example: One tried-and-true tactic of the left is to always accuse the enemy of the very same crimes they themselves are committing.

» encerrado en sí mismocloseted .

Example: The play 'A Song at twilight' tells the story of an embittered, closeted, world-famous writer who is faced with his murky past in the shape of his early mistress.

» encontrarse (todos) en la misma situaciónbe (all) in the same boat [Usado generalmente en sentido figurado] .

Example: We're all in the same boat, and if part of it sinks, probably the rest of it does, too.

» en el mismo centro (de)plumb in the middle (of)slap-bang in the centre (of)smack in the middle (of)slap-bang in the middle (of)smack in the centre (of) .

Example: The best known is probably Yellowstone National Park, in Wyoming, just about plumb in the middle of the continent.

Example: After all, how many other cities of over 100000 inhabitants can boast a big oil refinery slap-bang in the centre?.

Example: I love getting off the subway at 42nd Street, walking up those stairs and just being smack in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of New York.

Example: Corsica is a small mountainous island situated slap-bang in the middle of the Mediterranean sea close to Italy and Sardinia = Córcega es una isla montañosa situada justo en el medio del mar Mediterráneo cerca de Italia y Cerdeña.

Example: Now at the beginning of fall a new construction site is appearing and it's smack in the centre of town.

» en el mismo número de añosin as many years .

Example: This is the second revision of the topic areas in as many years.

» en el mismo orden quein sync with .

Example: The output files were always named in sequence starting on 1, not necessarily in sync with the image file names.

» en ese mismo instanteat that very moment .

Example: He reflected along the way on the conversation with the head of readers' services, and smiled when he concluded that Balzac's biorhythm chart must have been peaking at that very moment -- or so he hoped.

» en ese mismo momentoat that very moment .

Example: He reflected along the way on the conversation with the head of readers' services, and smiled when he concluded that Balzac's biorhythm chart must have been peaking at that very moment -- or so he hoped.

» en este mismo sentidoalong the same lines .

Example: This has provided several new schedules for the revised edition, and substantial progress has been made in working out others along the same lines.

» enfrente de + Posesivo + (mismos) ojosin front of + Posesivo + (very) eyesbefore + Posesivo + (very) eyesunder + Posesivo + (very) eyesbefore + Posesivo + (own two/own) eyes [Las posibilidades son before + Posesivo + eyes, before + Posesivo + own eyes o before + Posesivo + own two eyes] .

Example: She was not only caught up in the Paris attacks, but she also saw a man shot right in front of her eyes.

Example: There was a short silence but, at the time, it seemed like an eternity as her entire career flashed before her eyes.

Example: Life was simple until she bega to question events in her past and what lies ahead of her, and then things start to unravel at an alarming speed under her very eyes.

Example: She is so caught up in her relationship with Flynn that she can't see what is going on before her own two eyes.

» en la misma épocacontemporaneously .

Example: Vernon Tate did a publicity job similar to Peter Record's for the improvement of American thesis bibliography more or less contemporaneously with him.

» en la misma habitaciónensuite .

Example: On the ground floor there is an additional double bedroom with one single bed and a truckle bed and ensuite shower room.

» en la misma línea dein the vein of .

Example: During the nearly hour long interview the interviewing board and the candidate had roamed freely over an enormous range of topics, much of it in the vein of small-talk.

» en la misma línea quein line with .

Example: Villahermosa, capital of Tabasco, as the first of Mexico's 31 states, has achieved full library coverage in line with the Programa Nacional de Bibliotecas Publicas.

» en + Posesivo + misma puertaon + Posesivo + own/very doorstep .

Example: This dance festival bigs up the diverse and exciting range of high quality dance theatre talent we've got on our very own doorstep.

» en sí mismoin itselfunto + Reflexivoper se .

Example: Further, classification and the network of relationships between subjects can be a fascinating study in itself, even devoid of any applications.

Example: Right now we have each data base as a law unto itself.

Example: The guidelines make no attempt to specify the form or structure of uniform headings or references per se.

» en sí mismosin themselves .

Example: A fascicle is one of the temporary divisions of a work that, for convenience in printing or publication, is issued in small instalments, usually incomplete in themselves.

» escogido por uno mismoself-chosenself-electedself-selected .

Example: Inevitably, a large proportion of these self-chosen books will be slight in stature.

Example: A charming, self-elected leader winds up commanding an outfit of misfits.

Example: The aim of this study was to compare the energetic cost of walking at a self-selected exercise pace for a 30 minute period in older and younger women.

» estar a la misma altura querank with .

Example: Proboscideans have developed a sophisticatedly organized society and they rank with primates and cetaceans with respect to cognitive abilities.

» estar al mismo nivelbe on a par .

Example: The male coquette and the wanton woman are somewhat on a par.

» estar cortados con la misma tijerabe tarred with the same brushbe two of a kindbe cut from the same clothbe cast in the same mould .

Example: The pot calls the kettle black may be used when one scoundrel reviles another -- they are tarred with the same brush.

Example: On the surface, they're like oil and water, but deep down, they're two of a kind.

Example: Twins may appear to be cut from the same cloth, but their genes reveal a different pattern.

Example: To me they all looked alike, the same size, and seemed to have been cast in the same mould.

» estar cortados por el mismo patrónbe tarred with the same brushbe two of a kindbe cut from the same clothbe cast in the same mould .

Example: The pot calls the kettle black may be used when one scoundrel reviles another -- they are tarred with the same brush.

Example: On the surface, they're like oil and water, but deep down, they're two of a kind.

Example: Twins may appear to be cut from the same cloth, but their genes reveal a different pattern.

Example: To me they all looked alike, the same size, and seemed to have been cast in the same mould.

» estar en el mismo barcobe (all/both) in the same boat .

Example: President Barack Obama reminded world leaders on Thursday that 'we are all in the same boat' in the fight against violent extremism.

» estar en el mismo equipobe on the same team .

Example: After all of those early years playing against each other, it's great to finally be on the same team.

» estar en la misma categoría querank with .

Example: Proboscideans have developed a sophisticatedly organized society and they rank with primates and cetaceans with respect to cognitive abilities.

» estar en la misma ondabe on the same wavelengthbe of one mindbe on the same page .

Example: When two people experience a deep connection, they're informally described as being on the same wavelength.

Example: Finally, all of you should be of one mind, love each other as brothers and sisters, and keep a humble attitude.

Example: Everyone on the team was on the same page; everyone had a shared vision and similar expectations -- it seemed like the meeting was productive.

» estar en las mismasbe back to square one .

Example: She told me that I was all at sixes and sevens with my eight times table and that it was 'back to square one' for me.

» estar hecho con la mismas dimensiones que el originalbe to scale .

Example: It is important to note that reproductions of screen formats are not necessarily to scale and screen images may be compressed.

» estar todos en el mismo barcobe all in the same boat .

Example: We are all in the same boat in a stormy sea, and we owe each other a terrible loyalty.

» estar (todos) en la misma situaciónbe (all) in the same boat [Usado generalmente en sentido figurado] .

Example: We're all in the same boat, and if part of it sinks, probably the rest of it does, too.

» evidente por sí mismoself-evident .

Example: Such conventions are so ingrained in American library practice that it is easy to forget they are not self-evident.

» grupo de personas o cosas de la misma edad o categoríapeer group .

Example: The 10 journals published by the National Research Council of Canada were analysed using a peer group of journals constructed from cited and citing journal lists in JCR.

» hablar del mismo modotalk + alike .

Example: The 'commercial' and 'academic' worlds have merged -- they think alike, talk alike, look alike -- both inhabit 'campuses' and play volleyball at breaktimes, and drink fruit juice.

» hablar por Uno mismospeak for + Reflexivo .

Example: This list speaks for itself; there is a treasure chest of support available to supplement the services offered by individual libraries.

» hace poco esta (misma) mañanaearlier (on) this morning .

Example: A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Chile earlier this morning with several large aftershocks.

» hace poco esta (misma) tardeearlier (on) this evening .

Example: She was rear ended earlier on this evening on her way back from work, hard enough to knock off her rear bumper.

» hace poco este (mismo) añoearlier (on) this year [Pero siempre dentro de este año en el que estamos] .

Example: He was discharged from the Navy earlier this year for testing positive for cocaine use.

» hace poco este (mismo) mediodíaearlier (on) this afternoon .

Example: I took an antidepressant earlier this afternoon and can notice feeling just that bit calmer, although I know I have a long road ahead.

» hace poco este (mismo) mesearlier (on) this month .

Example: He came close to death when he was hospitalised earlier this month following a 'small emotional breakdown'.

» hacer del mismo moldecast in + the same mould as .

Example: The British Library Information Service is cast in the same mould as the Library of Congress Referral Service.

» hacer lo mismofollow + suitreciprocatedo + the same .

Example: Israel pioneering use of 'bottled' solar energy now has many following suit.

Example: Rosemary boldly confessed her feelings for Dick, and he began to reciprocate them.

Example: He smiled back turned to face the steering wheel and did his seat belt up, I did the same.

» hace unas horas esta (misma) mañanaearlier (on) this morning .

Example: A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Chile earlier this morning with several large aftershocks.

» hace unas horas esta (misma) tardeearlier (on) this evening .

Example: She was rear ended earlier on this evening on her way back from work, hard enough to knock off her rear bumper.

» hace unas horas este (mismo) mediodíaearlier (on) this afternoon .

Example: I took an antidepressant earlier this afternoon and can notice feeling just that bit calmer, although I know I have a long road ahead.

» hace unos días este (mismo) mesearlier (on) this month .

Example: He came close to death when he was hospitalised earlier this month following a 'small emotional breakdown'.

» hace unos meses este (mismo) añoearlier (on) this year [Pero siempre dentro de este año en el que estamos] .

Example: He was discharged from the Navy earlier this year for testing positive for cocaine use.

» hasta el mismoright up to .

Example: In these days of refresher courses right up to retirement I do not think we can be as dogmatic as that.

» hasta el mismo finalto the very end .

Example: He was one of the few workers who saw the project out to the very end when some had dropped by the wayside.

» imagen de uno mismoself-presentation .

Example: Thus, self-presentation becomes a dynamic conception of people structuring their relations apropos to their life-space, rather than a theory of how to win friends and influence people.

» intentar hacer Algo por uno mismotry + Posesivo + own hand at .

Example: Besides MP3 and streaming audio, the raw transfers are also available for diy'ers to try their own hand at audio restoration.

» ir al mismo pasofall into + step .

Example: I called her to heel and she fell into step nicely, but after a few paces she veered left to go sniff something.

» ir al mismo ritmofall into + step .

Example: I called her to heel and she fell into step nicely, but after a few paces she veered left to go sniff something.

» ir encaminado en la misma direcciónhead in + the same direction .

Example: One of the amazing things about us is that, although we have different ways of thinking as individuals, we're all headed in the same direction.

» ir en el mismo barcobe (all/both) in the same boat .

Example: President Barack Obama reminded world leaders on Thursday that 'we are all in the same boat' in the fight against violent extremism.

» ir en el mismo equipobe on the same team .

Example: After all of those early years playing against each other, it's great to finally be on the same team.

» ir en la misma direcciónhead in + the same direction .

Example: One of the amazing things about us is that, although we have different ways of thinking as individuals, we're all headed in the same direction.

» jugar en el mismo equipobe on the same team .

Example: After all of those early years playing against each other, it's great to finally be on the same team.

» justo de la misma manera quein just the same way as .

Example: The indexer must become conversant with the subject content of the document, in just the same way as an abstractor must immerse himself in the text.

» juzgar a Alguien con el mismo patróntar + Nombre + with the same brushtreat + Nombre + the same (way)treat + Nombre + equally .

Example: I've not tarred him with the same brush as my ex but I can't help but be cautious!.

Example: If I treat everyone the same way, I am for sure being biased because each individual is unique.

Example: Equality means you treat everyone equally, not give special treatment to minorities.

» la misma personaone and the same person .

Mismo synonyms

like in spanish: me gusta, pronunciation: laɪk part of speech: verb, adjective equivalent in spanish: equivalente, pronunciation: ɪkwɪvələnt part of speech: adjective, noun corresponding in spanish: correspondiente, pronunciation: kɔrəspɑndɪŋ part of speech: adjective equal in spanish: igual, pronunciation: ikwəl part of speech: adjective self in spanish: yo, pronunciation: self part of speech: noun, adjective duplicate in spanish: duplicar, pronunciation: dupləkət part of speech: adjective, verb comparable in spanish: comparable, pronunciation: kɑmpɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective identical in spanish: idéntico, pronunciation: aɪdentɪkəl part of speech: adjective synoptic in spanish: sinóptico, pronunciation: sɪnɑptɪk part of speech: adjective indistinguishable in spanish: indistinguible, pronunciation: ɪndɪstɪŋgwɪʃəbəl part of speech: adjective assonant in spanish: asonante, pronunciation: æsənənt part of speech: adjective synoptical in spanish: sinóptico, pronunciation: sɪnɑptɪkəl part of speech: adjective
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