Misiones in english


pronunciation: mɪʃənz part of speech: noun
In gestures

misión1 = mission ; mission statement ; charge ; mandate. 

Example: Its mission is to advise the three sponsoring agencies on how best to coordinate their programs in this area and to recommend priorities for action.Example: The mission statement is the statement made by a library concerning its provision and development of services and products.Example: She was offered an opportunity to chair a task force within the library with the charge to investigate a new integrated system.Example: The original mandate was very clear: to consider for inclusion all proposals made.


» completar una misióncomplete + a mission .

Example: In hand-to-hand combat, the soldier must have the attitude that he will defeat the enemy and complete the mission, no matter what.

» cumplir + Posesivo + misióndo + Posesivo + jobget + the job donedo + the job .

Example: Splash flaps protect the car paint, whether you like the look of them or not, they do their job.

Example: The best cardio workout for burning fat is one of high intensity that gets the job done in as little time as possible.

Example: Just got back from a hike that had plenty of climbing, slick rock, sand, and cobbly trails, and these boots really did the job.

» cumplir una misiónaccomplish + a missioncomplete + a mission .

Example: The library emerged as the vehicle to accomplish this mission.

Example: In hand-to-hand combat, the soldier must have the attitude that he will defeat the enemy and complete the mission, no matter what.

» definir una misiónformulate + a mission .

Example: Once the public library's mission and roles have been formulated, the planning process can effectively begin.

» desempeñar la misión de Unodo + Posesivo + work .

Example: This may result in the burden of the search being undertaken by the reader after the index language had done its work.

» desempeñar + Posesivo + misiónfulfil + Posesivo + mission .

Example: Libraries will, above all, be a vital factor in fulfilling the mission of the university in creating, preserving, and disseminating knowledge.

» desempeñar una misiónfulfil + Posesivo + mission .

Example: Libraries will, above all, be a vital factor in fulfilling the mission of the university in creating, preserving, and disseminating knowledge.

» embarcarse en una misiónembark on + a quest .

Example: He embarked on a secret quest to find his double and set in motion a train of events that he couldn't control.

» en misión de pazon a peace mission .

Example: He has visited Libya on a peace mission, in the latest attempt to bring both sides of the conflict to negotiations.

» hacer + Posesivo + misióndo + the jobdo + Posesivo + jobget + the job done .

Example: Just got back from a hike that had plenty of climbing, slick rock, sand, and cobbly trails, and these boots really did the job.

Example: Splash flaps protect the car paint, whether you like the look of them or not, they do their job.

Example: The best cardio workout for burning fat is one of high intensity that gets the job done in as little time as possible.

» llevar a cabo una misiónaccomplish + a mission .

Example: The library emerged as the vehicle to accomplish this mission.

» misión cumplidamission accomplished .

Example: The article 'Socialism: mission accomplished or Mission Impossible' traces the development of socialism in Europe & North America since the late 19th century, when socialism represented a way to regulate capitalism.

» misión de la bibliotecalibrary's mission .

Example: Preservation of Canada's published heritage is a key component of the National library's mission.

» misión de pazpeacekeeping missionpeace mission .

Example: An advance party of 30 military officers arrived today from Ghana, where they were in training for the full peacekeeping mission that is scheduled to be launched next month.

Example: He has also led peace missions to Gaza and Sudan, where he was part of the team that negotiated the release of a schoolteacher.

» misión imposiblemission impossible .

Example: The article 'Socialism: Mission Accomplished or mission impossible' traces the development of socialism in Europe & North America since the late 19th century, when socialism represented a way to regulate capitalism.

» misión inútilfool's errand .

Example: I'd like to explain that treating online poker as though it is a science based on mathematic principles is a fool's errand for most of us.

» misión lunarlunar mission .

Example: China gears up to launch second lunar mission next month.

» resumen de misiónmission-oriented abstract .

Example: A mission-oriented abstract is an abstract which is prepared for a mission-oriented abstracting service.

misión2 = mission station ; mission. 

Example: This South African library holds 2 of the 3 volumes of travel journals in which the Revd John Campbell of the London Missionary Society described his visit to mission stations in the Cape Colony.Example: His fascination with collecting pictorial representations of the old Spanish Franciscan missions in California is well known.


» biblioteca de misiónmission library .

Example: This is a modern mission library formed in 1988 by the amalgamation of the stocks from three libraries.

» estudios relacionados con las misiones religiosasmissiology .

Example: The library consists of approximately 2,500 books and pamphlets covering theology, church history, evangelism, missiology, and Christianity.

» misión de búsqueda y rescatesearch and rescue mission .

Example: Search and rescue missions include a variety of missions: searches for lost hunters, hikers, or Alzheimer's patients, missing aircraft, etc.

» misión de guerrawartime mission .

Example: The concept of 'operational readiness' refers to the training required by Navy personnel during peacetime to perform wartime missions.

» misión de reconocimientorecce [A veces escrito reckie] .

Example: The only way we could wash when on a recce was by igniting sand soaked in petrol and then heating water in a tin over it.

» misión diplomáticadiplomatic mission .

Example: Diplomatic missions of the European Commission in major third countries also have units responsible for information.

» misión espacialspace mission .

Example: It is narrated as if the group of people learning the game were space cadets being trained for space missions.

» misión investigadorafact-finding mission .

Example: The experts' meeting agreed that there be an immediate fact-finding mission under UNESCO coordination to assess the extent of damage and loss to cultural property in Iraq.
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