Miserable in english


pronunciation: mɪzɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

miserable = mean ; miserable ; squalid ; mean-spirited ; paltry ; measly ; dastardly ; cheapskate ; penny pincher ; sorry ass ; wretch. 

Example: Whereas in most European countries during this period welfare provision continued to develop, in Australia it languished at a level which, with the exception of Japan, was the meanest of the developed countries.Example: Sometimes of an evening, after my miserable journeyings through the day, I would stand for hours in the Strand, leaning against the shutters of a closed shop, and watching the compositors at work by gaslight on the opposite side of the way, upon a morning paper.Example: The author examines Whistler's visits to the more squalid sections of the city, his views along the Thames and his portrayals of street urchins.Example: Don't waste your time on this mean-spirited little film of no consequence.Example: And there is no guarantee that any of the paltry sums of extra money available will actually benefit the workers in the recipient countries.Example: Despite the Bank of England's base rate having risen by a full percentage point, the average savings rate is still 'measly'.Example: A dastardly livery driver raped a 30-year-old woman passenger on Jan. 31, cops said.Example: Most of these cheapskates will not come right out and tell you that they don't want to pay anything for your software.Example: However I am a 'penny pincher' and always on the look out for ways I can save myself a few dollars.Example: What do you think of a woman expecting a baby working her ass off supporting a sorry ass man that will not work?.Example: He understands that he is just as much a wretch as the next guy, regardless of the degree or severity of the sin.


» fracaso miserablemiserable failure .

Example: The history of networking technology is full of great triumphs and miserable failures.

» hacer la vida miserablemake + (Posesivo) + life miserablemake + Posesivo + life a misery .

Example: Her brother takes every opportunity to make her life miserable and her father won't even acknowledge she's alive.

Example: How she came by her death I do not know, but I am sure that he had made her life a misery to her.

» llevar una vida miserablelive out + a wretched existence .

Example: In this sense the book resembles one of Solzhenitsyn's novels about one good day in the life of one of Stalin's victims living out a wretched existence in a Siberian prison camp.

» tiempo miserablemiserable weather .

Example: A strong cold front has arrived and will make for some pretty miserable weather over the next two days.

Miserable synonyms

sad in spanish: triste, pronunciation: sæd part of speech: adjective low in spanish: bajo, pronunciation: loʊ part of speech: adjective abject in spanish: abyecto, pronunciation: æbdʒekt part of speech: adjective pathetic in spanish: patético, pronunciation: pəθetɪk part of speech: adjective poor in spanish: pobre, pronunciation: pur part of speech: adjective paltry in spanish: miserable, pronunciation: pɔltri part of speech: adjective inferior in spanish: inferior, pronunciation: ɪnfɪriɜr part of speech: adjective wretched in spanish: desdichado, pronunciation: retʃɪd part of speech: adjective meager in spanish: pobre, pronunciation: migɜr part of speech: adjective deplorable in spanish: deplorable, pronunciation: dɪplɔrəbəl part of speech: adjective hapless in spanish: desventurado, pronunciation: hæpləs part of speech: adjective execrable in spanish: execrable, pronunciation: egzekrəbəl part of speech: adjective meagre in spanish: pobre, pronunciation: migɜr part of speech: adjective pitiful in spanish: lamentable, pronunciation: pɪtəfəl part of speech: adjective contemptible in spanish: despreciable, pronunciation: kəntemptəbəl part of speech: adjective suffering in spanish: sufrimiento, pronunciation: sʌfɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun piteous in spanish: lastimoso, pronunciation: pɪtiəs part of speech: adjective scurvy in spanish: escorbuto, pronunciation: skɜrvi part of speech: noun unfortunate in spanish: desgraciado, pronunciation: ənfɔrtʃənət part of speech: adjective measly in spanish: miserable, pronunciation: mizli part of speech: adjective uncomfortable in spanish: incómodo, pronunciation: ənkʌmfɜrtəbəl part of speech: adjective unhappy in spanish: infeliz, pronunciation: ənhæpi part of speech: adjective woeful in spanish: lamentable, pronunciation: woʊfəl part of speech: adjective pitiable in spanish: lamentable, pronunciation: pɪtiəbəl part of speech: adjective scummy in spanish: espumoso, pronunciation: skʌmi part of speech: adjective low-down in spanish: Bajo abajo, pronunciation: loʊdaʊn part of speech: noun, adjective misfortunate in spanish: desafortunado, pronunciation: mɪsfɔrtʃənət part of speech: adjective meagerly in spanish: escasamente, pronunciation: migɜrli part of speech: adverb
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