Misantrópico in english


pronunciation: mɪsənθrɑpɪk part of speech: adjective
In gestures

misantrópico = misanthropic. 

Example: She took a shine to Sheldon, and before he knows what has happened, the misanthropic physicist finds himself with a girlfriend.

Misantrópico synonyms

cynical in spanish: cínico, pronunciation: sɪnɪkəl part of speech: adjective distrustful in spanish: desconfiado, pronunciation: dɪstrʌstfəl part of speech: adjective ill-natured in spanish: malhumorado, pronunciation: ɪlnætʃɜrd part of speech: adjective misanthropical in spanish: misantrópico, pronunciation: mɪsənθrɑpəkəl part of speech: adjective
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