Mirar in english


pronunciation: lʊk part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

mirar = look ; look through ; behold ; check out ; peek ; look (a)round ; roam over ; catch + sight of ; eye ; peer ; get + a load of ; rest + Posesivo + eyes on ; rest + Posesivo + gaze on. 

Example: This chapter takes the opportunity to look at an assortment of other aspects of bibliographic description.Example: If you possess a copy of CC it would be advisable for you to look through it at this stage and acquaint yourself with the general appearance of each Part before proceeding further.Example: As Confucius said 'behold the turtle, he makes progress only when his neck is out'.Example: Where problems do arise it is sensible to check out the training programme before blaming the assistant for poor performance of duties.Example: The article 'Peeking inside the black box - a look at the private life of your modem' explains the theory and mechanism of modems.Example: One has only to look around in bookshops to see how many paperbacks on show have film or TV links.Example: According to Tim Berners-Lee's vision of the semantic web, intelligent agent software will have the ability to understand the meaning (semantics) of the information they are roaming over in order to make the users' searches more inherently meaningful and efficient = According to Tim Berners-Lee's vision of the semantic web, intelligent agent software will have the ability to understand the meaning (semantics) of the information they are roaming over in order to make the users' searches more inherently meaningful and efficient.Example: 'Good grief!', he cried, catching sight of the clock.Example: The banking community is eyeing its possibilities with serious interest.Example: After peering for a while I noticed that there were some filenames embedded in the corrupted data.Example: If you thought your physics teacher was nuts -- just wait until you get a load of this guy.Example: For a passing moment after resting her eyes on the tattoo on his arm, Lily had merely looked scared.Example: She rested her gaze on a group of students in the center of the weight room who were gathered around a very large and well-built boy.


» a caballo regalado no le mires el dientenever look a gift horse in the mouthbeggars can't be choosersbeggars can't be choosy .

Example: There's an old saying, 'never look a gift horse in the mouth,' but in the world of freebie hunting this is not always a good policy.

Example: I'll take any love you think you can spare -- beggars can't be choosers.

Example: They aren't exactly cheap nor are they exactly what I have been looking for but as they say beggars can't be choosy.

» aficionado a mirar las estrellasstargazer .

Example: On the 19th of November stargazers will be able to see hundreds of shooting stars every hour.

» antes que te cases, mira lo que haceslook before you leap .

Example: If you are ready to tackle this task, then go for it, but look before you leap!.

» bajar la cabeza para mirar alook down at .

Example: 'It's funny,' she said, looking down at the table, 'when I met you on the train you didn't impress me as being that sort of person'.

» bajar la vista para mirar alook down at .

Example: 'It's funny,' she said, looking down at the table, 'when I met you on the train you didn't impress me as being that sort of person'.

» bien miradoall things considered .

Example: The revolution which had just been accomplished was the work of all France; Paris, all things considered, had been but the theatre of that event.

» deleitarse mirandofeast + Posesivo + eyes on .

Example: This superb restaurant will tempt you with lavish buffets or set menus while feasting your eyes on the breathtaking view.

» hacer que la gente se vuelva a mirarmake + heads turnturn + heads .

Example: Be the centre of attention and make heads turn at any red carpet event with this new body lotion!.

Example: She is one of those ultra sexy, smoking hot women who turn heads when they walk past anyone.

» hay que mirar hacia el futurothe show must go on .

Example: He concludes that in both democracy and art, we have reached a point of stasis in which the show must go on because there is nothing to replace it.

» haz el bien y no mires a quiéncast your bread upon the waters .

Example: Your following the biblical saying to cast you bread upon the waters, certainly has been helpful to me.

» ir a mirar escaparateswindow shopgo window-shopping .

Example: You have to visit Venice, even if, like me, you can only afford to window shop.

Example: Different from other common girls at my age, I don't like to go window-shopping.

» levantar la cabeza para mirar alook up at .

Example: When she looked up at him, it was suddenly easy for her to imagine that her fears were pointless.

» levantar la vista para mirar alook up at .

Example: When she looked up at him, it was suddenly easy for her to imagine that her fears were pointless.

» mira bien lo que haceslook before you leap .

Example: If you are ready to tackle this task, then go for it, but look before you leap!.

» mirando al sursouth facing .

Example: Energy conservation was an important concern for all 7 libraries, with south facing high windows and heat absorbing walls in all buildings.

» mirando hacia atrásin retrospectrear-looking .

Example: In retrospect, this was perhaps a rather inauspicious beginning, for the test apparently broke down in disarray over the question of relevance judgement.

Example: Some housecars and motorhomes are equipped with rear-looking closed circuit television systems to help you back your vehicle.

» mirándolo bienall things considered .

Example: The revolution which had just been accomplished was the work of all France; Paris, all things considered, had been but the theatre of that event.

» ¡mira por donde!lo and behold!lo! .

Example: It's perhaps like applying the Pygmalion theory nationally; if you assume everyone will perform well and do your best to help them to do so, lo and behold! everybody does perform well, or nearly everybody.

Example: Then I came within this disagreeable person's atmosphere, and lo! before I know what's happened I'm involved in an unpleasant altercation.

» ¡mira quién fue a hablar!look who's talking!hark who's talking! .

Example: The article is entitled 'Look who's talking: a comparison of lecture and group discussion teaching strategies in developing critical thinking skills'.

Example: Hark who's talking! -- you are the most heartless person I know, dead or alive.

» ¡mira quién habla!look who's talking!hark who's talking! .

Example: The article is entitled 'Look who's talking: a comparison of lecture and group discussion teaching strategies in developing critical thinking skills'.

Example: Hark who's talking! -- you are the most heartless person I know, dead or alive.

» ¡mira quién va a hablar!look who's talking!hark who's talking! .

Example: The article is entitled 'Look who's talking: a comparison of lecture and group discussion teaching strategies in developing critical thinking skills'.

Example: Hark who's talking! -- you are the most heartless person I know, dead or alive.

» mirar alook atpeer atlook ontoface .

Example: In this example the searcher has chosen to look at the titles of the most recent 10 articles from set 4.

Example: Then he peered over his glasses at us and said, 'Different points of view'.

Example: The whole of the ground floor was one large room, lit by an old-fashioned window looking onto the street and by a large sash-window giving onto an enclosed yard.

Example: As an older kid and young adult I would gaze out of the train window at the row of old shops facing the train station.

» mirar a Alguien de arriba abajolook + Nombre + up and down .

Example: Donald stood there and looked her up and down with a menacing grin.

» mirar con odiolook + daggers atglare at .

Example: We stood in our driveway looking daggers at each other -- the tension was like the air before lightning, even the cat ran for her life.

Example: Wren glared at her for a second, then shut the door in her face.

» mirar adelantelook + straight aheadlook forward .

Example: The soldier, with his slinky walk, looked straight ahead while sipping vodka to burn the pain.

Example: Port and larboard are the same thing and they mean the left side when looking forward from the stern of the boat while starboard means the right side.

» mirar a hurtadillaspeep .

Example: While peeping is an offense, it falls under 'disorderly conduct,' and therefore the possible punishments are very limited.

» mirar a la gente con despreciolook down + Posesivo + nose at people .

Example: Well, the point is that we cannot exist looking down our noses at people and saying, 'You should like Trollope instead of Tarzan'.

» mirar a la gente que pasastreet watch .

Example: Other than sleeping, I enjoy wandering around aimlessly, street watching, and staring vacantly into space.

» mirar a la nadastare + vacantly into spacestare into + spacegaze into + spacegaze + vacantly into spacestare + vacantlygaze + vacantlygaze + blanklystare + blankly .

Example: Other than sleeping, I enjoy wandering around aimlessly, street watching, and staring vacantly into space.

Example: I find that we are so linked to the computer that when the computer takes a nap we just sit there staring into space.

Example: As children many of us spent countless hours gazing into space exploring alternate realities!.

Example: I often appear to be gazing vacantly into space with my mouth open.

Example: Numb from drink, he stared vacantly at nothing in particular.

Example: Her crown sits askew on her golden head and her eyes gaze vacantly down at her feet.

Example: Percy gazed blankly after the retreating car, and then made his way to a boot-blacking stand.

Example: Catherine's eyes were focused on that which her ears failed to hear and she stared blankly at the drops of water as they streaked down the glass.

» mirar a las musarañasstare into + spacestare + vacantly into spacegaze into + spacegaze + vacantly into spacestare + vacantlygaze + vacantlygaze + blankly .

Example: I find that we are so linked to the computer that when the computer takes a nap we just sit there staring into space.

Example: Other than sleeping, I enjoy wandering around aimlessly, street watching, and staring vacantly into space.

Example: As children many of us spent countless hours gazing into space exploring alternate realities!.

Example: I often appear to be gazing vacantly into space with my mouth open.

Example: Numb from drink, he stared vacantly at nothing in particular.

Example: Her crown sits askew on her golden head and her eyes gaze vacantly down at her feet.

Example: Percy gazed blankly after the retreating car, and then made his way to a boot-blacking stand.

» mirar al cielolook up to + the sky .

Example: Not too long ago, when the work week came to an end, a large segment of the population who worked hard all week looked up to the sky, exclaimed 'Thank God It's Friday', and promptly headed for the neighborhood bar.

» mirar al frentelook + straight aheadlook forward .

Example: The soldier, with his slinky walk, looked straight ahead while sipping vodka to burn the pain.

Example: Port and larboard are the same thing and they mean the left side when looking forward from the stern of the boat while starboard means the right side.

» mirar al futurolook down + the road .

Example: Today, as he looks down the road for new challenges, he only half-mockingly suggests he might become a death row lawyer.

» mirar al infinitostare + vacantly into spacestare into + spacegaze into + spacegaze + vacantly into spacestare + vacantlygaze + vacantlygaze + blanklylook into + the distance .

Example: Other than sleeping, I enjoy wandering around aimlessly, street watching, and staring vacantly into space.

Example: I find that we are so linked to the computer that when the computer takes a nap we just sit there staring into space.

Example: As children many of us spent countless hours gazing into space exploring alternate realities!.

Example: I often appear to be gazing vacantly into space with my mouth open.

Example: Numb from drink, he stared vacantly at nothing in particular.

Example: Her crown sits askew on her golden head and her eyes gaze vacantly down at her feet.

Example: Percy gazed blankly after the retreating car, and then made his way to a boot-blacking stand.

Example: She looked into the distance, and the old terror flamed up for an instant, then sank again.

» mirar a los ojosmake + eye contactlook at + Alguien + in the eyelook into + Posesivo + eyes .

Example: This can be done by making eye contact and putting aside one's work.

Example: The first step to stop people putting you down is to always look at the person in the eye, keeping your head held high.

Example: I turned and looked into her eyes and knew instantly what I should have known before, that she was as mad as a March hare.

» mirar al otro ladolook + the other way .

Example: 'Catching 10' while the supervisor is looking the other way is both a salve to the tired body & a little act of opposition.

» mirar al suelolower + Posesivo + eyes .

Example: You grew up and you learnt to keep your eyes lowered because if you raised your eyes you didn't know whether you were going to get an insult or a box in the ear.

» mirar al vacíostare into + spacelook into + spacegaze into + spacestare + vacantly into spacegaze + vacantly into spacestare + vacantlygaze + vacantlygaze + blanklystare + blankly .

Example: I find that we are so linked to the computer that when the computer takes a nap we just sit there staring into space.

Example: People just sit and look into space.

Example: As children many of us spent countless hours gazing into space exploring alternate realities!.

Example: Other than sleeping, I enjoy wandering around aimlessly, street watching, and staring vacantly into space.

Example: I often appear to be gazing vacantly into space with my mouth open.

Example: Numb from drink, he stared vacantly at nothing in particular.

Example: Her crown sits askew on her golden head and her eyes gaze vacantly down at her feet.

Example: Percy gazed blankly after the retreating car, and then made his way to a boot-blacking stand.

Example: Catherine's eyes were focused on that which her ears failed to hear and she stared blankly at the drops of water as they streaked down the glass.

» mirar atentamentewatch + closely .

Example: Watch closely as the tag number is entered = Fíjate atentamente cómo se introduce el número de la etiqueta.

» mirar atrás in arrepentimientohave + no regrets .

Example: If you want to get to the end of your life and have no regrets you need to seize every opportunity that comes along.

» mirar boquiabiertogawk (at)gawp (at) [Sinónimo de gawk] .

Example: I was stunned by just how many rubbernecks gawked at the drunk staggering back onto his feet.

Example: People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.

» mirar con atenciónwatch + closely .

Example: Watch closely as the tag number is entered = Fíjate atentamente cómo se introduce el número de la etiqueta.

» mirar con buenos ojoshave + a soft spot forlook (up)on + Nombre + kindlylook at + Nombre + through rose-coloured glasseslook at + Nombre + through rose-coloured spectacleslook at + Nombre + through rose-tinted glassessee + Nombre + through rose-coloured glassessee + Nombre + through rose-coloured spectaclessee + Nombre + through rose-tinted glassesview + Nombre + through rose-tinted glassesview + Nombre + through rose-tinted spectaclessee + Nombre + through rose-tinted spectacleslook at + Nombre + through rose-tinted spectaclesview + Nombre + through rose-coloured glassesview + Nombre + through rose-coloured spectacles .

Example: Janell has always had a soft spot in her heart for animals most people might find gross.

Example: After what she'd done to him this day, she doubted if any man, friend or foe, would look upon her kindly.

Example: Having said that, I try not to look at things through rose coloured glasses to the point where I'm out of touch with reality.

Example: I was young in those days, and perhaps apt to look at things through rose-coloured spectacles, especially where the fair sex was concerned.

Example: This is not about looking at life through rose-tinted glasses -- we make sure our clients understand and work with their reality, warts and all!.

Example: This book is dedicated to all teenagers who see the world through rose-coloured glasses and are tempted to embark on an early marriage.

Example: They have created an album which features music so upbeat and beautiful it's hard not to see the world through rose-coloured spectacles.

Example: The problem is, as with everything in the past, we do have a tendency to see things through rose tinted glasses.

Example: It's time to wake up and smell the coffee and stop viewing life through rose-tinted glasses.

Example: They are emotional, dreamy people with strong creative instincts, and tend to view life through rose-tinted spectacles.

Example: I was smitten from the off and still am so perhaps my description of her is biased and I could be accused of seeing her through rose-tinted spectacles.

Example: Elderly people are able to look at the world through rose-tinted spectacles because negative memories fade more quickly as we age.

Example: I have seen racial slurs, and quite frankly, anyone bugged by them do not get out much, or view life through rose-coloured glasses.

Example: The world has no use for a religious faith that bids its adherents to view life through rose-coloured spectacles, oblivious to the evil in the universe.

» mirar con desconfianzalook + askance at .

Example: They hate Asians, look askance at Africans and despise all Americans.

» mirar con desdénscowl (at) .

Example: And their doctors continue to scowl at them like they're irresponsible children or greedy criminals.

» mirar con despreciolook down + Posesivo + nose atlook down on/upon .

Example: It's the kind of barn where you can learn to ride without feeling mocked or like some hoity-toities are looking down their nose at you.

Example: The problem with that is that most literate societies look down on people who can't read well.

» mirar con el ceño fruncidoglowerscowl (at) .

Example: The whole place pulsates with drama: an aristocratic extravagance with giant statues glowering haughtily from its domed roof.

Example: And their doctors continue to scowl at them like they're irresponsible children or greedy criminals.

» mirar con el rabillo del ojo alook at + Nombre + out of the corner of + Posesivo + eyesteal + a glance atsteal + a look at .

Example: The horse snuffled indignantly and turned its head to look at him out of the corner of his eye.

Example: Strategies for minimizing such researcher effect included appearing to look elsewhere in the room, while stealing glances at the individual being observed.

Example: You can tell a lot about one's lifestyle and thoughts by stealing a look at his or her bookshelf.

» mirar con el rabillo del ojo alook at + Nombre + out of the corner of + Posesivo + eyesteal + a glance atsteal + a look at .

Example: The horse snuffled indignantly and turned its head to look at him out of the corner of his eye.

Example: Strategies for minimizing such researcher effect included appearing to look elsewhere in the room, while stealing glances at the individual being observed.

Example: You can tell a lot about one's lifestyle and thoughts by stealing a look at his or her bookshelf.

» mirar con iraglowerscowl (at) .

Example: The whole place pulsates with drama: an aristocratic extravagance with giant statues glowering haughtily from its domed roof.

Example: And their doctors continue to scowl at them like they're irresponsible children or greedy criminals.

» mirar con malos ojosglowerscowl (at)look + askance at .

Example: The whole place pulsates with drama: an aristocratic extravagance with giant statues glowering haughtily from its domed roof.

Example: And their doctors continue to scowl at them like they're irresponsible children or greedy criminals.

Example: They hate Asians, look askance at Africans and despise all Americans.

» mirar con más detallelook + (a little) deeperlook + (a little) closer .

Example: Had they looked a little deeper they would have uncovered that he was a cunt-chaser too.

Example: After a glance at the 10 titles, the searcher decides to look closer at item 5.

» mirar con más detenimientolook + (a little) deeperlook + (a little) closer .

Example: Had they looked a little deeper they would have uncovered that he was a cunt-chaser too.

Example: After a glance at the 10 titles, the searcher decides to look closer at item 5.

» mirar con odiolook + daggers atglare at .

Example: We stood in our driveway looking daggers at each other -- the tension was like the air before lightning, even the cat ran for her life.

Example: Wren glared at her for a second, then shut the door in her face.

» mirar con recelolook + askance at .

Example: They hate Asians, look askance at Africans and despise all Americans.

» mirar con una expresión vacíalook + blank .

Example: She lacks energy and her eyes lack soul which makes her look blank and confused half of the time.

» mirar cuidadosamentecomb trough .

Example: By contrast, in the 1962 BTI three entry headings, with one entry under each, and seven cross reference headings, have to be combed through to find reference from 'HYDROGEN Peroxide, Bleaching, Cotton' to its reverse.

» mirar de arriba a abajoeye + Nombre + up and down .

Example: He pushed the boy roughly against the door, eyeing him up and down like a lion who's caught sight of his prey.

» mirar de arriba abajoeye [Participio pasado eyeing (UK) o eying (USA)] .

Example: The banking community is eyeing its possibilities with serious interest.

» mirar de cercawatch + closely .

Example: Watch closely as the tag number is entered = Fíjate atentamente cómo se introduce el número de la etiqueta.

» mirar dentro depeer in(to) .

Example: This should be our first concern, not the gadgetry which allows us to peer into it.

» mirar de nuevolook at + Nombre + again .

Example: Print and save a copy so you can look at it again before the interview.

» mirar de refilónlook at + Nombre + out of the corner of + Posesivo + eye .

Example: The horse snuffled indignantly and turned its head to look at him out of the corner of his eye.

» mirar de reojolook at + Nombre + out of the corner of + Posesivo + eyelook + askance atlook over + Posesivo + shoulderglance over + Posesivo + shoulder .

Example: The horse snuffled indignantly and turned its head to look at him out of the corner of his eye.

Example: They hate Asians, look askance at Africans and despise all Americans.

Example: The way in which users are using the CD-ROM service was investigated by talking to them and looking over their shoulders during searches.

Example: Shrouded in darkness and swirling fog, he watched her glancing over her shoulder when she reached the sickly yellow glow from the gaslight.

» mirar de reojo asteal + a glance atsteal + a look at .

Example: Strategies for minimizing such researcher effect included appearing to look elsewhere in the room, while stealing glances at the individual being observed.

Example: You can tell a lot about one's lifestyle and thoughts by stealing a look at his or her bookshelf.

» mirar desde arribalook down on/uponlook down over .

Example: The characters stand inside a mysterious domed structure looking down on the Earth watching the 19th century take shape.

Example: There was one ram that was content to stay up in the cliffs and look down over his domain.

» mirar de soslayolook at + Nombre + out of the corner of + Posesivo + eye .

Example: The horse snuffled indignantly and turned its head to look at him out of the corner of his eye.

» mirar de soslayo asteal + a glance atsteal + a look at .

Example: Strategies for minimizing such researcher effect included appearing to look elsewhere in the room, while stealing glances at the individual being observed.

Example: You can tell a lot about one's lifestyle and thoughts by stealing a look at his or her bookshelf.

» mirar detenidamentego througheye [Participio pasado eyeing (UK) o eying (USA)] .

Example: I believe Mr. Freedman hired about 11 student assistants to go through this intentionally dirty file and clean it up.

Example: The banking community is eyeing its possibilities with serious interest.

» mirar el lado positivolook on + the bright side .

Example: Looking on the bright side, this crisis has shown us that some people just shouldn't be homeowners.

» mirar embobadogawk (at)gawp (at) [Sinónimo de gawk] .

Example: I was stunned by just how many rubbernecks gawked at the drunk staggering back onto his feet.

Example: People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.

» mirar en dirección contraria aface away from .

Example: Instead she chose to kick start the show sitting down and facing away from her captive audience.

» mirar en direcciones contrariasface away from + each otherface away from + one another .

Example: When Charles and Diana got married the Australian royal stamp had the couple facing away from each other, which caused much criticism.

Example: Since the houses were designed to face away from one another, maintaining privacy has never been an issue.

» mirar en direcciones opuestasface away from + each otherface away from + one another .

Example: When Charles and Diana got married the Australian royal stamp had the couple facing away from each other, which caused much criticism.

Example: Since the houses were designed to face away from one another, maintaining privacy has never been an issue.

» mirar en dirección opuesta aface away from .

Example: Instead she chose to kick start the show sitting down and facing away from her captive audience.

» mirar en otra direcciónlook + the other way .

Example: 'Catching 10' while the supervisor is looking the other way is both a salve to the tired body & a little act of opposition.

» mirar escaparateswindow shopgo window-shopping .

Example: You have to visit Venice, even if, like me, you can only afford to window shop.

Example: Different from other common girls at my age, I don't like to go window-shopping.

» mirar fijamentestare atlook + hardgazestare (at) .

Example: He stared coldly at her for a moment, then spat out: 'Bah! You're in charge'.

Example: She stopped and looked hard into his eyes, as it were, appealing for approval.

Example: Her tongue was unloosed now, and she gazed at him questioningly, piercingly.

Example: Staring at the computer for two hours or more each day can affect your eyes.

» mirar fijamente afixate on .

Example: She doesn't settle for anything less than everyone in the room fixating on her, and every pair of eyes is indeed happy to oblige.

» mirar fijamente a los ojoseyeballlook at + Alguien + in the eye .

Example: However he seems to have constructed his trends by just eyeballing the graph.

Example: The first step to stop people putting you down is to always look at the person in the eye, keeping your head held high.

» mirar fijamente con la vista levantadastare up at .

Example: He remembers their eyes staring up at him in disbelief as he beat the life out of them.

» mirar fijamente hacia arribastare up at .

Example: He remembers their eyes staring up at him in disbelief as he beat the life out of them.

» mirar fijo a los ojoslook (at) + Nombre + straight in the eye .

Example: Her knees knocked and her feet trembled in her boots, but she looked him straight in the eye.

» mirar furtivamentepeep .

Example: While peeping is an offense, it falls under 'disorderly conduct,' and therefore the possible punishments are very limited.

» mirar haciaoverlookturn toward(s) .

Example: In this sense the British Council libraries may be seen as a window, overlooking the British Isles, their virtues and characteristics.

Example: I reached over and ran my fingers along her cheek and she turned toward me, a smile broadening in spite of her huff.

» mirar hacia abajolook downlower + Posesivo + eyes .

Example: You can wander around with your head in the clouds or you can look down and see where you're walking.

Example: You grew up and you learnt to keep your eyes lowered because if you raised your eyes you didn't know whether you were going to get an insult or a box in the ear.

» mirar hacia ambos ladoslook + both ways .

Example: The mother and children should have looked both ways and they should have used a crosswalk instead of jaywalking.

» mirar hacia arribalook up .

Example: She looked up and saw the muzzle of a rifle pointed at her.

» mirar hacia atráslook backturn + Posesivo + eyes back .

Example: In the long run, electronic uinformation technology will very likely have important effects, but many of the changes will be so gradual as to be unnoticeable to those experiencing them until they look back.

Example: His smile broadened in approval as he turned his eyes back to the road.

» mirar hacia delantelook forwardlook + straight ahead .

Example: Port and larboard are the same thing and they mean the left side when looking forward from the stern of the boat while starboard means the right side.

Example: The soldier, with his slinky walk, looked straight ahead while sipping vodka to burn the pain.

» mirar hacia el futurolook forwardlook aheadlook ahead to + the future .

Example: So, at the beginning of the 21st century, libraries in the UK are looking forward again, with confidence and pride in the vital role they play.

Example: The author gives a brief description of the library and information scene in 1974 and looks ahead to what it will be like in 2014.

Example: In looking ahead to the future, and thinking about future job prospects, it is useful to understand where we were and how we got to be where we are today.

» mirar hacia otro ladoturn away + Posesivo + facelook + the other wayturn + Posesivo + head .

Example: The spectacle of two young women giving breast to their babies made her blush and turn away her face.

Example: 'Catching 10' while the supervisor is looking the other way is both a salve to the tired body & a little act of opposition.

Example: The horse snuffled indignantly and turned its head to look at him out of the corner of his eye.

» mirar intensa y amenazadoramentestare + Nombre + down [Generalmente hasta que la otra persona aparta la vista]stare + Nombre + out [Generalmente hasta que la otra persona aparta la vista] .

Example: Rather than a behavior to stimulate conflict, staring people down is actually a reflex behavior to establish dominance, according to researchers.

Example: He didn't run away, he stood his ground and stared him out.

» mirar la bola de cristalgaze into + crystal ball .

Example: This article attempts to gaze into a crystal ball and anticipate future developments, both beneficial and adverse, which will determine the way ahead for resource sharing among special libraries.

» mirar lascivamenteogle .

Example: The skirt she is wearing is too short & unless she wants all the men in the room to ogle her chest she needs to do up another button.

» mirar las estrellasstargazegaze at + the stars .

Example: After a night of endless attempts to snatch some shut-eye we managed to exhaust the night by stargazing out the open window.

Example: The album evokes feelings of nostalgia and yearning, vividly bringing back memories of gazing at the stars when I was a care-free kid.

» mirar ligeramenteglance atglance over .

Example: He glanced casually at the ill-balanced frontages of the buildings ahead that stretched on and on until they melded in an indistinguishable mass of gray at Laurence Street.

Example: He sat there in the coffee shop, every so often glancing over his paper.

» mirar los toros desde la barrerawatch from + the sidelines .

Example: Mühe had to watch from the sidelines as others received credit for the laparoscopic 'revolution'.

» mirar más de cercalook + (a little) deeperlook + (a little) closer .

Example: Had they looked a little deeper they would have uncovered that he was a cunt-chaser too.

Example: After a glance at the 10 titles, the searcher decides to look closer at item 5.

» mirar más detenidamentelook + (a little) closerlook + (a little) deeper .

Example: After a glance at the 10 titles, the searcher decides to look closer at item 5.

Example: Had they looked a little deeper they would have uncovered that he was a cunt-chaser too.

» mirar para atráslook backturn + Posesivo + eyes back .

Example: In the long run, electronic uinformation technology will very likely have important effects, but many of the changes will be so gradual as to be unnoticeable to those experiencing them until they look back.

Example: His smile broadened in approval as he turned his eyes back to the road.

» mirar porlook aboutpeer outlook outlook out for .

Example: A girl strokes its keys languidly and looks about the room and sometimes at the speaker with a disquieting gaze.

Example: James sat silent and peered out the window, as though at some object of great interest to be seen thence.

Example: Drew Pope put down his pencil, pushed back in his chair, stretched his arms overhead, and swung in a half-circle so he could look out the window.

Example: Panellists presented the criteria they adopted and features they looked out for when selecting a library automation system.

» mirar por el dineroscrimp and save (on) .

Example: My migrant parents had made sacrifices, scrimped and saved and sent me to an expensive private school so that I would not be exposed to the daily degradations they endured.

» mirar por encimaeyeball .

Example: However he seems to have constructed his trends by just eyeballing the graph.

» mirar por encima del hombrolook down + Posesivo + nose atlook down on/uponscorn .

Example: It's the kind of barn where you can learn to ride without feeling mocked or like some hoity-toities are looking down their nose at you.

Example: The problem with that is that most literate societies look down on people who can't read well.

Example: Marshall Edmonds seemed pathetic to her, a person more to be pitied than to be scorned.

» mirar por encima del hombro a la gentelook down + Posesivo + nose at people .

Example: Well, the point is that we cannot exist looking down our noses at people and saying, 'You should like Trollope instead of Tarzan'.

» mirar por la ventanalook out + the window .

Example: Stu looked out the window about eleven and saw that it was snowing = Stu se asomó por la ventanta alrededor de las once y vio que estaba nevando.

» mirar por Uno mismolook out for + Reflexivolook after + Reflexivolook after + number onelook out for + number one .

Example: In other words, our culture is a culture of narcissism, a culture of looking out for oneself, seeking after what is going to benefit me and my family.

Example: Other types of conditions might affect a person's ability to cook, get dressed or look after oneself.

Example: The article is entitled 'Looking after number one'.

Example: Never allow anything to have a higher priority than looking out for number one -- you are all you have.

» mirar rápidamenteshoot + a look at .

Example: Washington shot a timid momentary look at her.

» mirar rápidamente buscando algoscan .

Example: Notice that it would be possible to improve recall indefinitely by scanning the entire document collection.

» mirar rápida y brevementecatch + sight of .

Example: 'Good grief!', he cried, catching sight of the clock.

» mirarse al espejolook at + Reflexivo + in the mirror .

Example: All she does is swan about, look at herself in the mirror and primp, and go to parties, smile and have a nice time.

» mirarse el ombligocontemplate + navel [Pensar principalmente en los intereses personales]gaze at + Posesivo + naveltwiddle + Posesivo + thumbs .

Example: I am not going to contemplate an individual or corporate navel and I am certainly not going to make public my thought processes.

Example: There may be a role for libraries going forward but librarians will not get there by gazing at their navels.

Example: We don't want people to sit around twiddling their thumbs -- it's not good for their thumbs and it's not good for our community = No queremos a gente que se cruce de brazos sin hacer nada; no es nada bueno ni para sus brazos ni para nuestra comunidad.

» mirarse en el espejolook at + Reflexivo + in the mirror .

Example: All she does is swan about, look at herself in the mirror and primp, and go to parties, smile and have a nice time.

» no importa cómo lo mireswhatever way you look at itwhichever way you look at it .

Example: Whatever way you look at it, it was a shitty thing to do.

Example: Filmmaking is a very complex business, whichever way you look at it.

» no importa cómo se mirewhatever way you look at itwhichever way you look at it .

Example: Whatever way you look at it, it was a shitty thing to do.

Example: Filmmaking is a very complex business, whichever way you look at it.

» no mirar atrás con arrepentimientohave + no regrets .

Example: If you want to get to the end of your life and have no regrets you need to seize every opportunity that comes along.

» no mirar con buenos ojosfrown (up)on .

Example: This kind of transfer is usually frowned upon by budgeting authorities, however.

» que mira al sursouth facing .

Example: Energy conservation was an important concern for all 7 libraries, with south facing high windows and heat absorbing walls in all buildings.

» recrearse mirandofeast + Posesivo + eyes on .

Example: This superb restaurant will tempt you with lavish buffets or set menus while feasting your eyes on the breathtaking view.

» se mire como se mirewhatever way you look at itwhichever way you look at iton all counts .

Example: Whatever way you look at it, it was a shitty thing to do.

Example: Filmmaking is a very complex business, whichever way you look at it.

Example: I was wrong on all counts -- the fourteen days flew past and attendance at all sessions, day and evening remained strong right to the end.

» se mire por donde se mirewhichever way you look at itwhatever way you look at it .

Example: Filmmaking is a very complex business, whichever way you look at it.

Example: Whatever way you look at it, it was a shitty thing to do.

» ser mirado de forma extrañaget + some funny looks .

Example: You might get some funny looks if you turn up looking like the wreck of the Hesperus, but other than that, you're grand as far as I know.

» ser mirado por un tuertobe jinxed .

Example: So today I just came to realization that I've been jinxed somewhere along the way in my life.

» si bien se miraall things considered .

Example: The revolution which had just been accomplished was the work of all France; Paris, all things considered, had been but the theatre of that event.

» si sabes donde mirarif you know where to look .

Example: You can get rid of uric acid in your body quite naturally if you know where to look.

» vivir sin mirar atráslive + life on the go .

Example: Charles loves cooking, fishing, hunting, shooting pool, playing lottery, dressing up in suits, traveling, and living life on the go all the time.

» volver la cabeza para mirarrubberneck .

Example: Why do people rubberneck when they see an accident?.

Mirar synonyms

face in spanish: cara, pronunciation: feɪs part of speech: noun, verb see in spanish: ver, pronunciation: si part of speech: verb search in spanish: buscar, pronunciation: sɜrtʃ part of speech: noun spirit in spanish: espíritu, pronunciation: spɪrət part of speech: noun feel in spanish: sensación, pronunciation: fil part of speech: verb aspect in spanish: aspecto, pronunciation: æspekt part of speech: noun front in spanish: frente, pronunciation: frʌnt part of speech: noun tone in spanish: tono, pronunciation: toʊn part of speech: noun attend in spanish: asistir, pronunciation: ətend part of speech: verb expression in spanish: expresión, pronunciation: ɪkspreʃən part of speech: noun expect in spanish: esperar, pronunciation: ɪkspekt part of speech: verb wait in spanish: Espere, pronunciation: weɪt part of speech: verb appear in spanish: Aparecer, pronunciation: əpɪr part of speech: verb smell in spanish: oler, pronunciation: smel part of speech: noun, verb feeling in spanish: sensación, pronunciation: filɪŋ part of speech: noun seem in spanish: parecer, pronunciation: sim part of speech: verb flavor in spanish: sabor, pronunciation: fleɪvɜr part of speech: noun await in spanish: esperar, pronunciation: əweɪt part of speech: verb looking in spanish: mirando, pronunciation: lʊkɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective take care in spanish: Cuídate, pronunciation: teɪkker part of speech: verb facial expression in spanish: expresión facial, pronunciation: feɪʃəlɪkspreʃən part of speech: noun looking at in spanish: mirando a, pronunciation: lʊkɪŋæt part of speech: noun
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