Miramiento in english


pronunciation: lʊkɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures



» andarse con miramientospull + Posesivo + punches .

Example: She never pulled her punches; she called a spade a spade; and she kept a lot of her anarchism to the end.

» con demasiados miramientosmealy-mouthed .

Example: Such a mealy-mouthed attempt to get us to switch to Endnote is an insult to our intelligence.

» con muchos miramientosceremoniously .

Example: He was ceremoniously sworn in as Secretary of State at the White House, with his wife.

» no andarse con miramientosnot to hold any punches .

Example: He doesn't hold any punches and likes to tell it like it is.

» no tener miramientos con nadietake + no prisoners .

Example: He broke all the rules on and off the stage and took no prisoners in his wild pursuit of pleasure, pain, tragedy, and hope.

» sin miramientosunceremoniously .

Example: They pitched him unceremoniously out of the window, laming him for life, on a brick pavement below.

» tratar sin miramientoswalk all over + Alguienrun + roughshod override + roughshod over .

Example: By always looking at people in the eye and keeping your head held high you'll start giving them the vibe that you are not to be walked all over .

Example: Most troublingly, the Court has run roughshod over important legal precedents, not just in its ruling in January but in many other decisions.

Example: A good life for you maybe but not for the people you rode roughshot over.

Miramiento synonyms

look in spanish: Mira, pronunciation: lʊk part of speech: verb, noun superficial in spanish: superficial, pronunciation: supɜrfɪʃəl part of speech: adjective sounding in spanish: sondeo, pronunciation: saʊndɪŋ part of speech: adjective looking for in spanish: buscando, pronunciation: lʊkɪŋfɔr part of speech: noun looking at in spanish: mirando a, pronunciation: lʊkɪŋæt part of speech: noun
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