Miocardio in english


pronunciation: maɪəkɑrdiəm part of speech: noun
In gestures

miocardio = myocardium. 

Example: This is an article covering the layers of the heart -- the pericardium, the epicardium, the myocardium and the endocardium.


» célula del miocardiomyocardial cell .

Example: This occurs because the impulse spreads so rapidly that all myocardial cells in the atria and ventricles, respectively, contract at about the same time.

» del miocardiomyocardial .

Example: Infarction is irreversible damage to myocardial tissues caused by prolonged ischemia/hypoxia.

» depresor del miocardiomyocardial depressant .

Example: Anesthetic choice should favor agents which have relatively less myocardial depressant characteristics.

» infarto de miocardiomyocardial infarction .

Example: This is a video material to teach corpsmen response procedures for each of seven emergency medical conditions: angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, stroke, diabetic coma, insulin shock, and epileptic seizure.
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