Mio in english

My own

pronunciation: maɪoʊn part of speech: none
In gestures

mío = mine. 

Example: I am given to understand that the overall cooling costs in a library building such as mine are greater than the total heating costs.


» amor míohoneysweetie .

Example: The article 'Honey, I shrunk the kids' market' examines the mysterious decline in the profitability of the UK children's book market.

Example: Sweetie, you know how the sales go, if you snooze you lose.

» ¡Dios mío!good grief!goodness graciousoh dear!good golly(, Miss Molly)!good lord! .

Example: 'Good grief!', he cried, catching sight of the clock.

Example: Goodness gracious, is there a Lebanese plot afoot to control the world? .

Example: 'Oh dear what can the matter be' is the question we keep asking ourselves about Joel's health = "Dios mío! qué más puede estar pasando" es lo que nos preguntamos sobre la salud de Joel.

Example: Not everyone needs to write in third person, and good golly miss Molly, not everyone can write poetry.

Example: Good lord, he's literally acting like a supervillain.

» el míomine .

Example: I am given to understand that the overall cooling costs in a library building such as mine are greater than the total heating costs.

» ¡Madre mía!Good heavens! .

Example: Good heavens, if American culture isn't about wearing baggy pants, baseball caps and talking like a rube, what is it all about then?.

» Nombre + míoNombre + of mine .

Example: While another colleague of mine offered the wry comment that 'as the computer's capabilities have increased our expectations of what it can do have proportionally diminished'.
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