Minúsculo in english


pronunciation: taɪni part of speech: adjective
In gestures

minúsculo = tiny ; minuscule [miniscule] ; wee ; teeny ; teeny-tiny ; itty-bitty ; teeny-weeny ; teensy-weensy ; teensy ; weensy ; weeny ; itsy-bitsy ; tinsy ; tiny little ; little tiny. 

Example: With an estimated 300,000 'titles' in print it is clear that no bookshop can hope to stock more than a tiny fraction of those titles.Example: Some are almost compulsive writers who can produce a 60,000 word novel each month and would probably continue writing even if their royalties were minuscule, which they are not.Example: The Museum of Art is free to wee people under 12.Example: On a teeny little farm, in an itty-bitty coop, a very small hen laid a big, giant egg and out of this egg came one big, humongous rooster.Example: Once upon a time there was a teeny-tiny woman who lived in a teeny-tiny house in a teeny-tiny village.Example: On a teeny little farm, in an itty-bitty coop, a very small hen laid a big, giant egg and out of this egg came one big, humongous rooster.Example: The only chocolate I love is the teeny-weeny chocolate bits in chocolate chip ice cream.Example: Nancy saw his teensy-weensy weiner and has been laughing ever since.Example: There's just one little teensy drawback, we can't afford it!.Example: I may have gone just a weensy overboard on the whole thing, but couldn't resist as that was one of my pet projects.Example: The dish consists of potatoes, carrots, courgette, onion, garlic cloves, asparagus all thrown together and roasted with a weeny drizzle of olive oil.Example: I was an itsy-bitsy disappointed at the ending initially, but the movie stuck with me for weeks after.Example: Now I feel just a tinsy bit bad for thinking all those mean thoughts about Quinn.Example: You could break my heart into tiny little pieces, and I'd still pick them up and put them back in your hands.Example: One such change was when I began to see little tiny hairs growing out of my face.


» algo minúsculojust a little dot .

Example: It might be just a little dot in the huge canvas of our whole lives, but there are those special few that draw the dot with a permanent marker.

» coincidencia de mayúsculas y minúsculas en la búsquedacase sensitivity .

Example: The author discusses simple and advanced search modes; wildcards and truncation; Boolean searching and case sensitivity = El autor trata sobre las formas de búsqueda avanzada y simple, los comodines y el truncamiento, las búsquedas booleanas y las búsquedas con coincidencia de mayúsculas y minúsculas.

» letra minúsculalower case lettersmall lettersmall .

Example: A mixed notation uses more than one kind of symbol such as, for example, a mixture of letters and numbers, or a mixture of lower case and upper case letters in specifying subjects.

Example: It makes no difference whether the loan types are entered as capital or as small letters.

Example: There are only two sets of symbols whose orders are reasonably universally recognised: the letters of the Roman alphabet (either small or capitals), and Arabic numerals.

Minúsculo synonyms

little in spanish: pequeño, pronunciation: lɪtəl part of speech: adjective, adverb small in spanish: pequeña, pronunciation: smɔl part of speech: adjective diminutive in spanish: diminutivo, pronunciation: dɪmɪnjətɪv part of speech: adjective petite in spanish: chiquita, pronunciation: pətit part of speech: noun, adjective midget in spanish: enano, pronunciation: mɪdʒət part of speech: noun lilliputian in spanish: liliputiense, pronunciation: lɪləpjuʃən part of speech: adjective, noun bantam in spanish: gallito, pronunciation: bæntəm part of speech: noun
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