Minuto in english


pronunciation: mɪnət part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

minuto = minute. 

Example: It may therefore take several minutes for the rest of the forms to be entered.


» aguja de los minutosminute hand .

Example: Students first practiced counting by 1s and 5s around a clock with no hands before being introduced to the differing functions of the second, minute and hour hands.

» al minutoright on the nose .

Example: They couldn't see us but they had our altitude right on the nose.

» a los pocos minutoswithin minutes .

Example: Typical examples of enquiries of this kind that could be satisfied within minutes in any decently stocked library are 'Have you got anything on organising weddings?' 'Can you find me something on the history of paddle-steamers?'.

» a pocos minutos andandowithin walking distancewithin easy walking distancewithin an easy walk .

Example: The pilot phase focused on the students at schools within walking distance of the Central Library.

Example: For those who wish to make their own arrangements for accommodation, there are many hotels within easy walking distance.

Example: A great neighborhood has stores and shops that satisfy everyday needs within an easy walk from home.

» a pocos minutos a piewithin walking distancewithin easy walking distancewithin an easy walk .

Example: The pilot phase focused on the students at schools within walking distance of the Central Library.

Example: For those who wish to make their own arrangements for accommodation, there are many hotels within easy walking distance.

Example: A great neighborhood has stores and shops that satisfy everyday needs within an easy walk from home.

» aprovechar cada minutomake + every minute count .

Example: They say that a person with goals makes every minute count.

» cada cinco minutosevery five minutes .

Example: So people who check their email every five minutes waste 8 hours a week figuring out what they were doing moments before.

» cada dos minutosevery other minute .

Example: Imagine holding your breath for 30 seconds every other minute for 8 hours -- that's what happens to people with sleep apnea.

» cada tantos minutosevery few minutes .

Example: Teachers across Britain are subjected to foul language, personal abuse, sexual insults and threats of violence by pupils every few minutes.

» dedicar unos minutostake + a few minutestake + a few moments .

Example: I think it would be useful to take just a few minutes to talk about how our institutions come into being.

Example: Then, take a few moments to think about the terms that you can use to state the topic.

» dejar las cosas hasta el último minutoput things off to/until the last minute .

Example: In retrospect, this was a grave error -- my attitude in school was always to put things off to the last minute.

» después de unos minutosafter a little while .

Example: After a little while the bystanders came up and said to Peter, 'Certainly you too are one of them, for your accent betrays you'.

» disfrutar cada minuto deenjoy + every minute of .

Example: Many had never even been to Stratford before so they enjoyed every minute of that trip!.

» durante un minutofor a minute .

Example: When you kiss someone for a minute, you both burn about 2.6 calories.

» en cuestión de minutoswithin minutesin a matter of minutes .

Example: Typical examples of enquiries of this kind that could be satisfied within minutes in any decently stocked library are 'Have you got anything on organising weddings?' 'Can you find me something on the history of paddle-steamers?'.

Example: In a matter of minutes, eight cameras coupled with computer software can generate three-dimensional images of the human body, both clothed and unclothed.

» en el último minutolast minute [last-minute]at the last minutelast-gasp .

Example: In the case of BUSHMEN and HOTTENTOTS, the peoples' real names don't even appear as after-the-fact, last minute cross-references to the defamatory form.

Example: Display stands of very light construction that can be prepared beforehand and taken to the site of a lesson at the last minute are fairly easily available these days.

Example: A last-gasp penalty gave Scotland a win over Argentina in a fierce match between two teams desperate to secure a place in the top eight of the world rankings.

» en un minutoin a minute .

Example: Then the secretary, having rallied herself, said forlornly 'I'll let him know you're here in a minute'.

» en unos minutosin a little while .

Example: Go back inside and tell mom that I'll be there in a little while.

» esperar un minutohang on (for) + a minute .

Example: I hate it when I am told to 'hang on a minute' while the person who called puts me on hold and takes another call.

» estar a dos minutosbe just a hop awaybe just a hop and a skip away .

Example: London is just a hop away, and is one of the best cities for fun, theatre, nightlife, and many other things.

Example: Formentera is a hop and a skip from hedonistic Ibiza and the destination for my week of bliss.

» hasta el último minutountil the last minute .

Example: The idea of waiting until the last minute to develop training for a system is good evidence that the system, particularly the user interface, was not thought out very well in the first place.

» llevar un minutotake + minute .

Example: With this size of file, the compilation of the hash table takes several minutes, but once built, it can produce very rapid results.

» manecilla de los minutosminute hand .

Example: Students first practiced counting by 1s and 5s around a clock with no hands before being introduced to the differing functions of the second, minute and hour hands.

» minuto a minutominute-by-minute .

Example: What is needed, then, is a methodology for analyzing in a comprehensive fashion a manager's minute-by-minute life.

» minutos antes deminutes before .

Example: In order to evaluate the significance of taking vitamin complexes minutes before soccer games, 40 soccer players were tested.

» minutos tensostense minutes .

Example: A nosy octopus nearly got away with a scuba diver's camera in an underwater tussle that lasted a few tense minutes.

» ni por un minutonot even for a minute!not for a minute .

Example: This will serve as a reminder to never leave a child in the car alone, not even for a minute!.

Example: Never leave a child unattended in a car, not for a minute, not for a second.

» no desperdiciar ni un minutomake + every minute count .

Example: They say that a person with goals makes every minute count.

» no perder ni un minutomake + every minute count .

Example: They say that a person with goals makes every minute count.

» posponer las cosas hasta el último minutoput things off to/until the last minute .

Example: In retrospect, this was a grave error -- my attitude in school was always to put things off to the last minute.

» sin demorarse un (solo) minutowithout a moment wastedwithout a wasted momentwithout a minute wastedwithout a wasted minute .

Example: The days will be packed full, without any filler and without a moment wasted.

Example: This is a very fun movie that goes from one thing to another without a wasted moment.

Example: By answering some key questions, you're directed to information pertinent to your business without a minute wasted.

Example: If the meeting swept forward without a wasted minute, the President was interested and satisfied.

» sin desperdiciar un (solo) minutowithout a moment wastedwithout a wasted momentwithout a minute wastedwithout a wasted minute .

Example: The days will be packed full, without any filler and without a moment wasted.

Example: This is a very fun movie that goes from one thing to another without a wasted moment.

Example: By answering some key questions, you're directed to information pertinent to your business without a minute wasted.

Example: If the meeting swept forward without a wasted minute, the President was interested and satisfied.

» sin perder un (solo) minutowithout a moment wastedwithout a wasted momentwithout a minute wastedwithout a wasted minute .

Example: The days will be packed full, without any filler and without a moment wasted.

Example: This is a very fun movie that goes from one thing to another without a wasted moment.

Example: By answering some key questions, you're directed to information pertinent to your business without a minute wasted.

Example: If the meeting swept forward without a wasted minute, the President was interested and satisfied.

» transcurridos unos pocos minutosa few minutes later .

Example: A few minutes later a woman came into the garage, chatted with Jimmy for a while and said that she'd like to arrange to have her car serviced.

» un minutofor a minute .

Example: Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour -- sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute.

» un minuto en los labios, para siempre en las caderasa minute on the lips, forever on the hips .

Example: Saying no to cookies is hard but just remember 'a minute on the lips, forever on the hips' -- stay strong!.

» unos minutosa little while .

Example: Whether your tastes differ from mine or not, just kick back, pour yourself a drink and stay right here a little while.

» unos pocos minutos despuésa few minutes later .

Example: A few minutes later a woman came into the garage, chatted with Jimmy for a while and said that she'd like to arrange to have her car serviced.

» un par de minutosa couple of moments .

Example: I would like to devote a couple of moments each to what may seem strange bedfellows at first: Sholom Aleichem, Melvil's Rib, the CIA, and La Jolla, California.

Minuto synonyms

bit in spanish: poco, pronunciation: bɪt part of speech: noun hour in spanish: hora, pronunciation: aʊɜr part of speech: noun moment in spanish: momento, pronunciation: moʊmənt part of speech: noun second in spanish: segundo, pronunciation: sekənd part of speech: adjective, noun little in spanish: pequeño, pronunciation: lɪtəl part of speech: adjective, adverb small in spanish: pequeña, pronunciation: smɔl part of speech: adjective narrow in spanish: estrecho, pronunciation: neroʊ part of speech: adjective careful in spanish: cuidadoso, pronunciation: kerfəl part of speech: adjective instant in spanish: instante, pronunciation: ɪnstənt part of speech: noun, adjective infinitesimal in spanish: infinitesimal, pronunciation: ɪnfɪnɪtesɪməl part of speech: adjective atomic in spanish: atómico, pronunciation: ətɑmɪk part of speech: adjective min in spanish: min, pronunciation: mɪn part of speech: noun microscopic in spanish: microscópico, pronunciation: maɪkrəskɑpɪk part of speech: adjective microscopical in spanish: microscópico, pronunciation: maɪkrəskɑpɪkəl part of speech: adjective arcminute in spanish: minuto de arco, pronunciation: ɑrkmənət part of speech: noun minute of arc in spanish: minuto de arco, pronunciation: mɪnətʌvɑrk part of speech: noun atomlike in spanish: como un átomo, pronunciation: ætəmlaɪk part of speech: adjective
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