Minuta in english


pronunciation: bɪl part of speech: noun
In gestures



» minutasminutes .

Example: Since this will likely be a long meeting, I suggest we postpone approving the minutes of our last meeting.

» minutas de reunionescommittee minutes .

Example: Application areas include: personnel records, mailing lists, accident and incident records, clinical and health records, committee minutes and records, and so on.

» pecata minutapeccadillo [peccadilloes, -pl.]lesser sin .

Example: On the surface level, intermediaries use their mastery (knowledge and competence) of IR systems -- their contents, techniques, peccadilloes -- not mastered by users.

Example: Further, Lim has shown that students perceive cheating in exam-related situations to be serious but plagiarism is viewed as a lesser sin.

Minuta synonyms

account in spanish: cuenta, pronunciation: əkaʊnt part of speech: noun card in spanish: tarjeta, pronunciation: kɑrd part of speech: noun note in spanish: Nota, pronunciation: noʊt part of speech: noun, verb charge in spanish: cargar, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun measure in spanish: medida, pronunciation: meʒɜr part of speech: noun, verb peak in spanish: pico, pronunciation: pik part of speech: noun, adjective notice in spanish: darse cuenta, pronunciation: noʊtəs part of speech: noun, verb invoice in spanish: factura, pronunciation: ɪnvɔɪs part of speech: noun flyer in spanish: volantes, pronunciation: flaɪɜr part of speech: noun flier in spanish: volante, pronunciation: flaɪɜr part of speech: noun circular in spanish: circular, pronunciation: sɜrkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective beak in spanish: pico, pronunciation: bik part of speech: noun nib in spanish: punta, pronunciation: nɪb part of speech: noun broadside in spanish: costado, pronunciation: brɔdsaɪd part of speech: noun placard in spanish: cartel, pronunciation: plækɜrd part of speech: noun poster in spanish: póster, pronunciation: poʊstɜr part of speech: noun visor in spanish: visera, pronunciation: vaɪzɜr part of speech: noun neb in spanish: Nebraska, pronunciation: neb part of speech: noun throwaway in spanish: tirar a la basura, pronunciation: θroʊəweɪ part of speech: noun broadsheet in spanish: hoja ancha, pronunciation: brɔdʃit part of speech: noun greenback in spanish: tras verde, pronunciation: grinbæk part of speech: noun handbill in spanish: prospecto, pronunciation: hændbɪl part of speech: noun banknote in spanish: billete de banco, pronunciation: bæŋknoʊt part of speech: noun eyeshade in spanish: sombra de ojos, pronunciation: aɪʃeɪd part of speech: noun billhook in spanish: podadera, pronunciation: bɪlhʊk part of speech: noun vizor in spanish: visera, pronunciation: vaɪzɜr part of speech: noun bank note in spanish: billete de banco, pronunciation: bæŋknoʊt part of speech: noun bank bill in spanish: factura bancaria, pronunciation: bæŋkbɪl part of speech: noun federal reserve note in spanish: nota de la Reserva Federal, pronunciation: fedɜrəlrɪzɜrvnoʊt part of speech: noun government note in spanish: nota del gobierno, pronunciation: gʌvɜrməntnoʊt part of speech: noun
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