Minusválido in english


pronunciation: dɪseɪbəld part of speech: adjective
In gestures

minusválido = disabled. 

Example: Reference services for disabled students require not only traditional, directional and informational assistance, but also physical assistance.


» minusválidoshandicapped people .

Example: The Australian audio book market is expanding rapidly, users now include adult literacy students, the intellectually disabled as well as handicapped people.

» minusválidos, losdisabled peoplephysically handicapped, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]handicapped, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]physically disabled, the .

Example: The Library Association has reason to believe that women, black and disabled people are not properly represented in UK libraries.

Example: The needs of special clientele such as children and the physically handicapped must also be considered.

Example: The Stockholm Public Library provides library services in 32 hospitals, 1 gaol, 3 leisure centres for the handicapped and retired, and an institution for social rehabilitation.

Example: The author examines how the physically disabled have been depicted over the years, from the association of disability with moral culpability to the more recent portrayal of the cripple as survivor and hero.

Minusválido synonyms

incapacitated in spanish: incapacitado, pronunciation: ɪnkəpæsɪteɪtɪd part of speech: adjective injured in spanish: lesionado, pronunciation: ɪndʒɜrd part of speech: adjective handicapped in spanish: minusválido, pronunciation: hændikæpt part of speech: adjective unfit in spanish: impropio, pronunciation: ənfɪt part of speech: adjective hors de combat in spanish: hors de combate, pronunciation: hɔrzdikɑmbæt part of speech: adjective out of action in spanish: fuera de accion, pronunciation: aʊtʌvækʃən part of speech: adjective
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