Minuciosamente in english


pronunciation: mɪnətli part of speech: adverb
In gestures

minuciosamente = minutely ; long and hard ; painstakingly. 

Example: The minutely detailed classification is of the type appropriate to an extensive collection.Example: I thought long and hard last year before choosing which tool to purchase.Example: The audience interaction with the speakers at all three meetings has been painstakingly transcribed and edited.


» analizar minuciosamentecome under + scrutiny [Uso pasivo del verbo]porebe under scrutinylook under + the hood .

Example: Research policy at the European Community level has itself come under scrutiny.

Example: It uses computer power to pore through document text, to find and extract segments of relevant text information.

Example: Self-plagiarism may seem a smaller infraction than stealing another author's work, but the practice is under increasing scrutiny.

Example: If we look under the hood of this policy, we find the philosophy that as an employee, it's important for you to have a life outside of work.

» estudiar minuciosamentestudy + in great depthpore .

Example: We need to study in great depth what it is other new and successful information institutions are doing.

Example: It uses computer power to pore through document text, to find and extract segments of relevant text information.

» examinar más minuciosamenteexamine + in greater detail .

Example: Having proclaimed the merits of pre-coordination in effective and efficient retrieval, the next chapter examines pre-coordinate indexing systems in greater detail.

» examinar minuciosamentepull apart .

Example: When the point is reached at which the instructor begins to fade into the background, individual students can select cases to analyze and solve on their own before the class period, literally pulling them apart and putting them together again -- 'working them to death'.

Minuciosamente synonyms

circumstantially in spanish: circunstancialmente, pronunciation: sɜrkəmstæntʃəli part of speech: adverb
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