Minoría in english


pronunciation: maɪnɔrəti part of speech: noun
In gestures

minoría = minority. 

Example: Or in broader terms there exists not so much the middle and working class, but rather the majority and the minority.


» biblioteca de minoría étnicaethnic library [Biblioteca dedicada a coleccionar todo tipo de material documental relativo a una minoría étnica] .

Example: All kinds of viewpoints are heard in these meetings from information services in high-technology research establishments to ethnic libraries in Alaska.

» estar en minoríabe in the minority .

Example: Nonetheless, as Table 9 makes clear, these librarians are in the minority.

» falsa política de integración de minoríastokenism  .

Example: Some of the barriers faced by women seeking senior international appointments are: glass ceiling; trailing spouse; career vs. long term relationship and children; lack of mentors; tokenism; and exclusion from networks.

» gobierno en minoríaminority government .

Example: Coalition governments are actually a suitable alternative to a minority government.

» información en defensa de las minoríasaffirmative information .

Example: It is the proper function of New Zealand libraries to provide affirmative and empowering information to minority groups such as lesbians and gay men.

» minoría culturalcultural minority .

Example: The author advocates a multimedia approach to the problems of locating, organising and making available information by and about cultural minorities.

» minoría étnicaethnic minority .

Example: Ethnic minorities, foreign students and males dropped out in larger proportions than other kinds of students.

» minoría lingüísticalinguistic minoritylanguage minority .

Example: Library services to ethnic and linguistic minorities pose a major problem in many countries because of scarcity of appropriate material.

Example: The 20 chapters cover essential issues and controversies about language minorities and bilingual education. .

» minoría negrablack minority .

Example: Ann Thompson emphasised the need for an anti-racist approach throughout the library service and highlighted the question of under-representation of black and ethnic minority people in libraries.

» minoría privilegiadachosen few .

Example: A civilized nation by his lights is one in which a chosen few get to live like kings and queens, comporting themselves as they see fit.

» minoría privilegiada, laprivileged few, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: You can imagine how those who couldn't go felt, many of whom worked as hard or harder than the privileged few.

» minoría privilegiada, unaprivileged few, a .

Example: The library has no centralised card catalogue and stacks are open only to a privileged few.

» minoría racialracial minority .

Example: An extensive survey of poor racial-minority city-dwellers found that of the five thousand possible information sources that they named, the library was mentioned only once.

» minoría ruidosaplangent minority .

Example: He was called a turncoat and a traitor from that plangent minority which never learns that to gain power is what political parties first of all exist for.

» minoría selectachosen few .

Example: A civilized nation by his lights is one in which a chosen few get to live like kings and queens, comporting themselves as they see fit.

» ser la minoríabe in the minority .

Example: Nonetheless, as Table 9 makes clear, these librarians are in the minority.

» una minoría dea minority of .

Example: The use of networking to optimise use of information resources will increase the university's competitive edge, but only a minority of universities have the funds to support a fully 'wired-up' campus.

» una minoría selectaa select few .

Example: In every community there are a select few individuals who give tirelessly of themselves to make the community better for all residents.

» una pequeña minoría dea marginal fringe of .

Example: This put the matter down to the work of a marginal fringe of hotheads & lunatics.

» una selecta minoríaa select few .

Example: In every community there are a select few individuals who give tirelessly of themselves to make the community better for all residents.

Minoría synonyms

nonage in spanish: minoría de edad, pronunciation: nɑnədʒ part of speech: noun
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