Ministro in english


pronunciation: mɪnəstɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

ministro = minister ; cabinet minister. 

Example: It is easy to forget that in negotiations in Brussels, ministers of the member states usually do begin talking from different standpoints as a matter of course.Example: The author draws on her experience as a cabinet minister to provide librarians and library trustees with useful tips on lobbying politicians.


» Consejo de MinistrosCouncil of Ministers .

Example: In practice meetings of the Council of Ministers -- the Community's main legislative body -- have in recent years become a forum for acrimonious dispute.

» ministro de asuntos exterioresforeign minister .

Example: The website also includes a listing of all the prime ministers and foreign ministers for the countries that were members of the League of Nations from 1920-1946 = El sitio web también contiene un listado de todos los primeros ministros y ministros de asuntos exteriores de los países que fueron miembros de la Liga de Naciones entre 1920 y 1946.

» ministro de defensadefence minister .

Example: Defence Minister Ehud Barak has called on the Prime Minister to stand down over corruption allegations.

» Ministro de EconomíaChancellor of the Exchequerfinance minister .

Example: At the other extreme from AA is BM, which avoids prescribing entry under the real name for pseudonymous or anonymous documents unless the designation is an official one such as 'The Chancellor of the Exchequer'.

Example: Finally, the Finance Minister should perhaps think of falling back on his old strategy -- of ferreting out the black money using some carrot.

» Ministro de Educación, elEducation Secretary, the .

Example: The Education Secretary says there are some secondary schools in England she 'would not touch with a barge pole'.

» ministro de haciendafinance minister .

Example: Finally, the Finance Minister should perhaps think of falling back on his old strategy -- of ferreting out the black money using some carrot.

» Ministro de JusticiaAttorney GeneralMinister of Justicejustice minister .

Example: This article examines the Final Report of the Attorney General's Commission on Pornography which found that there is a connection between pornography and violence.

Example: The duty of the prosecuting counsel is not to obtain a conviction at all cost, but to act as a Minister of Justice.

Example: Nationalist backbencher Bonnici has called for an 'unprejudiced' debate on censorship, soon after the Justice Minister proclaimed himself against its total removal in the arts.

» ministro del gobiernogovernment minister .

Example: According to a Japanese government minister, the North Koreans called off the meeting saying they were not ready = Según un ministro del gobierno japonés, los norcoreanos cancelaron la reunión diciendo que no estaban preparados.

» Ministro del InteriorMinister of Internal AffairsHome Secretary .

Example: The present Minister of Internal Affairs has worked out a campaign on local freedom of information.

Example: Home Secretary David Blunkett says an 'airy fairy, libertarian' view of the world is no good for fighting terrorism.

» ministro de transportetransport secretary .

Example: Christa Kranzl, the Austrian Transport Secretary, said complete denationalisation of road haulage would harm competition.

» ministro principalfirst minister [En el Reino Unido, principal autoridad de las regiones administrivas de Escocia, Irlanda del Norte y País de Gales ] .

Example: The head of the group representing Catholic school principals in Northern Ireland accuses the first minister of rabble rousing.

» primer ministroprime ministerPremier .

Example: The website also includes a listing of all the prime ministers and foreign ministers for the countries that were members of the League of Nations from 1920-1946 = El sitio web también contiene un listado de todos los primeros ministros y ministros de asuntos exteriores de los países que fueron miembros de la Liga de Naciones entre 1920 y 1946.

Example: Premier Li Peng underlined the important role that the library has always played in society as the treasure house of knowledge.

Ministro synonyms

curate in spanish: cura, pronunciation: kjʊrət part of speech: noun pastor in spanish: pastor, pronunciation: pæstɜr part of speech: noun rector in spanish: rector, pronunciation: rektɜr part of speech: noun parson in spanish: párroco, pronunciation: pɑrsən part of speech: noun government minister in spanish: ministro del gobierno, pronunciation: gʌvɜrməntmɪnəstɜr part of speech: noun diplomatic minister in spanish: ministro diplomatico, pronunciation: dɪpləmætɪkmɪnəstɜr part of speech: noun
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