Ministerio in english


pronunciation: mɪnəstri part of speech: noun
In gestures

ministerio = government department ; ministry ; department. 

Example: Funding for advice centres can originate from any one of four government departments: the Department of Trade, the Home Office, the Lord Chancellor's Office and the Department of the Environment.Example: E. M. d'Hondt, newly-appointed NBLC chairman, urged that discussions be opened with the ministry of Social and Cultural Services to mitigate the effect of public lending right on library budgets.Example: One of the aims of this department is to promote a climate for British industry and commerce as conducive to enterprise and competition as that in any other industrialized country.


» Ministerio Americano de Sanidad y ConsumoFood and Drug Administration (FDA) .

Example: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued guidelines and information on equipment hazards, but many such problems are reported in non-government sources.

» ministerio de asuntos exterioresMinistry of Foreign Affairs .

Example: Contacts are also being developed with national archives and those of the ministries of foreign affairs, given that they hold a large number of complementary records relating to Community activities.

» Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, elForeign Office, the [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: He was the head librarian at the British Foreign Office from 1810 to about 1856.

» Ministerio de ComercioDepartment of Trade .

Example: Funding for advice centres can originate from any one of four government departments: the Department of Trade, the Home Office, the Lord Chancellor's Office and the Department of the Environment.

» Ministerio de Comercio e IndustriaDepartment of Trade and Industry .

Example: The Department of Trade and Industry has undergone many changes over the years; it has been split into two separate departments and welded together again.

» Ministerio de DefensaMinistry of Defence (MOD) .

Example: The Saudi Arabian Ministry of Defense and Aviation, which contracts for management of military hospitals, responded to the libraries' needs for more complete and extensive journal holdings.

» Ministerio de Economía y HaciendaLord Chancellor's Office .

Example: Funding for advice centres can originate from any one of four government departments: the Department of Trade, the Home Office, the Lord Chancellor's Office and the Department of the Environment.

» Ministerio de Educación y CienciaDepartment of Education and Science .

Example: All four types of libraries relate either directly or indirectly to one national authority with statutory powers -- the Department of Education and Science.

» Ministerio de Hacienda AmericanoInland Revenue Service (IRS) .

Example: Over the years the US Inland Revenue Service (IRS) has relied increasingly upon public libraries as principal centres for distributing federal income tax forms.

» Ministerio de Justicia, elMinistry of Justice, the .

Example: The Ministry of Justice is currently responsible for administering the licensing of private investigators and security guards.

» ministerio de la gobernacióngovernment ministry .

Example: This paper describes the activities of the Associazione Italiana Biblioteche study group formed by librarians working in government ministries in order to address the need for training and professional development felt in this sector.

» ministerio del gobiernogovernment ministry .

Example: This paper describes the activities of the Associazione Italiana Biblioteche study group formed by librarians working in government ministries in order to address the need for training and professional development felt in this sector.

» Ministerio del Interior, elHome Office, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: Funding for advice centres can originate from any one of four government departments: the Department of Trade, the Home Office, the Lord Chancellor's Office and the Department of the Environment.

» Ministerio del Medio AmbienteDepartment of the Environment .

Example: Funding for advice centres can originate from any one of four government departments: the Department of Trade, the Home Office, the Lord Chancellor's Office and the Department of the Environment.

» Ministerio de Obras Públicas, elRoad Department, the .

Example: Road Department officials said that using paver tiles to cover potholes on asphalt roads was slipshod.

» Ministerio de TrabajoDepartment of Labor .

Example: For the first time there are decidedly more government employees than goods-producing employees according to the Department of Labor.

» ministerio de transportestransport authorities .

Example: China's transport authorities plan to scrap dilapidated ships to enhance safety and improve the competitiveness of the industry.

» ministerio sacerdotalministry  .

Example: As a result of this policy hundreds of priests have been been suspended from ministry and have had their names publicly smeared without proof or even credible evidence.

» ministerio sacerdotal, elministry, the .

Example: The professions originated in the narrow areas of law, medicine, and the ministry.
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