Ministerial in english


pronunciation: mɪnɪstɪriəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

ministerial = ministerial. 

Example: She proposes the creation of a body under ministerial auspices to guarantee a policy of equal distribution and optimisation of university library resources.


» archivo ministerialdepartmental records .

Example: While the survival of modern departmental records has been very uneven, positive results have been achieved in the management of school and parish records.

» biblioteca ministerialministerial library .

Example: This article discusses the problable effects of cuts in federal budgets on ministerial libraries.

» cargo ministerialministry official .

Example: Ministerial libraries must provide literature and information quickly for ministry officials.

» gabinete ministerialCabinet, the .

Example: It began with a study of the system used in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and led to the issue of guidelines in booklet form on the disposal of information from that system.
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