Minina in english

My girl

pronunciation: maɪgɜrl part of speech: none
In gestures

minina = willy [willie] ; wiener [weiner] ; wee wee ; pee pee ; weenie. 

Example: If your fella is prepared to wipe his willy after widdling just to keep you happy, he must care for you a great deal.Example: His wiener is anatomically huge in proportion to him.Example: Brian has a very small wee wee -- even the doctor stated that Brian's is a lot smaller than average.Example: My 5 year old son woke up this morning saying his pee pee hurt.Example: My friend has pulled a muscle in his weenie, should he rub icy on it?.

minino = puss ; kitty ; pussy ; pussycat ; moggy [moggie] ; wiggle-butt. 

Example: The family puss should be taught not to meddle with birds; for cats are their worst enemies, destroying thousands of nestlings every year .Example: We used to put our kitties on a tether and let them explore the back yard, but not for hours on end.Example: I'd rather be a man who likes pussies, than a woman who only likes dogs.Example: In her spare time she says that she enjoys playing with her pussycats.Example: An astonished cat owner has been reunited with her beloved missing moggy -- ten years after he first disappeared.Example: Oscar the kitten is trying to do a headstand (I think), but just ends up being an adorable roly-poly wiggle-butt instead.
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