Miniatura in english


pronunciation: mɪniətʃʊr part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

miniatura1 = miniature ; thumbnail ; thumbnail image. 

Example: Reader use, exhibitions and reproductions, age, pigment damages, and the dry air caused by the radiators, often cause the layer of pigment in the miniatures of old manuscripts to loosen or flake off.Example: High quality (400dpi) TIFF files were stored on archival tape, and JPEG thumbnails and full-size images placed on server to be accessed by CGI script.Example: In some collections, only thumbnail images display to those searching outside the Library of Congress because of potential rights considerations.


» miniatura de manuscritomanuscript miniature [En los manuscritos antiguos, letra o pintura decorada] .

Example: All types of documents from local collections are being included: manuscript miniatures, prints, maps, portraits, etc..

miniatura2 = small scale [small-scale]. 

Example: While similar systems have been developed on an experimental basis in the past, these have usually been restricted to small scale collections.


» en miniaturaminiature [Adjetivo] .

Example: The rise of documentation in this country takes a rather different turn, due largely to the development of fine grain photographic emulsions and the miniature camera using a film with an acetate, non-explosive, base.

» imagen en miniaturathumbnail image .

Example: In some collections, only thumbnail images display to those searching outside the Library of Congress because of potential rights considerations.

» juego de trenes miniaturatrain setmodel train set .

Example: This is the world's biggest train set which covers 1150 square metres, features almost six miles of track and is still not complete.

Example: If you're looking for something unique to add to your model train set, you may be interested in adding diner cars.

» libro miniaturaminiature book [Libro de dimensiones muy reducidas] .

Example: Miniature books are not as common now as they used to be.

» manuscrito miniaturaminiature manuscript [Manuscrito de dimensiones muy reducidas] .

Example: Many large libraries have collections of miniature manuscripts.

Miniatura synonyms

little in spanish: pequeño, pronunciation: lɪtəl part of speech: adjective, adverb small in spanish: pequeña, pronunciation: smɔl part of speech: adjective toy in spanish: juguete, pronunciation: tɔɪ part of speech: noun illumination in spanish: iluminación, pronunciation: ɪluməneɪʃən part of speech: noun
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