Minada in english


pronunciation: maɪnd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

minar = erode ; undermine ; sap ; gnaw (at) ; undercut ; whittle (away/down/at) ; hollow out. 

Example: These arrangements should also erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.Example: Furthermore, the value of citation bibliometry is currently being undermined by the formation of 'citation clubs', which aim to indiscriminately achieve maximum cross-citing between 'club members'.Example: First the desire to read is sapped, then the will, and finally stamina to tackle anything but short, and immediately useful, passages.Example: The rugby league is increasingly beset by a financial reward system that gnaws at its prime resource -- the players.Example: The effects of liberalization threaten to undercut the delivery of a long cherished social objective.Example: However, such idealism is often whittled away over time by bureaucratic problems & organizational demands.Example: The Irish President said last night that Irish society is being hollowed out by individualism.


» minar la confianza en Uno mismoundermine + self-confidence .

Example: As part of an imported culture libraries may be associated with influences undermining traditional values and self-confidence and with the propagation of negative values such as consumerism.

» minar la seguridadundermine + security .

Example: Being in IT for as long as we have, we know that oftentimes it's our own employees who inadvisably take actions that undermine security.

» minar los valores tradicionalesundermine + traditional values .

Example: As part of an imported culture libraries may be associated with influences undermining traditional values and self-confidence and with the propagation of negative values such as consumerism.

» minar + Posesivo + confianzaundermine + Posesivo + confidenceerode + Posesivo + confidencesap + Posesivo + confidence .

Example: He can experiment without anxiety because at each trial the new material can be supported by the old so that his confidence is not undermined if it fails.

Example: At first, analyzing the way he went about his work eroded his confidence, threw him off balance, dimmed some of his energetic spirit.

Example: This ideology subordinated all women by belittling their achievements, sapping their confidence, and convincing them that they were really inferior to men.

Minada synonyms

deep-mined in spanish: profundo, pronunciation: dipmaɪnd part of speech: adjective strip-mined in spanish: minería, pronunciation: strɪpmaɪnd part of speech: adjective well-mined in spanish: bien minado, pronunciation: welmaɪnd part of speech: adjective
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