Mimbre in english


pronunciation: wɪkɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

mimbre = wicker. 

Example: Punnets used to be made of wicker but now are made of cardboard or plastic, and are single-use only.


» artículos de mimbrewickerwork .

Example: The interlacing of twigs into wickerwork is in all probability contemporary with first clipping of flint into arrow-heads.

» canasta de mimbrewicker basket .

Example: Wicker baskets, under proper care, can last for many decades or even generations.

» cesta de mimbrewicker basket .

Example: Wicker baskets, under proper care, can last for many decades or even generations.

» de miembrewicker [Nombre y adjetivo] .

Example: Punnets used to be made of wicker but now are made of cardboard or plastic, and are single-use only.

» de mimbrewickerwork .

Example: The interlacing of twigs into wickerwork is in all probability contemporary with first clipping of flint into arrow-heads.

Mimbre synonyms

caning in spanish: palmeta, pronunciation: keɪnɪŋ part of speech: noun wickerwork in spanish: cestería, pronunciation: wɪkɜrwɜrk part of speech: noun
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