Milímetro in english


pronunciation: mɪləmitɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

milímetro = millimeter (mm) [millimetre, -USA]. 

Example: The height is used to specify the height of the bound volume in millimeters.


» a tan sólo milímetros dejust an inch away from .

Example: Joey slammed on the brakes and the car screeched to a halt just an inch away from the propane tank.

» ceder un milímetrocede + a millimeter .

Example: The two men went at it hammer and tongs, right from the get-go, talking over each other, scowling, smirking, rolling eyes and generally refusing to cede a millimetre to their antagonist.

» milímetro cuadradomillimeter square .

Example: It takes pictures 3 millimeter square, later to be projected or enlarged, which after all involves only a factor of 10 beyond the present practice.

» película de 16 milímetros16mm film .

Example: 16mm films are supplied in their own cylindrical containers which are best housed vertically in racks which resemble bicycle storage racks.

Milímetro synonyms

mm in spanish: mm, pronunciation: m part of speech: noun millimetre in spanish: milímetro, pronunciation: mɪləmitɜr part of speech: noun
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