Millón in english


pronunciation: mɪljən part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

millón = million. 

Example: There are currently 1.23 million record on the LASER minicomputer system.


» cientos de milloneshundred million .

Example: A spider web of metal, sealed in a thin glass container, a wire heated to brilliant glow, in short, the thermionic tube of radio sets is made by the hundred million, tossed about in packages, plugged into sockets -- and it works!.

» con millones de ventasmegaselling [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo] .

Example: He is the power behind an annual megaselling books and popular movies business.

» de millones de + Monedamultimillion + Moneda .

Example: UK Civil Service unions fear they will lose 265 members' jobs in the Patent Office following a multimillion pound automation project.

» de millones de volúmenesmillion-volume .

Example: Libraries that aren't burdened by millions of volumes do not need subject heading lists prepared for million-volume libraries.

» de varios millonesmulti-million [multimillion] .

Example: This article also describes a multi-million pound extension scheme which is in the course of construction at Glasgow's Mitchell Library = Este artículo también describe una ampliación de varios millones de libras que está en construcción en la Biblioteca Mitchell de Glasgow.

» durante millones de añosfor aeons and aeonsfor aeons .

Example: The knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation by sentient beings on this planet for aeons and aeons is quite impossible to fully comprehend.

Example: They have been through many hardships for aeons.

» ganar más de un millónbreak + the six figures .

Example: Less than 20 percent of American households even break the six figures.

» ganar millonesmake + millions .

Example: Below are people who have made millions of dollars for their strange, unusual, and sometimes even pointless inventions.

» ganar por encima de un millónbreak + the six figures .

Example: Less than 20 percent of American households even break the six figures.

» la probabilidad es de uno en un millónchances are one in a million .

Example: Statistically, chances are one in a million that a mother gives birth to genetically identical triplets.

» más de un millónmillion-plus .

Example: Access to the million-plus records on the SWALCAP database is by control number or by one of several acronym keys based on the author, the title, or a combination of author and title.

» millón de millonesbillion [Usado con el significado de mil millones en algunso países (por ej., USA) y de un millón de millones en otros (por ej., España)] .

Example: Any number from 0 to 2 billion may be entered = Se puede introducir cualquier número entre 0 y 2 billones.

» millones debillions of [Usado para indicar mucha cantidad]millions of .

Example: The campaign entitled 'billions of books and billions of bucks' challenges young people to increase the numbers of books they read for purpose of enjoyment and education.

Example: Millions of abstracts are produced annually at a total cost that runs into millions of dollars.

» millones de añosaeon [eon, -USA] [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que contienen esta secuencia de vocales en inglés británico y que se reduce a -eo- en inglés americano] .

Example: In general usage, an aeon (sometimes spelled eon ) is a period of time arbitrarily designated by humans.

» mil millonesbillion [Usado con el significado de mil millones en algunso países (por ej., USA) y de un millón de millones en otros (por ej., España)] .

Example: Any number from 0 to 2 billion may be entered = Se puede introducir cualquier número entre 0 y 2 billones.

» ni en un millón de añosnot in a million years .

Example: But this male narrator would not in a million years say that woman is imbecilic by nature.

» nunca en un millón de añosnever in a million years .

Example: How could she tell him she would never in a million years work for him, not for all the money in the world.

» pasar de un millónbreak + the six figures .

Example: Less than 20 percent of American households even break the six figures.

» por debajo de un millónsix figures .

Example: These solopreneurs have many things in common, most notably, they all show annual profits in the six figures.

» por millonesin the millionsby the millions .

Example: The saying was that pocket calculators became cheap when they were manufactured in the millions.

Example: Change is close by, the truth grows stronger everyday, people are waking up to reality by the millions.

» que se cuentan por millonesnumbered in millions .

Example: No critics review issues of magazines or the weekly episodes of Crossroads or Coronation Street but women's magazines and these television serials all have readership and viewers numbered in millions.

» sobrepasar el millónbreak + the six figures .

Example: Less than 20 percent of American households even break the six figures.

» tropecientos millones (de)gazillionzillionumpteen .

Example: Qatar should use its gazillions of petrodollars to finance peacemaking, not confrontation.

Example: The article is entitled 'Internet power searching: finding pearls in a zillion grains of sand'.

Example: The article is entitled 'Youth Opportunities and Umpteen Reasons for Not Leaving School'.

» tropecientos millones deoodles of .

Example: This way I do not litter my desk with oodles of photocopies and I can search for key words or phrases electronically within any scanned document.

Millón synonyms

cardinal in spanish: cardenal, pronunciation: kɑrdənəl part of speech: noun, adjective meg in spanish: meg, pronunciation: meg part of speech: noun 1000000 in spanish: 1000000, pronunciation: none part of speech: noun a million in spanish: un millón, pronunciation: əmɪljən part of speech: adjective one thousand thousand in spanish: mil mil, pronunciation: wʌnθaʊzəndθaʊzənd part of speech: noun
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