Milla in english


pronunciation: maɪl part of speech: noun
In gestures

milla = mile. 

Example: Online information retrieval services, which permit users to search data bases held on a computer many miles distant from the user and his terminal, started to develop in the late 1960s and the early 1970s.


» milla cuadradasquare mile .

Example: It occupies 15 square miles on the shore of Lake Tiemblo, and because of its location astride major rail and highway facilities it is a center of industry and shopping.

» milla métrica, lametric mile, the [Distancia de 1500 metros, algo menos que la distancia de una milla en metros] .

Example: In international competitions, middle-distance races include the 800 metres, the 1,500 metres (the metric mile), and the 3,000 metres (a steeplechase event for men, but a regular run for women).

» milla náuticanautical milesea mile .

Example: Territorial waters is a belt of coastal waters extending at most twelve nautical miles from a country's coast.

Example: They are 1800 sea miles from the nearest land, South Africa, and they see outsiders only intermittently.

» millas y millas demile after mile of .

Example: Passing through mile after mile of surf beaches with hardly a soul to be seen for most of the year, you'll enjoy the solitude in an untouched wilderness.

» mph [millas por hora]mph [miles per hour] .

Example: Wind generators are certainly cost effective in the nine to eight mph average wind.

Milla synonyms

knot in spanish: nudo, pronunciation: nɑt part of speech: noun mi in spanish: mi, pronunciation: mi part of speech: noun nautical mile in spanish: milla nautica, pronunciation: nɔtəkəlmaɪl part of speech: noun air mile in spanish: milla aérea, pronunciation: ermaɪl part of speech: noun naut mi in spanish: naut mi, pronunciation: nɔtmi part of speech: noun geographical mile in spanish: milla geografica, pronunciation: dʒiəgræfɪkəlmaɪl part of speech: noun land mile in spanish: milla de tierra, pronunciation: lændmaɪl part of speech: noun statute mile in spanish: milla estatutaria, pronunciation: stætʃutmaɪl part of speech: noun sea mile in spanish: milla marina, pronunciation: simaɪl part of speech: noun stat mi in spanish: stat mi, pronunciation: stætmi part of speech: noun swedish mile in spanish: milla sueca, pronunciation: swidɪʃmaɪl part of speech: noun international nautical mile in spanish: milla náutica internacional, pronunciation: ɪntɜrnæʃənəlnɔtəkəlmaɪl part of speech: noun admiralty mile in spanish: milla del almirantazgo, pronunciation: ædmɜrəltimaɪl part of speech: noun roman mile in spanish: milla romana, pronunciation: roʊmənmaɪl part of speech: noun
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