Militar in english


pronunciation: mɪləteri part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

militar1 = serviceman [servicemen, -pl.] ; serviceperson ; military officer. 

Example: Personal readers' guidance was provided to World War I servicemen.Example: Soaked to the skin in the pelting rain of a tropical storm, they said that guarding the tomb was the highest honor that can be afforded to a serviceperson.Example: The wife of a military officer serving overseas told detectives she fatally shot her teenage son because he was 'mouthy'.


» hijo de militaresmilitary brat .

Example: The life of military brats is a 'mixed bag': they're worldly and sophisticated, which civilians might label as 'sturdiness'.

» militares, losmilitary, the .

Example: This concept comes mainly from the military, where a designated number of troops make a squad, a platoon, a regiment, etc..

militar2 = military ; martial ; enlisted. 

Example: A plan is a drawing showing relative positions on a horizontal plane, e.g., relative positions of part of a building, a landscape design, a graphic presentation of a military o naval plan, etc.Example: The article begins by illustrating the martial dimensions of the bodybuilder's body.Example: Each military service has its own names for the various enlisted ranks, however the pay grades are equal throughout all the services.


» academia militarmilitary academy .

Example: The project ran for 6 months in 48 libraries, including public and university libraries and the library of a military academy.

» accesorios militaresmilitaria .

Example: War, for example, is divided into militaria, War, World War I, World War II, Vehicles and Equipment.

» acción militarmilitary action .

Example: It was the first time the Mr Blair had even hinted at military action and his words are likely to alarm Labour MPs.

» actuación militarmilitary action .

Example: It was the first time the Mr Blair had even hinted at military action and his words are likely to alarm Labour MPs.

» aficionado a todo lo militarmilitary buff .

Example: This unique, well-written, and intriguing volume is a valuable resource for military buffs and historians, and for students of American popular culture.

» al estilo militarmilitary-style .

Example: The restaurant has a well-uniformed security guard, with military-style chevrons on the shoulders and a beret on his head.

» altos mandos militares(top) military brass .

Example: This naval air base has been maintained for many many years even though it is not used much except by military brass and government officials.

» amante de lo militarmilitary buff .

Example: This unique, well-written, and intriguing volume is a valuable resource for military buffs and historians, and for students of American popular culture.

» amenaza militarmilitary threat .

Example: In a world divided by ideology, by trade barriers, by military threats and nuclear fears, we librarians are not powerless.

» armamento militarmilitary hardware .

Example: In effect we deputized him to maintain stability in the gulf and promised to sell Iran almost any military hardware the shah desired.

» arquitectura militarmilitary architecture .

Example: The book focuses on the evolution of bunkers in 20th c. military architecture.

» avión militarwarplane .

Example: A security official said that Yemeni warplanes have killed 80 anti-government tribesmen who overran part of a military camp.

» banda de música militarmilitary brass band .

Example: Military brass bands were an important part of the urban colonial soundscape in Africa, especially in colonies with large numbers of European settlers.

» base aérea militarmilitary air base .

Example: Syrian troops have seized control of a military air base near Damascus, bolstering the government's presence in a key area controlled by opposition forces.

» base militarmilitary base .

Example: It is believed that telemedicine services may help offset the emotional stress and sense of inequality experienced by islanders and civilians living around military bases.

» bota militarbovver boot .

Example: At one side half a dozen boys wearing bovver boots had been stopped, and were arguing resignedly with a policeman.

» bravata militarsabre rattling .

Example: Britain said on Saturday it was concerned at Iranian 'sabre-rattling' about possibly putting captured British naval personnel on trial.

» bravuconería militarsabre rattling .

Example: Britain said on Saturday it was concerned at Iranian 'sabre-rattling' about possibly putting captured British naval personnel on trial.

» bravucón militarsabre-rattler .

Example: So let us tell these sabre-rattlers in clear terms that war is too serious a matter to be left to soldiers or politicians.

» brazo militarmilitary arm .

Example: The controversy over police accountability reflects concern for civilian control of the military arm of local communities.

» camión militararmy lorry .

Example: He was fatally injured when run over by an army lorry while on point duty.

» campamento militarboot campmilitary camp .

Example: But somewhere between killing them with kindness and berating them at boot camps, there must be another way.

Example: The United Nations peacekeeping force in Côte d'Ivoire is to establish eight new military camps.

» campaña militarmilitary campaign .

Example: The author describes the amoral nature of a military campaign based solely on air strikes.

» cargo militarmilitary officialmilitary officer .

Example: In recent decades, government and military officials alike have pushed increasingly in the direction of bloodless wars, where confrontations are undertaken - and ultimately won - with minimum loss of human life.

Example: The wife of a military officer serving overseas told detectives she fatally shot her teenage son because he was 'mouthy'.

» ciencia militarmilitary science .

Example: Going back to our Waterloo question, a special or general encyclopedia may include useful titles at the end of an article on Waterloo, gunnery, or military science.

» comandante militarmilitary commander .

Example: President Eisenhower overruled some of his military commanders in summer 1958, ordering them not to use nuclear weapons against China.

» condecoración militarLegion of Merit .

Example: He contributed substantively to the Second World War effort, for which he received the Legion of Merit; and from 1948 to 1965 he was a librarian with the staff of the Yale Medical Library.

» conflicto militarmilitary conflict .

Example: Events such as the bloody confrontation in Tiananmen Square, political campaigns, military conflicts and other such events are becoming everyday occurrences that hourly revise global affairs and exert their influence on local circumstances.

» cuartel militararmy barracks .

Example: In addition there are numerous smaller ammunition compounds within army barracks scattered around the country.

» desertor militararmy desertermilitary deserter .

Example: The number of army deserters plummeted after the 2001 terrorist attacks and the start of the Iraq war in 2003.

Example: Sri Lanka is to free some 1800 jailed military deserters as part of a presidential amnesty.

» desfile militarmilitary parademilitary tattoo .

Example: The military symbolism, especially of military parades with marching and music, has much in common with traditional war dances.

Example: IFLA-goers joined throngs of Brits to watch the military tattoo as kilted bagpipers and military units from around the world displayed their musical and marching skills.

» despliegue militarmilitary deploymentarmy deployment .

Example: The question arises, why is the German government so eager for a military deployment, which is both expensive and very risky?.

Example: Their defense minister says protecting the Suez Canal is one of the main objectives of an army deployment in nearby cities shaken by violence.

» dictadura militarmilitary dictatorship .

Example: He became famous as the leader of illegal metalworkers' strikes that helped bring an end to the military dictatorship in the mid-1970s.

» ejercicio militarmilitary drill .

Example: Taiwan has begun two days of military drills simulating an attack by China as the government seeks to reassure the public in the face of deteriorating relations with Beijing.

» enfermera militararmy nurse .

Example: One of the images found in the Australian War Memorial's collection is that of heroic Australian army nurse Vivian Bullwinkel, the sole survivor of the Banka (Sumatra) massacre of World War II.

» equilibrio militarmilitary balance .

Example: A US general has stressed the importance of maintaining a military balance between America and China.

» escuadra militarfireteam .

Example: A patrol can be anywhere from a fireteam in size to a battalion.

» estrategia militarmilitary strategy .

Example: This is a membership organization for the study of military strategy, arms control, regional security and conflict resolution = Ésta es una organización de socios para el estudio de la estrategia militar, el control de armas, la seguridad en las regiones del mundo y la resolución de conflictos.

» evasión del servicio militar obligatoriodraft dodging .

Example: I don't want to give the plot away on this book but I will say this: if your looking for draft dodging, blood and guts, smoking dope or post-war angst, keep on looking.

» evasor del servicio militar obligatoriodraft evaderdraft dodger .

Example: The basic question is what will be the effects if amnesty is granted to all draft evaders of the Vietnam War.

Example: Israel is having a growing problem with draft dodgers.

» fuerza militarmilitary forces .

Example: If the subject had been the role of British military forces in, say, Northern Ireland society, the substitution would of course not have taken place.

» funeral militarmilitary funeral .

Example: It confirms that Handel's Dead March was at the top of the charts for military funerals at that time.

» gasto militarmilitary expenditure .

Example: The extra aid required is estimated to amount to less than 1% of the industrialized world's current military expenditure.

» golpe de estado militarmilitary coup .

Example: Ethiopians came in droves after a bloody military coup in 1974, and they worked in low-paying jobs as cabbies and cooks and parking attendants.

» guarnición militargarrison .

Example: Thirty-five cannons with a range of one and one-half miles once defended the region, and 17 of them still lie within the garrison.

» hacer el servicio militarperform + military service .

Example: The Amish, most of whom live in the United States, follow simple customs and refuse to take oaths, vote, or perform military service.

» historiador militarmilitary historian .

Example: The book, written by a man who is not a military historian as such, is concerned above all with showing the war's hideousness, its frightful human cost, its pathos and loss, and its essential failure to achieve its objectives.

» hospital militarmilitary hospital .

Example: The Saudi Arabian Ministry of Defense and Aviation, which contracts for management of military hospitals, responded to the libraries' needs for more complete and extensive journal holdings.

» ingeniero militarmilitary engineer .

Example: He started his career under satrap Ptolemy as a military engineer and explorer of the Nile valley.

» intervención militarmilitary interventionmilitary action .

Example: While many scholars concede that military interventions are sometimes permissible, they balk when it comes to deciding whether they are ever a moral duty.

Example: It was the first time the Mr Blair had even hinted at military action and his words are likely to alarm Labour MPs.

» jefe militararmy officialarmy officer .

Example: Army officials would often manicure locations before journalists would enter and so it took far too long for anyone to start being critical of the war.

Example: He is the highest-ranking army officer to face criminal charges as a result of the prisoner abuse scandal.

» jerarquía militar(top) military brass .

Example: This naval air base has been maintained for many many years even though it is not used much except by military brass and government officials.

» junta militarmilitary juntajunta .

Example: This shaggy-haired 27-year-old Burmese video journalist is considered a public enemy by his country's military junta.

Example: The protests have diminished and the monks have been scattered, as the junta lashes out at Burmese civilians.

» líder militarmilitary leader .

Example: This article describes the power and authority of the president and civilian and military leaders at the time of the war.

» mando militarmilitary command .

Example: France is expected to soon rejoin NATO's military command after a 40-year absence.

» maniobra militarmilitary manoeuvremilitary move .

Example: The discussion takes a special look at how music was used in battle calls, military maneuvers and managing daily life in the military.

Example: In ancient Rome the position of soothsayer was well respected, and, like the augur, he was usually consulted by the emperor before any major political or military move was made.

» manual militarmilitary manual .

Example: The prohibition of using human shields is contained in numerous military manuals, many of which extend the prohibition to all civilians.

» medicina militarmilitary medicine .

Example: The leading edge is on the digital battlefield, where an entire new concept in military medicine is evolving.

» mujer militarservicewoman .

Example: The author reviews the history and meaning of the combat exclusion policy for United States servicewomen.

» museo militarwar museum .

Example: Trophies captured from the Nazis, as well as personal belongings of such biggies as Stalin also feature in this section of the war museum.

» música militarmartial music .

Example: Certain areas of music geography have been almost ignored: geographic mapping of music styles, the geography of ethnic music, religious and martial music, and stage and film music.

» no ser un paseso militarbe not a walk/stroll in/through/across the park .

Example: Marriage is not a stroll in the park or the proverbial bed of roses.

» objetivo militarmilitary objective .

Example: Beyond this conflict, control of news in time of war has become a military objective throughout the world.

» observación militarsurveillance .

Example: Satellite-based communication systems are being used for surveillance and navigation purposes.

» ofensiva militarmilitary offensive .

Example: Just weeks after trumpeting the results of a military offensive, the Pakistan army suddenly finds itself under attack on multiple fronts.

» oficial militarmilitary officermilitary official .

Example: The wife of a military officer serving overseas told detectives she fatally shot her teenage son because he was 'mouthy'.

Example: In recent decades, government and military officials alike have pushed increasingly in the direction of bloodless wars, where confrontations are undertaken - and ultimately won - with minimum loss of human life.

» operación militarmilitary operation .

Example: Its holdings include maps, charts, digital data for strategic and military operations, and nautical charts.

» parada militarmilitary parade .

Example: The military symbolism, especially of military parades with marching and music, has much in common with traditional war dances.

» paseo militarplain sailingwalkoverjust a stroll in/through/across the park(as) easy as ABCdoss(as) simple as ABC(as) easy as (apple) pie(as) easy/simple as 1,2,3 .

Example: The article is entitled 'Plain sailing with Swets' = El artículo se titula "Con Swets todo es coser y cantar".

Example: The election is widely expected to be a walkover for him.

Example: The nearest Earth-like planet is probably 13 light-years away; astronomically speaking, that's just a stroll across the park.

Example: Preventing infant deaths can be as easy as ABC if parents remember three simple ways to keep their little ones safe at night.

Example: Many people think maternity leave is a doss.

Example: Advocates of the dictionary catalogue claim that it is as simple as ABC and certainly there is no preliminary psychological barrier against its use.

Example: Sometimes it's incredible how we complicate things when they can be as easy as pie.

Example: Calculating the amount of lye you need for your next soap recipe is as easy as 1,2,3.

» pelado a lo militarcrewcut [crew-cut] .

Example: She did not expect to see me with a crewcut but then she said, 'I like it, it looks good on you'.

» personal militarmilitary personnel .

Example: This area is visited only by desert rats, biologists, military personnel, and those desperate people willing to walk across as much as 60 miles of waterless trail.

» pertrechos militaresmateriel .

Example: Effective management of hazardous materiel is an economic as well as an environmental necessity.

» poderío militarmilitary power .

Example: Syria unlike Iran is a mickey mouse country in terms of military power therefore cannot take any such a risk.

» policía militarmilitary police .

Example: Jeremy Sivits, 24, a reservist with the military police, is to face a public court martial in Baghdad on charges of cruelty and abuse, and dereliction of duty for failing to protect the inmates.

» potencia militarmilitary power .

Example: Britain is on a roll -- the world's second military power and, by some recent estimates, the world's fourth economic power.

» prisión militarmilitary prison .

Example: When the group got on the bus for their field trip that morning, they had no idea they would be heading for a military prison.

» propiedad militarmilitary property .

Example: Two army privates arrested in connection with stolen military property = Arrestados dos soldados rasos en relación con propiedad militar robada.

» protección militarmilitary protection .

Example: He particularly insisted on the necessity of assuring military protection for the Archaeological Museum of Baghdad.

» puesto de avanzada militarmilitary outpost .

Example: Through the years, the large Muslim minority in the military outposts was relegated to second class status, much like other colonised peoples.

» puesto militarmilitary outpost .

Example: Through the years, the large Muslim minority in the military outposts was relegated to second class status, much like other colonised peoples.

» reclutamiento militarmilitary draft .

Example: Military drafts are instated in countries throughout the world, both in times of war and in times of peace.

» régimen militarmilitary regime .

Example: Arceneaux's book offers a careful historical examination of military regimes across four countries and five different governments in the Southern Cone and Brazil.

» repliegue militararmy withdrawalarmy redeployment .

Example: The British Army withdrawal from Iraq was slow but methodical.

Example: The next phase of Palestinian self-rule calls for an Israeli army redeployment from major Palestinian population centers in the West Bank.

» representante militararmy officialarmy officer .

Example: Army officials would often manicure locations before journalists would enter and so it took far too long for anyone to start being critical of the war.

Example: He is the highest-ranking army officer to face criminal charges as a result of the prisoner abuse scandal.

» responsable militarmilitary officialmilitary officer .

Example: In recent decades, government and military officials alike have pushed increasingly in the direction of bloodless wars, where confrontations are undertaken - and ultimately won - with minimum loss of human life.

Example: The wife of a military officer serving overseas told detectives she fatally shot her teenage son because he was 'mouthy'.

» retirada militararmy withdrawalarmy redeployment .

Example: The British Army withdrawal from Iraq was slow but methodical.

Example: The next phase of Palestinian self-rule calls for an Israeli army redeployment from major Palestinian population centers in the West Bank.

» satélite militarsurveillance satellite .

Example: It has been estimated that computers 1000 times faster than today's fastest supercomputers will be needed by the late 1980s to process the amount of data sent back by surveillance satellites.

» secreto militarmilitary secret .

Example: Journalists are worried about spilling military secrets, undermining national security, and consorting with the enemy.

» ser un paseo militarwhistle + Posesivo + way .

Example: Juelz rode Cam's coattails for a couple of singles before whistling his way to the top and then, just as quickly, right back into obscurity.

» servicio militarmilitary service .

Example: The author recommends that USA libraries should build up collections of information on conscription into military service (the draft).

» servicio militar obligatoriocompulsory military servicedraft, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]military draft .

Example: The Italian government has passed a new law abolishing compulsory military service in favour of the creation of a professional army.

Example: Some librarians have found opposition to the setting up of 'alternative rooms' containing 'movement publications and trade books on women's and gay liberation, the third world, imperialism, yoga, rock music, the draft, prisons, the counter-culture, communes, social change'.

Example: Military drafts are instated in countries throughout the world, both in times of war and in times of peace.

» silo militarmissile silo .

Example: The book features detailed maps showing the locations of missile silos that punctuated the landscape near Cheyenne, Wyoming.

» soldado militarmilitary soldier .

Example: It shows a military soldier in full gear with gas mask on and weapon in hand standing near a strip of deserted road.

» tribunal militarmilitary tribunal .

Example: Unlawful combatants are likewise subject to capture and detention, but in addition they are subject to trial by military tribunals.

» uniforme militarmilitary uniform .

Example: My family decided that he should be buried in his full military uniform with his ribbons on his jacket & medals displayed in his coffin.

» verde militarhunter green .

Example: Cover the blanket with a washable duvet cover in paisley patterned fabric in colors such as burgundy, navy blue and hunter green.

» vida militararmy lifemilitary life .

Example: What better way to learn about army life than to experience it for a weekend.

Example: Or, you may miss the order and discipline of military life compared to civilian life and wonder if you will be able to adjust.

militar contra3 = militate against. 

Example: Local interpretations of the rules, and modifications to suit local circumstances, certainly militate against standard records.

Militar synonyms

martial in spanish: marcial, pronunciation: mɑrʃəl part of speech: adjective, noun warlike in spanish: belicoso, pronunciation: wɔrlaɪk part of speech: adjective combatant in spanish: combatiente, pronunciation: kəmbætənt part of speech: noun, adjective expeditionary in spanish: expedicionario, pronunciation: ekspədɪʃəneri part of speech: adjective noncombatant in spanish: no combatiente, pronunciation: nɑnkəmbætənt part of speech: adjective armed forces in spanish: fuerzas Armadas, pronunciation: ɑrmdfɔrsɪz part of speech: noun militaristic in spanish: militarista, pronunciation: mɪlɪtɜrɪstɪk part of speech: adjective soldierly in spanish: militar, pronunciation: soʊldiɜrli part of speech: adjective soldierlike in spanish: como soldado, pronunciation: soʊldɪrlɪk part of speech: adjective warriorlike in spanish: guerrero, pronunciation: weriɔrlaɪk part of speech: adjective
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