Militante in english


pronunciation: mɪlətənt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

militante = militant ; activist ; crusading. 

Example: It is hard for a militant atheist to appreciate a religious book.Example: The Fawcett Library's collection of materials concerning the feminist theorist and activist, Teresa Billington-Grieg, is described.Example: Jeanneney speaks for himself, in what he says about the Google digital library, but he is no crusading journalist merely grabbing at a headline.


» ecologista militanteeco-warrior [Consulta la entrada "eco" para ver otras palabras que empiezan por esta abreviatura]tree-hugger .

Example: Now, sheep are being enlisted as eco-warriors in the battle against invasive plant species.

Example: My wife is a bit of a tree-hugger, so she went ape-shit when I ran over a frog.

» militante contra el consumismoconsumer activist .

Example: Other activities involve students in taking field trips to the local greengrocery and/or butcher's shop, and listening to nurses, consumer activists and othe guest speakers.

» militante de la pazpeace activist .

Example: An example of 'weasel word' usage might be the description of a bombing campaign -- a peace activist might describe it as 'genocide' whereas a military spokesperson might use the term 'collateral damage'.

» militante políticopolitically activepolitical activist .

Example: Web surfers are more politically active than the general population.

Example: This is the best way for intellectuals and political activists to connect with the aspirations of the masses.

» militante sindialistaunion activist .

Example: The second desertion came tonight as Deputy Mayor Sharon Cornu, a longtime union activist, tendered her resignation.

» sindicalista militanteunion activist .

Example: The second desertion came tonight as Deputy Mayor Sharon Cornu, a longtime union activist, tendered her resignation.

Militante synonyms

belligerent in spanish: beligerante, pronunciation: bəlɪdʒɜrənt part of speech: adjective, noun aggressive in spanish: agresivo, pronunciation: əgresɪv part of speech: adjective competitive in spanish: competitivo, pronunciation: kəmpetətɪv part of speech: adjective activist in spanish: activista, pronunciation: æktəvəst part of speech: noun fighting in spanish: lucha, pronunciation: faɪtɪŋ part of speech: noun warring in spanish: en guerra, pronunciation: wɔrɪŋ part of speech: adjective war-ridden in spanish: asolado por la guerra, pronunciation: wɔrrɪdən part of speech: adjective unpeaceful in spanish: poco pacífico, pronunciation: ənpisfəl part of speech: adjective
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