Milicia in english


pronunciation: məlɪʃə part of speech: noun
In gestures

milicia = militia ; soldiery. 

Example: As examples of this weirdness he points to such instances as the bombings in Nevada and the militias in Arizona.Example: Domitian had been arbitrary and high-handed, and had heaped favours on the soldiery while humiliating the senate.


» jefe de miliciawarlord .

Example: Major industries had either been appropriated by the controlling warlords or driven out of business by raids and looting.

» miembro de una miliciamilitiaman [militiamen, -pl.] .

Example: During these campaigns, black soldiers served as militiamen, guides, teamsters, and spies.

Milicia synonyms

reserves in spanish: reservas, pronunciation: rɪzɜrvz part of speech: noun
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