Materia in english


pronunciation: mætɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

materia = matter ; subject ; subject term ; topic ; subject matter ; rubric ; material ; subject discipline. 

Example: Ranganathan proposed five basic types of facets which may occur in many subject fields: personality, matter, energy, space, time.Example: What is a subject?.Example: In alphabetical indexing languages, such as are embodied in thesauri and subject headings lists, subject terms are the alphabetical names of the subjects.Example: A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.Example: The librarian generally looks at the book's title, subtitle, preface, contents list, etc, in order to determine the subject matter.Example: And, as another instance, it's not fair to employ rubrics for ethnic groups that are not their own, preferred names.Example: The material in the exhibition is organized into four thematic sections: objects used in daily life, funerary rites, religious items, and works of art.Example: Respondents indicated that they needed to master several subject disciplines and a sizable vocabulary to understand the literature they use.


» acceso a la información por la materiasubject approach to informationsubject approach [Dícese de aquel área de la biblioteconomía que engloba el tratamiento de la información desde el punto de vista de su contenido temático] .

Example: Some aspects of the creation of a good alphabetical subject index, whether it be printed or machine-held, are common to any subject approach to information.

Example: This type of subject approach is reasonably successful in the German language but presents problems in the English language.

» acceso por materiassubject access .

Example: So bringing together the works of an author is of importance even from the perspective of subject access.

» al estilo de los índices de materiasubject-type .

Example: Subject-type title indexes have two important attractions.

» alfabético por materiasalphabetico-subject .

Example: There is a separate series of alphabetico-subject arranged volumes.

» aportar materia prima paraprovide + grist for + Posesivo + mill .

Example: Their daily experiences provide grist for the writer's mill, from which insights concerning management processes may be gleaned.

» asignación de materiassubject indexingsubject assignment .

Example: A fundamental theoretical rule of subject indexing is that each heading should be co-extensive with the subject of the document, that is, the label and the information or documents found under that label should match.

Example: The provision of AACR2 1st level of description may be a desirable and practical compromise between single subject assignment and full cataloguing.

» buscado por materiasubject-traced .

Example: Works on such themes are typically subject-traced under nonspecific, much-too-broad headings, which in effect buries the material.

» buscador por materiassubject gateway [En Internet, generalmente base de datos compilada por especialistas de una materia o documentalistas con registros que describen recursos en Internet y enlaces hacia ellos] .

Example: Subject gateways are Internet-based services designed to help users locate 'high quality' information that is available on the Internet and consists typically of a database describing Internet resources and offering hyperlinks to them.

» búsqueda por materiasubject searchingtopical subject search .

Example: These comments are as true for author searching as subject searching, and they are introduced here only for convenience.

Example: Statistical reports from several libraries attest to the 'fact' that the great majority of library users are performing topical subject searches, not author/title or known-item searches.

» búsqueda por materiassubject searchsubject querysubject browsing .

Example: If a search was declared in the questionnaire as either a specific item search or a subject search but the log indicated otherwise, it was classed as an undeclared hybrid search.

Example: During this project a large number of catalogue users was interviewed and their subject queries were recorded.

Example: United States libraries use classification to provide subject browsing in open stacks.

» catalogador de materiassubject cataloguer .

Example: Revision, which is done by subject cataloguers at the LC, is continuous.

» catálogo alfabético de materiasalphabetical subject catalogue [Catálogo que contiene los asientos ordenados alfabéticamente por su encabezamiento de materia] .

Example: Alphabetical subject catalogues have headings which are words or index terms designed to summarise the subject content of the document.

» catálogo de materiassubject catalogue [Catálogo en el que los asientos se clasifican por materias en orden alfabético o sistemático] .

Example: Subject catalogues have an indication of the subject of the documents being indexed as their headings.

» catálogo sistemático de materiasclassified subject catalogue .

Example: Classified subject catalogues have headings on entries which are classification symbols, for example 682.9, QC275, which have been drawn from a classification scheme.

» clasificación por materiasubject classification .

Example: It is recognised that is difficult and unhelpful to categorise fiction according to a subject classification.

» clasificar por materiasubject classify .

Example: Documentation is the process of collecting and subject classifying all the records of new observations and making them available, at need, to the discoverer or the inventor.

» conocer muy bien la materiaknow + Posesivo + stuffknow + Posesivo + onionsknow + Posesivo + oatsknow + what + Pronombre + be + talking about .

Example: It is a richly documented, smoothly narrated, and lavishly illustrated study by a historian who knows his stuff and tells it with panache.

Example: Thank goodness he had listened to the office secretary again, she knew her onions.

Example: It looks like your palm reader really knows her oats and she reads tea leaves too.

Example: As the years tumbled by, one after another, she gradually came to understand that her Mom really knew what she was talking about.

» conocimiento sobre una materiasubject knowledge .

Example: Experience has shown that management training as well as subject knowledge is essential in running a specialist library = La experiencia nos ha demostrado que la formación en la gestión así como el conococimiento sobre una materia específica son esenciales para gestionar una biblioteca especializada.

» consulta por materiassubject browsing .

Example: United States libraries use classification to provide subject browsing in open stacks.

» control de materiassubject control .

Example: In addition, Ms. Marshall has done a great deal of research in the area of subject control, particularly with respect to ethnically and otherwise insensitive topical and name headings.

» cuerpo de estanterías por materiasubject bay [Grupo de estanterías adosadas por la espalda y que forman una 'isla' o unidad independiente alrededor de la cual se puede caminar y que normalmente se dedica a documentos relativos a una materia] .

Example: All books, periodicals, etc., reference or lending, are shelved together in the appropriate subject bay where provision is made for study as well as browsing.

» dar materia para la reflexiónprovide + food for thought .

Example: Kozol's chapter heading referring to 'children of nonreaders' provides foot for thought.

» derechos en materia de procreaciónreproductive rights .

Example: This article highlights 5 World Wide Web sites giving information on reproductive rights legal history.

» descriptor de materiasubject descriptor [En indización, cada una de las palabras clave significativas que expresan y representan el contenido de un documento] .

Example: The indexer is required to select subject descriptors from the natural-language terms or phrases appearing in the headline or text of a newspaper article.

» distribución de una materia en su índicesubject scatter .

Example: Editing the input to a KWIC program with the object of controlling subject scatter can make the resultant index easier to use.

» encabezamiento alfabético de materiasalphabetical subject heading [En catalogación, encabezamiento que se le asigna a una obra para describir la materia de la que trata el contenido de la misma expresada en lenguaje normal como contrapuesto al lenguaje notacional] .

Example: For example a set of slides for use by teachers may be indexed according to alphabetical subject headings.

» encabezamiento de materiasubject heading [Encabezamiento que representa la materia o materias de las que trata un documento]subject description .

Example: Some early codes included recommendations for filing subject headings, but these are usually now the subject of a separate list or set of rules.

Example: During searching the index user is expected to formulate headings in the same way, and hopefully to match his subject description with the indexer's description.

» encabezamiento de materia controladocontrolled subject heading .

Example: There is a distinct superficial similarity between a KWOC index and an index arranged under assigned or controlled subject headings.

» encabezamiento de materia específicospecific subject heading .

Example: We now make a series of see also references, one step at a time from broader to narrower subjects culminating in specific subject headings.

» Encabezamientos de Materia de Medicina (MeSH)Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) .

Example: This article discusses terms relating to geriatric medicine in Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), giving some equivalent Japanese terms.

» en materia dein matters ofas regardswith regard(s) to [Siendo más común el uso de with regard to]regarding [A veces abreviado re]onconcerningin the field of .

Example: Even when Community-wide regulations do apply, for example in matters of safety at work, the stringency of laws may vary from country to country.

Example: Practice as regards integration varies considerably.

Example: KWOC or Keyword Out of Context indexes are intended to improve upon KWIC indexes, with regards to layout and presentation.

Example: In major enumerative schemes synthesis is often controlled by careful instructions regarding citation order.

Example: Efforts are being made in the direction of an international consensus on the definition and treatment of corporate authorship.

Example: Having been alerted to the existence of a document, the user needs information concerning the actual location of the document, in order that the document may be read.

Example: This list of open access journals in the field of education will be served from a database driven webpage.

» entrada alfabética de materiaalphabetical subject entry [En catalogación, un asiento de una obra cuyo encabezamiento es la materia de la que trata el contenido de la misma expresada en lenguaje normal como contrapuesto al lenguaje notacional] .

Example: A dictionary catalogue is a catalogue with only one sequence which contains author, title and alphabetical subject entries interfiled.

» entrada de materiasubject entry .

Example: The user would find it helpful to have types of entries with the same entry word grouped, so that for example, all subject entries are found together, and all personal names entries are kept in a separate subsequence.

» entrar en materiaget down to + brass tackscut to + the chaseget down to + businessget down to + bedrockget down to + the nitty-grittyget down to + the basics (of things)cut through + the noise .

Example: When you get down to brass tacks, the fundamental reason why the UK is in its current mess is because we were borrowing too much for too long.

Example: This is a dating agency for sugar daddies, sugar babies and singles who are looking to cut to the chase and meet new adult singles online.

Example: 'I have to leave fairly soon,' he said as he returned the receiver to its cradle, 'so let's get down to business'.

Example: But we must nevertheless weed through these various proposals and get down to bedrock to what Dirksen really wants.

Example: They promised much but these scholars never got down to the nitty-gritty .

Example: I was able to get down to the basics of things I needed but ran into some other problems for which I cannot find a solution anywhere.

Example: Automation tools can help you streamline your workflow and cut through the noise.

» especialista en una materiasubject specialist .

Example: There is a need for more practical computer courses and education and training of manpower in such a way that library personnel may be both subject specialists and information specialists.

» experto en la materiasubject expert .

Example: The person engaged as an abstractor may be anyone from the author of a work, an information officer, a specialist abstractor or a subject expert to a library assistant or clerk.

» fichero de materiasdescriptor file .

Example: For example, instead of using the standard system subject headings, a library may prefer to maintain its own descriptor file in the local catalog.

» fichero ordenado por materiassubject file .

Example: If we decide to take on making up a subject file there'd be a lot of footwork even if we use that list as a basis = Si decidimos aceptar crear un fichero ordenado por materias habría mucho trabajo incluso si usamos esta lista como base.

» identificador de materiasubject label [En clasificación, encabezamiento, notación u otro símbolo usado como representativo del contenido de un documento] .

Example: Added entries may have subject labels, authors' names or titles as headings.

» índice alfabético de materiasalphabetical subject index [Lista de las materias de las que tratan un conjunto de obras con una referencia a las obras en las que aparecen ordenada alfabéticamente como contrapuesto a una ordenación sistemática] .

Example: The first function of the alphabetical subject index to the classified file is to provide for the approach to subjects via their names: subjects are stated in verbal terms and provided with their corresponding class numbers.

» índice articulado de materiasarticulated subject index .

Example: Articulated subject indexes are based on title-like phrases that have some conventions concerning citation order.

» índice de materiassubject index [En la clasificación y recuperación de documentos, una lista términos que nos permite acceder al contenido de una publicación, catálogo o colección]topical indexsubject guide .

Example: Subject indexes consist of a series of index records with each record incorporating a word or phrase describing the subject acting as the access point, and further details.

Example: Both the Micropaedia and Macropaedia sections are arranged alphabetically, with access to specific information enhanced by the 513-page Propaedia (which functions in part as a topical index to articles in both the Micropaedia and Macropaedia).

Example: The library has 9 staff who, apart from serving the 1,500 visitors a month, also find time to compile subject guides to the collection.

» Indice Permutado de MateriasPermuterm Subject Index .

Example: This article describes the 4 indexes comprising the SCI: the Source Index, the Citation Index, the Permuterm Subject Index and the Corporate Index.

» índices de títulos al estilo de los índices de materiasubject-type title indexes .

Example: Subject-type title indexes have two important attractions.

» Indización Permutada de Materias basada en Postulados (POPSI)Postulate-based Permuted Subject Indexing (POPSI) .

Example: Postulate-based Permuted Subject Indexing (POPSI) is an innovative verbal classification system based primarily on Ranganathan's postulates redefined in a lucid way by Bhattacharyya.

» indización por materiassubject indexing .

Example: A fundamental theoretical rule of subject indexing is that each heading should be co-extensive with the subject of the document, that is, the label and the information or documents found under that label should match.

» información como materia prima, lainformation commodity .

Example: The form and structure of information commodities is fundamentally different from the form and structure of the material commodities that dominated our past ideas about value.

» información sobre la materiasubject data .

Example: In UNIMARC the subject analysis block, block 6 -- , contains subject data constructed according to various systems, both verbal and notational.

» LCSH (Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca del Congreso)LCSH (Library of Congress List of Subject Headings) .

Example: The Library of Congress List of Subject Headings (LCSH) can be exploited as a general index, since it shows LCC numbers for many of the headings listed.

» lista alfabética de encabezamientos de materiaalphabetical list of subject headings [Herramienta del indizador que contiene una enumeración en orden alfabético de términos que debe utilizar para describir el contenido temático de los documentos; estos términos pueden aparecer con una breve descripción de su significado y otros términos con los que tienen relación] .

Example: These headings may be drawn from an alphabetical list of subject headings or from a classification scheme.

» lista de encabezamientos de materiasubject headings list .

Example: Subject headings lists are lists of index terms, normally arranged in alphabetical order, which can be used to determine the terms to be used in an index, catalogue or data base for describing subjects.

» Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Asociación de Bibliotecas EscolarSLA List .

Example: For instance, the SLA List recommends the choice of specific headings in the same way as Sears'.

» Lista de Encabezamientos de Materias de SearsSears' List of Subject Headings .

Example: Now in its twelfth edition, (1982) Sears' List of Subject Headings was first written by Minnie Sears and published in 1923.

» materia asociadacollateral subject .

Example: Cross references are particularly useful in linking coordinate and collateral subjects.

» materia compuestacomplex subjectcomposite subjectcompound subject [En lenguajes documentales, un descriptor de materia que va acompañado de subencabezamientos, como, por ejemplo, "Corazón - Enfermedades"] .

Example: Complex subjects like multi-word terms may require labels which contain many words.

Example: Composite subjects are subjects that comprise a number of distinct single concepts.

Example: A compound subject consists of a basic subject plus isolates from more than one facet of that subject.

» materia coordinadacoordinate subject .

Example: Two subject at the same level in the hierarchy (for example, both subdivisions of the same parent or superordinate subject) are said co-ordinate subject.

» materia de estudiosubject of study .

Example: Results showed frequency and type of use differed with affiliation, subject of study and distance of residence.

» materia específicasubordinate subjectspecific subject .

Example: This hierarchy shows a general subject area, buildings, and its subordinate subject areas: building materials, auxiliary construction practices, construction in specific materials, wood construction, roofing and soon.

Example: Among the advantages of the Dewey scheme is that it allows for close or specific classification (lengthy numbers for specific subjects) or broad classification (shorter numbers where less detail is required).

» materia favoritapet subject .

Example: Even on his pet subject of mathematics, Wilson is a timorous exegete.

» materia generalsuperordinate subjectparent subject .

Example: The converse of a subordinate subject is a superordinate subject.

Example: The scheme is hierarchical, like a family tree, showing the relationship of specific subjects to the parent subject.

» materia grisgrey matter [gray matter] .

Example: The author discusses the development of the brain in terms of grey and white matter.

» materia impresaprinted matter [Todo aquello que es producto de una impresión y que se contrapone a algo escrito a mano] .

Example: As used in the description area, a sheet is a single piece of paper other than a broadside (q.v.) with manuscript or printed matter on one or both sides.

» materia inanimadadead matterinanimate matter .

Example: For instance, it's a widely accepted fact among biologists today that all living matter was originally inanimate or dead matter.

Example: For instance, it's a widely accepted fact among biologists today that all living matter was originally inanimate or dead matter.

» materia inorgánicadead matterinanimate matter .

Example: For instance, it's a widely accepted fact among biologists today that all living matter was originally inanimate or dead matter.

Example: For instance, it's a widely accepted fact among biologists today that all living matter was originally inanimate or dead matter.

» materia más específicanarrower subject .

Example: We now make a series of see also references, one step at a time from broader to narrower subjects culminating in specific subject headings.

» materia más generalbroader subject .

Example: A subject which is perceived as being entirely contained within the bounds of another will have its 'circle' totally within the boundaries of the domain for the broader subject.

» materia muertadead matterinanimate matter .

Example: For instance, it's a widely accepted fact among biologists today that all living matter was originally inanimate or dead matter.

Example: For instance, it's a widely accepted fact among biologists today that all living matter was originally inanimate or dead matter.

» materia optativaoption .

Example: Issues considered included whether library planning should be taught as a core subject or an option.

» materia orgánicaorganic matterorganic materials .

Example: The 2nd family, dealing with amino acid residues covalently bound in soil organic matter, yielded documents having surprisingly little overlap with those retrieved from Chemical Abstracts (CA).

Example: This article describes how the property of chemiluminescence -- the faint emission of light from organic materials undergoing oxidisation -- may be used to measure the rate of degradation of paper.

» materia para la reflexiónfood for thought .

Example: The article 'Food for thought' argues that libraries need to be more competitive and have much to learn from supermarkets.

» materia preferidapet subject .

Example: Even on his pet subject of mathematics, Wilson is a timorous exegete.

» materia primaraw materialstaple dietgristprimary raw materialfeedstockraw goods .

Example: Abstracts which are to provide the raw material for input to a computerized information system are usually required to be entered on a form which shows the separate fields in the computer record.

Example: All this will take place against the background of publishing in conventional forms which will remain the staple diet of libraries for many years yet.

Example: The grist for many innovative kinds of disciplines is datasets that requires disciplinary integration.

Example: The main accent is on primary raw materials, with particular emphasis on the extraction and use of uranium, and on the recycling of municipal and industrial wastes.

Example: Information is the feedstock of knowledge.

Example: When your customers are slow to pay, it forces you to eat into your cash reserves to pay for raw goods and salaries.

» materia principalmain subject .

Example: Typewriting, Shorthand, can be considered main subjects in the same sense as Communication, Cybernetics, Astrophysics, and the traditional disciplines.

» materia representada por un solo descriptorone-concept subject [En indización, utilización de sólo descriptor para especificar la materia de un documento; como, por ejemplo, "Catalogación"] .

Example: Although elementary one-concept subjects are also represented in indexes constructed according to these methods, the problems that such subjects present are limited.

» materia representada por varios descriptoresmulti-concept subject [En indización, utilización de varios descriptores para especificar la materia de un documento; como, por ejemplo, "Bibliotecas : Automatización"] .

Example: Much of this chapter therefore is concerned with the specification or retrieval of multi-concept subjects.

» materia secundariafringe subject [En un sistema de clasificación especializado, aquellas materias inciden en la especialidad temática de la clasificación de un modo tangencial] .

Example: In a general classification there are, of course, no fringe subjects: all are of equal weight, and must be given their due place in the overall order.

» materias troncalescore curriculum .

Example: This article reviews recent trends in the core curriculum in graduate library school courses accredited by the American Library Association.

» materia troncalcore subject .

Example: Issues considered included whether library planning should be taught as a core subject or an option.

» materia vivaliving matter .

Example: For instance, it's a widely accepted fact among biologists today that all living matter was originally inanimate or dead matter.

» mercado de materias primas, elcommodity market, the .

Example: Problems of price, performance and integration have impeded document management systems from entering the commodity market.

» nombre de materiasubject name .

Example: For Cutter, subject names existed only insofar as they were generally accepted and used by educated people.

» número indicador de materiaSINSubject Indicator Number .

Example: SIN (Subject Indicator Number) and when the subject next occurs, the indexer need only notify the SIN in order to trigger the mechanism for printing the complete set of index entries.

Example: SIN (Subject Indicator Number) and when the subject next occurs, the indexer need only notify the SIN in order to trigger the mechanism for printing the complete set of index entries.

» ordenación por materiassubject arrangement .

Example: In particular, a subject arrangement for serials is likely to be compatible with browsing for current awareness.

» organización de materiassubject organisation .

Example: In simple terms, the essence of subject organisation is the division of literature (or references to literature) into manageable, or scannable categories, with each category being associated with an index term.

» porcentaje de materias servidassubject fill rate .

Example: The following 3 measures of materials availability can be used as indicators of library effectiveness: title fill rate, subject and author fill rate, and browsers' fill rate = Se pueden utilizar las siguientes tres medidas sobre la disponibilidad del material como indicadores de la eficacia de la biblioteca: procentaje de títulos servidos, porcentaje de autores y materias servidas y porcentaje de satisfacción de consultas imprecisas.

» por materiassubject-basedtopically .

Example: He can carry out a subject-based search with a word or term, thus profiting fromthe structure of the classification system without knowing the numbers.

Example: We investigate how best to organize data by comparing retrieval from collections organized topically with retrieval from collections organized chronologically.

» precios de las materias primascommodity prices .

Example: The idea of teletext is to supply, over the airwaves, such items of information as news flashes, the latest sport results, and commodity prices.

» profano en la materianon-scholar .

Example: In the sometimes frenetic push towards international cooperation among research libraries, the library needs of the nonscholar are easily overlooked.

» recuperación por materiassubject accesssubject retrieval .

Example: So bringing together the works of an author is of importance even from the perspective of subject access.

Example: Classification is not the only means of subject retrieval.

» registro de encabezamiento secundario de materiasubject tracing .

Example: It would be useful to have at least optional, bracketed, supplied, possible subject tracings with the FICTION subhead, whereas now these are almost never, or at least most sparsely, supplied.

» salud en materia de procreaciónreproductive health .

Example: She has undertaken desk and field research and produced information sources on nutrition and reproductive health.

» ser la materia prima debe grist to + Posesivo + mill .

Example: All formats, book and non-book, audio and visual, are now grist to the reference librarian's mill.

» ser un experto en la materiaknow + Posesivo + stuffknow + Posesivo + onionsknow + Posesivo + oats .

Example: It is a richly documented, smoothly narrated, and lavishly illustrated study by a historian who knows his stuff and tells it with panache.

Example: Thank goodness he had listened to the office secretary again, she knew her onions.

Example: It looks like your palm reader really knows her oats and she reads tea leaves too.

» subdivisión de materiasubject subdivision .

Example: Subject subdivisions are gathered together into tables in some schedules, such as Language and Literature.

» subencabezamiento de materiasubject heading subdivisiontopical subheading .

Example: The length of Library of Congress cataloguing cards in number of characters increased 24.5% between 1956 and 1981, the number of entries 130.2%, the number of fields 96.9%, and the number of subject heading subdivisions 156.2%.

Example: There is also a complete list of the 76 topical subheadings complete with scope notes and allowable categories.

» terminología usada para las materiassubject terminology .

Example: This information is displayed to allow the borrower to become acquainted with the subject terminology used by the library.

» tratamiento alfabético de materiasalphabetical subject approach .

Example: Such a list seeks to negotiate the problems of the alphabetical subject approach as outlined in the previous chapter.

» usar la materia grisput + Posesivo + thinking cap on .

Example: When teachers use the tongue-in-cheek phrase, 'put on your thinking cap,' they're asking students to concentrate and do their best.

Materia synonyms

issue in spanish: problema, pronunciation: ɪʃu part of speech: noun subject in spanish: tema, pronunciation: səbdʒekt part of speech: noun, adjective material in spanish: material, pronunciation: mətɪriəl part of speech: noun count in spanish: contar, pronunciation: kaʊnt part of speech: noun, verb substance in spanish: sustancia, pronunciation: sʌbstəns part of speech: noun thing in spanish: cosa, pronunciation: θɪŋ part of speech: noun affair in spanish: asunto, pronunciation: əfer part of speech: noun weigh in spanish: pesar, pronunciation: weɪ part of speech: verb topic in spanish: tema, pronunciation: tɑpɪk part of speech: noun
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